Using Atlassian Bitbucket with Eyes
About Bitbucket Integration
The Eyes-Bitbucket integration builds on the branching capabilities in Eyes, and on the Bitbucket pull request and commit functionality.
Eyes supports multiple branches, each of which can consist of multiple test baselines. This lets you create a new branch based on an existing branch, make independent updates to the baselines in each branch, compare branches to detect conflicts, and then merge the baselines in each branch.
Bitbucket integrates with Eyes in the following aspects:
Eyes tests are automatically configured to use and save baselines in branches whose name is derived from the Git branch names.
All visual UI tests that are in a specific CI build, are automatically batched together, with a batch name that includes the Git commit information.
The Bitbucket Pull Request panel includes a status indicating the latest visual UI test results and merge status.
The Bitbucket Commits panel also includes a status indicating the visual UI test result.
When you initiate a Bitbucket pull-request merge, an Eyes branch merge is automatically triggered.
Bitbucket setup
Setting up Bitbucket integration requires the following steps:
Step 1: Integrate Bitbucket with the Eyes server. See Configuring Bitbucket integration.
Step 2: Setup configuration with a proxy server, needed only if the Bitbucket server cannot communicate directly with the Eyes server. See Configuring Bitbucket integration with a proxy server.
Step 3: Setup CI configuration. See Configuring your CI for Bitbucket integration.
Step 4: Setup End of Build notifications, needed if Bitbucket cannot recognize an End of Build event or you have multiple concurrent builds. See Notifying Eyes when a build is complete.
Once Bitbucket integration is complete, see Working with Bitbucket for information about the push and commit workflow.