iOS Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Wed, 08 Feb 2023 03:36:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 iOS 16 – What’s New for Test Engineers Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:07:38 +0000 Learn about what's new in iOS 16, including some new updates Test Engineers should be looking out for.

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Learn about what’s new in iOS 16, including some new updates test engineers should be looking out for.

It’s an exciting time of the year for anyone who uses Apple devices – and that includes QA engineers charged with mobile testing. Apple has just unveiled iOS 16, and as usual it is filled with new features for iOS users to enjoy.

Many of these new features, of course, affect the look and feel and usability of any application running on iOS. If you’re in QA, that means you’ve now got a lot of new testing to do to make sure your application works as perfectly on iOS 16 as it did on previous versions of the operating system.

For example, Apple has just upgraded their iconic “notch” into a “Dynamic Island.” This is significant redesign of a small but highly visual component that your users will see every time they look at their phone. If your app doesn’t function appropriately with this new UI change, your users will notice.

If you’re using Native Mobile Grid for your mobile testing, no need to worry, as Native Mobile Grid already supports automated testing of iOS 16 on Apple devices.

With this in mind, let’s take a look through some of the most exciting new features of iOS 16, with a focus on how they can affect your life as a test engineer.

Customizable Lock Screen

The lockscreen on iOS 16 devices can now be customized far more than before, going beyond changing the background image – you can now alter the appearance of the time as well as add new widgets. Another notable change here is that notifications now pop up from the bottom instead of the top.

As a QA engineer, there are a few things to consider here. First, if your app will have a new lockscreen widget, you certainly need to test it carefully. Performing visual regression testing and getting contrast right will be especially important on an uncertain background.

Even if you don’t develop a widget, it’s worth thinking about (and then verifying) whether the user experience could be affected by your notifications moving from the top of the user’s screen to the bottom. Be sure and take a look at how they will appear when stacked as well to make sure the right information is always visible.

Stacked bottom notifications in iOS 16 – Image via Apple

Notch –> Dynamic Island

As we mentioned above, the notch is getting redesigned into a “Dynamic Island.” This new version of the cutout required for the front-facing camera can now present contextual information about the app you’re using. It will expand and contract based on the info it’s displaying, so it’s not a fixed size.

That means your app may now be resizing around the new “Dynamic Island” in ways it never did with the old notch. Similarly, your contextual notifications may not look quite the same either. This is definitely something worth testing to make sure the user experience is still exactly the way you meant it to be.

dynamic island transitioning from smaller to bigger
Dynamic Island – Image via Apple

Other New iOS 16 Features

There are a lot of other new features, of course. Some of these may not have as direct an impact on the UI or functionality of you own applications, but it’s worth being familiar with them all. Here are a few of the other biggest changes – check them carefully against your own app and be sure to test accordingly.

  • Send, Edit and Unsend Messages: You can now send, edit and unsend content in the Messages app, and you can now send/unsend (as well as schedule delivery) in the Mail app as well
  • Notifications and Live Activities: As mentioned, notifications now come up from the bottom. They can also “update” so that you don’t need to get repeated new notifications from the same app (eg: sports games scores, rideshare ETAs)
  • Live Text and Visual Lookup: iOS users can now extract live text from both photos and videos, as well as copy the subject of an image out of its background and paste it elsewhere
  • Focus Mode and Focus Filters: Focus mode (to limit distractions) can now be attached to custom lockscreens, and applied not just to an app but within an app (eg: restricting specific tabs in a browser)
  • Private Access Tokens: For some apps and websites, Apple will use these tokens to verify that users are human and bypass traditional CAPTCHA checks
  • Other improvements: The Fitness app, Health app, Maps app, iCloud, Wallet and more all got various improvements as well. Siri did too (you can now “speak” emojis ?). See the full list of iOS 16 updates.

Make Your Mobile Testing Easier

Mobile testing is a challenge for many organizations. The number of devices, browsers and screens in play make achieving full coverage extremely time-consuming using traditional mobile testing solutions. At Applitools, we’re focused on making software testing easier and more effective – that’s why we pioneered our industry-leading Visual AI. With the new Native Mobile Grid, you can significantly reduce the time you spend testing mobile apps while ensuring full coverage in a native environment.

Learn more about how you can scale your mobile automation testing with Native Mobile Grid, and sign up for access to get started with Native Mobile Grid today.

The post iOS 16 – What’s New for Test Engineers appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Writing Your First Appium Test For iOS Devices Wed, 13 Apr 2022 01:47:33 +0000 Learn how to create your first Appium test for iOS. Set up and run your first test in this easy-to-follow guide.

The post Writing Your First Appium Test For iOS Devices appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


This is the third and final post in our Hello World introduction series to Appium, and we’ll discuss how to create your first Appium test for iOS. You can read the first post for an introduction to Appium, or the second to learn how to create your first Appium test for Android.

Congratulations on having made it so far. I hope you are slowly becoming more comfortable with Appium and realizing just how powerful a tool it really is for mobile automation, and that it’s not that difficult to get started with it.

This is the final post in this short series on helping you start with Appium and write your first tests. If you need a refresher on what Appium is and writing your first Android test with it, you can read the earlier parts here:

Say Hello to iOS! ?

In this post, we’ll learn how to set up your dev environment and write your first Appium based iOS test.

Setup Dependencies

We’ll need some dependencies to be preinstalled on your dev machine.

Let’s go over them one by one.

Also, remember it’s completely okay if you don’t understand all the details of these in the beginning since Appium pretty much abstracts those details away and you can always dig deeper later on if you need some very specific capabilities of these libraries.

Step 1: Install XCode Select

To run iOS tests, we need a machine running macOS with Xcode installed.

The below command would setup Command-line scripts that are needed for us to be able to run our first test:

xcode-select --install

Step 2: Install Carthage

You can think of Carthage as a tool to allow adding frameworks to your Cocoa applications and to build required dependencies:

brew install carthage

Step 3: Install libimobiledevice

libimobiledevice library allows Appium to talk to iOS devices using native protocols:

brew install libimobiledevice

Step 4: Install ios-deploy

ios-deploy helps to install and debug iOS apps from the command line:

brew install ios-deploy

Step 5: Install ios-webkit-debug-proxy

  • ios_webkit_debug_proxy (aka iwdp) proxies requests from usbmuxd daemon over a web socket connection
  • Allows developers to send commands to MobileSafari and UIWebViews on real and simulated iOS devices.
brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy

Step 6: Optional Dependencies

IDB (iOS Device bridge) is a node JS wrapper over IDB that are a set of utilities made by Facebook:

brew tap facebook/fb
brew install idb-companion
pip3.6 install fb-idb

If you are curious, you could read the below reference blogs below that helped me come up with this shortlist of dependencies and are good reads for more context:

Your First Appium iOS Test

For our first iOS test, we’ll use a sample demo app provided by Appium.

You can download the zip file from here, unzip it and ensure you copy it under src/test/resources dir in the project, such that we have a file under the test resources folder.

If you are following these tests along by checking out the GitHub repo appium-fast-boilerplate, you’ll see the iOS app path is mentioned under a file ios-caps.json under src/main/resources/.

This file represents Appium capabilities in JSON format and you can change them based on which iOS device you want to run them on.

When we run the test DriverManager will pick these up and help create the Appium session. You can read part 2 of this blog series to know more about this flow.

  "platformName": "iOS",
  "automationName": "XCUITest",
  "deviceName": "iPhone 13",
  "app": "src/test/resources/"

Which Steps Would We Automate?

Our app has a set of UI controls with one section representing a calculator wherein we could enter two numbers and get their sum (see below snapshot):

TestApp from appium showing two text buttons, a compute sum button and a result textbox

We would automate the below flow:

  1. Open AUT (Application under test)
  2. Enter first no in Textbox
  3. Enter second no in Textbox
  4. Tap on Compute sum button
  5. Verify the total is indeed correct

Pretty basic right?

Below is how a sample test would look like (see the code here):

import constants.TestGroups;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import pages.testapp.home.HomePage;

public class IOSTest extends BaseTest {

   @Test(groups = {TestGroups.IOS})
   public void addNumbers() {
       String actualSum = new HomePage(this.driver)
               .enterTwoNumbersAndCompute("5", "5")

       Assert.assertEquals(actualSum, "10");

Here, we follow the same good patterns that have served us well (like using Fluent, page objects, a base test, and driver manager) in our tests just as we did in our Android test.

You can read about these in detail in this earlier blog.

Your First iOS Page Object

The beauty of the page object pattern is that it looks very similar regardless of the platform.

Below is the complete page object for the above test that implements the desired behavior for this test.

package pages.testapp.home;

import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class HomePage extends BasePage {
   private final By firstNumber ="IntegerA");
   private final By secondNumber ="IntegerB");
   private final By computeSumButton ="ComputeSumButton");
   private final By answer ="Answer");

   public HomePage(AppiumDriver driver) {

   public HomePage enterTwoNumbersAndCompute(String first, String second) {
       return this;

   public HomePage typeFirstNumber(String number) {
       WebElement firstNoElement = getElement(firstNumber);
       type(firstNoElement, number);
       return this;

   public HomePage typeSecondNumber(String number) {
       WebElement secondNoElement = getElement(secondNumber);
       type(secondNoElement, number);
       return this;

   public HomePage compute() {
       WebElement computeBtn = getElement(computeSumButton);
       return this;

   public String getSum() {
       return getText(getElement(answer));

Let’s unpack this and understand its components.

We create a HomePage class that inherits from BasePage that has wrappers over Appium API methods.

public class HomePage extends BasePage

We define our selectors of type By, using the Appium inspector to discover that name is the unique selector for these elements, in your projects trying to depend on ID is probably a safer bet.

private final By firstNumber ="IntegerA");
private final By secondNumber ="IntegerB");
private final By computeSumButton ="ComputeSumButton");
private final By answer ="Answer");

Next, we initialize this class with a driver instance that’s passed the test and also its parent class to ensure we have the appropriate driver instance set:

public HomePage(AppiumDriver driver) {

We then create a wrapper function that takes two numbers as strings, types numbers in the two text boxes, and taps on the button.

public HomePage enterTwoNumbersAndCompute(String first, String second) {
   return this;

We implement these methods by reusing methods from BasePage while ensuring the correct page object is returned.

Since there is no redirection happening in these tests and it’s a single screen we just return this (i.e. the current page object in Java syntax). This enables writing tests in the Fluent style that you saw earlier.

public HomePage typeFirstNumber(String number) {
   WebElement firstNoElement = getElement(firstNumber);
   type(firstNoElement, number);
   return this;

public HomePage typeSecondNumber(String number) {
   WebElement secondNoElement = getElement(secondNumber);
   type(secondNoElement, number);
   return this;

public HomePage compute() {
   WebElement computeBtn = getElement(computeSumButton);
   return this;

Finally, we return the string that has the sum of two numbers in the getSum() method and let the test perform desired assertions:

public String getSum() {
   return getText(getElement(answer));

Running the Test

Before running the test, ensure that the Appium server is running in another terminal and that your appium 2.0 server has the XCUITest driver installed by following the below steps

# Ensure driver is installed
appium driver install xcuitest

# Start the appium server before running your test

Within the project, you could run the test using the below command or use IntelliJ or equivalent editors test runner to run the desired test.

gradle wrapper clean build runTests -Dtag="IOS" -Dtarget="IOS"


With this, we come to an end to this short three-part series on getting started with Appium, from a general introduction to Appium to working with Android to this post on iOS. Hopefully, this series makes it a little bit easier for you or your friends to get set up with Appium.

Exploring the remainder of Appium’s API, capabilities and tooling is left as an exercise to you, my brave and curious reader. I’m sure pretty soon you’ll also be sharing similar posts and hopefully, I’ll learn a thing or two from you as well. Remember Appium docs, the community, and Appium Conf are great sources to go deeper into Appium ?.

So, what are you waiting for? Go for it!

Remember, you can see the entire project on Github at appium-fast-boilerplate, clone or fork it, and play around with it. Hopefully, this post helps you a little bit in starting on iOS automation using Appium. If you found it valuable, do leave a star on the repo and in case there is any feedback, don’t hesitate to create an issue.

You could also check out for other posts that I’ve written about Software engineering and Testing and this page for a talk that I gave on the same topic.

As always, please do share this with your friends or colleagues and if you have thoughts or feedback, I’d be more than happy to chat over on Twitter or in the comments. Until next time. Happy testing and coding.

The post Writing Your First Appium Test For iOS Devices appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Introducing the Next Generation of Native Mobile Test Automation Tue, 29 Jun 2021 17:38:15 +0000 Native mobile testing can be slow and error-prone with questionable ROI. With Ultrafast Test Cloud for Native Mobile, you can now leverage Applitools Visual AI to test native mobile apps...

The post Introducing the Next Generation of Native Mobile Test Automation appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


Native mobile testing can be slow and error-prone with questionable ROI. With Ultrafast Test Cloud for Native Mobile, you can now leverage Applitools Visual AI to test native mobile apps with stability, speed, and security – in parallel across dozens of devices. The new offer extends the innovation of Ultrafast Cloud beyond browsers and into the mobile applications.

You can sign up for the early access program today!

The Challenge of Testing Native Mobile Apps

Mobile testing has a long and difficult history. Many industry-standard tools and solutions have struggled with the challenge of testing across an extremely wide range of devices, viewports and operating systems.

The approach currently in use by much of the industry today is to utilize a lab made up of emulators, or simulators, or even large farms of real devices. Then the tests must be run on every device independently. The process is not only costly, slow and insecure, but it is prone to errors as well.

At Applitools, we had already developed technology to solve a similar problem for web testing, and we were determined to solve this issue for mobile testing too.

Announcing the Ultrafast Test Cloud for Native Mobile

Today, we are introducing the Ultrafast Test Cloud for Native Mobile. We built on the success of the Ultrafast Test Cloud Platform, which is already being used to boost the performance and quality of responsive web testing by 150 of the world’s top brands. The Ultrafast Test Cloud for Native Mobile allows teams to run automated tests on native mobile apps on a single device, and instantly render it across any desired combination of devices.

“This is the first meaningful evolution of how to test native mobile apps for the software industry in a long time,” said Gil Sever, CEO and co-founder of Applitools. “People are increasingly going to mobile for everything. One major area of improvement needed in delivering better mobile apps faster, is centered around QA and testing. We’re building upon the success of Visual AI and the Ultrafast Test Cloud to make the delivery and execution of tests for native mobile apps more consistent and faster than ever, and at a fraction of the cost.”

The Power of Visual AI and Ultrafast Test Grid

Last year we introduced our Ultrafast Test Grid, enabling teams to test for the web and responsive web applications against all combinations of browsers, devices and viewports with blazing speed. We’ve seen how some of the largest companies in the world have used the power of Visual AI and the Ultrafast Test Grid to execute their visual and functional tests more rapidly and reliably on the web.

We’re excited to now be able to offer the same speed and agility, and security for native mobile applications. If you’re familiar with our current Ultrafast Test Grid offering, you’ll find the experience a familiar one.

A side-by-side image of the Ultrafast Test Cloud for Native Mobile comparing an iPhone 7 to an iPhone 8
The Ultrafast Test Cloud for Native Mobile comparing an iPhone 7 to an iPhone 8

Mobile Apps Are an Increasingly Critical Channel

Mobile usage continues to rise globally, and more and more critical activity – from discovery to research and purchase – is taking place online via mobile devices. Consumers are demanding higher and higher quality mobile experiences, and a poorly functioning site or visual bugs can detract significantly from the user’s experience. There is a growing portion of your audience you can only convert with a five-star quality app experience.

While testing has traditionally been challenging on mobile, the Ultrafast Test Cloud for Native Mobile increases your ability to test quickly, early and often. That means you can develop a superior mobile experience at less cost than the competition, and stand out from the crowd.

Get Early Access

With this announcement, we’re also launching our free early access program, with access to be granted on a limited basis at first. Prioritization will be given to those who register early. To learn more, visit the link below.

The post Introducing the Next Generation of Native Mobile Test Automation appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

A Comprehensive Guide to Testing and Automating Data Analytics Events on Web & Mobile Mon, 14 Jun 2021 21:07:07 +0000 I have been testing Analytics for the past 10+ years. In the initial days, it was very painful and error-prone, as I was doing this manually. Over the years, as...

The post A Comprehensive Guide to Testing and Automating Data Analytics Events on Web & Mobile appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


I have been testing Analytics for the past 10+ years. In the initial days, it was very painful and error-prone, as I was doing this manually. Over the years, as I understood this niche area better, and spent time understanding the reason and impact of data Analytics on any product and business, I started getting smarter about how to test analytics events well.

This post will focus on how to test Analytics for Mobile apps (Android / iOS), and also answer some questions I have gotten from the community regarding the same.

What is Analytics?

Analytics is the “air your product breathes”.  Analytics allows teams to:

  • Know their users
  • Measure outcome and value
  • Take decisions

Why is Analytics important?

Analytics allows the business team and product team to understand how well (or not) the features are being used by the users of the system. Without this data, the team would (almost) be shooting in the dark for the ways the product needs to evolve.

The analytics information is critical data to understand where in the feature journeys the user “drops off” and then the inference will provide insights if the drop is because of the way the features have been designed, or if the user experience is not adequate, or of course, there is a defect in the way the implementation has been done.

How do teams use Analytics?

For any team to know how their product is used by the users, you need to instrument your product so that it can share with you meaningful (non-private) information about the usage of your product. From this data, the team would try to infer context and usage patterns which would serve as inputs to make the product better. 

The instrumentation I refer to above is of different types. 

This can be logs sent to your servers – typically these are technical information about the product. 

Another form of instrumentation would be analytics events. These capture the nature of interaction and associated metadata, and send that information to (typically) a separate server / tool. This information is sent asynchronously and does not have any impact on the functioning, nor performance of the product.

This is typically a 4 step process:

  • Capture
    • You need to know what data you want, and why. 
    • Implement the capturing of data based on specific user action(s)
  • Collect
    • The captured data needs to be collected in a central server. 
    • There are many Analytics tools available (commercial & open-source)
    • Many organizations end up building their own tool based on specific customisations / requirements
  • Prepare data for Analysis
    • The collected data needs to be analysed and put in context to make meaning
  • Report
    • Based on the context of the analysed data, reports would be generated that show patterns with details and reasons
    • This allows teams to evolve the product in better ways for business and their users

How to implement Analytics in your product?

Once you know what information you want to capture and when, implementing Analytics into your product goes through the same process as for your regular product features & functionalities.

How to implement Analytics in your product?

Implementing Analytics

Embedding and Triggering an Analytics Library

Step 1: Embed Analytics library

The analytics library is typically a very light-weight library, and is added as a part of your web pages or your native apps (android or iOS).

Step 2: Trigger the event

Once the library is embedded in the product, whenever the user does any specific, predetermined actions, the front-end client code would capture all the relevant information regarding the event, and then trigger a call to the analytic tool being used with that information.

Ex: Trigger an analytics event when user “clicks on the search button”

The data in the triggered event can be sent in 2 ways:

  1. As part of query parameters in the request.
  2. As part of the POST body in the request. This is a preferred approach if the data to be sent is large.

What is an Analytics Event?

An analytics event is a simple https request sent to the Analytics tool(s) your product uses. Yes, your product may be using multiple tools to capture and visualise different types of information.

Below is an example of an analytics event.

An example of an analytics event

Let’s dissect this call to understand what it is doing:

  • The request in the above example is from my blog, which is using Google Analytics as the tool to capture and understand the readers of my blog.
  • The request itself is a straightforward https call to the “collect” API endpoint. 
  • The real information, as shown in this call, is all the query parameters associated with the request. 
    • For the above request, here is a closer look at the query parameters
A look at the query parameters of our example
  • The query parameters are the collection of information captured to understand what the user (reader of my blog) did.
  • The name-value pairs of query parameters may seem cryptic – and that is not wrong. It is probably designed in this fashion for the following reasons:
  • To reduce the packet size of these requests – which reduces network load, and eventual processing load on the analytics tool as well
    • To try and mask what information is being captured. This probably was more relevant in the http days. Ex: “dnt=1” may indicate that the user has set preferences for “do-not-track=true”
    • The mapping is created based on the analytic tool
  • Even if the request is sent as part of the POST body, it would have similar payload
  • When the request reaches the analytic tool, the tool processes each request based on the mapping it had created, and creates the reports and charts based on what information was received by it

Different ways to test Analytics events

There are different ways to test Analytics events. Let’s understand the same.

Test at the source

Well, if testing the end report is too late, then we need to shift-left and test at the source.

During Development

Based on requirements, the (front-end) developers would be adding the analytics library to the web pages or native apps. Then they set the trigger points when the event should be captured and sent to the analytics tool. 

A good practice is for the analytics event generation and trigger to be implemented as a common function / module, which will be called by any functionality that needs to send an analytics event.

This will allow the developers to write unit tests to ensure:

  1. All the functionalities that need to trigger an event are collecting the correct and expected data (which will be converted to query parameters) to be sent to the common module
  2. The event generation module is working as expected – i.e. the request is created with the right structure and parameters (as received from its callers)
  3. The event can be sent / triggered with the correct structure and details as expected

This approach will ensure that your event triggering and generation logic is well tested. Also, these tests will be able to be run on developer machines as well as your build pipelines / jobs in your CI (Continuous Integration) server. So you get quick feedback in case anything goes wrong.

During Manual / Exploratory Testing

While the unit testing is critical to ensure all aspects of the code works as expected, the context of dynamic data based on real users is not possible to understand from the unit tests. Hence, we also need the System Tests / End-2-End tests to understand if analytics is working well.

A sink next to an motion sensing paper towel dispenser, arranged so that turning on the faucet automatically activates the dispenser. Titled "when you write 2 unit tests and no integration tests".


Let’s look at the details of how you can test Analytics Events during Testing in any of your internal testing environments:

  1. Requirements for testing
    1. You need the ability to capture / see the events being sent from your browser / mobile app
    2. For Browsers, you can simply refer to the Network tab in the Developer Tools
    3. For Native Apps, set up a proxy server on your computer, configure the device to route the traffic through the proxy server. Now launch the app and perform actions / interact with the functionality. All API requests (including Analytics event requests) will be captured in the Proxy server on your computer
  2. Based on the types of actions performed by you in the browser or the native app, you will be able to verify the details of those requests from the Network tab / Proxy server.

The details include – name of the event, and the details in the query parameter

This step is very important, and different from what your unit tests are able to validate. With this approach, you would be able to verify:

  • Aspects like dynamic data (in the query parameters)
  • If any request is repeated / duplicated
  • Whether any request is not getting triggered from your product
  • If requests get triggered on different browsers or devices

All the above is possible to be tested and verified even if you do not have the Analytic tool setup or configured as per business requirements.

The advantage of this approach is that it complements the unit testing, and ensures that your product is behaving as expected in all scenarios.

The only challenge / disadvantage of this aspect is that this is manual testing. Hence, it is very possible to miss out certain scenarios or details to be validated on every manual test cycle. Also, it is impossible to scale and repeat this approach.

As part of Test Automation 

Hence, we need a better approach. The way unit tests are automated, the above activity of testing should also be automated. The next section talks about a solution for how you can automate testing of Analytics events as part of your System / end-2-end test automation.

Test the end-report

This is unfortunately the most common approach teams take to test if the analytics events are being captured correctly, and that too may end up happening in production / or when the app is released for its users. But you need to test early. Hence the above technique of Testing at the source is critical for the team to know if the events are been triggered and validated as soon as the implementation is completed. 

I would recommend this strategy after you have completed Testing at the Source

A collection of charts and graphs for Testing the End Report

There are pros and cons of this approach.

Pros and Cons of Testing the End Report - pros include ensuring the report is set up correctly, cons include licensing, reports not yet set up, and validating all requests are sent / captured.

The biggest disadvantage though of the above approach is that it is too late!

The biggest problem with testing the end report is that it's too late!

That said, there is still a lot of value in doing this. This indicates that your Analytics tool is also configured correctly to accept the data and you are actually able to set up meaningful charts and reports that can indicate patterns and allows you to identify and prioritise the next steps to make the product better.

Automating Analytics Events 

Let’s look at the approach to automate testing of Analytics events as part of your System / end-2-end Test Automation.

We will talk separately about Web & Mobile – as both of them need a slightly different approach.



  • The below technique assumes you are using Selenium WebDriver for your System / end-2-end automation. But you could implement a similar solution based on any other tools / technologies of your choice.


  1. You already have System / end-2-end test automated using Selenium Webdriver
  2. For each System / end-2-end test automated, have a full list of the Analytics events that are expected to be triggered, with all the expected query parameters (name & value)

Integrating with Functional Automation

There are 2 options to accomplish the Analytics event test automation for Web. They are as follows:

  1. Use WAAT

I built WAAT – Web Analytics Automation Testing in Java & Ruby back in 2010. Integrate this in your automation framework using the instructions in the corresponding github pages.

Here is an example of how this test would look using WAAT.

A test shown using WAAT - Web Analytics Automation Testing.

This approach will let you find the correct request and do the appropriate matching of parameters automatically.

  1. Selenium 4 (beta) with Chrome Developer Protocol 

With Selenium 4 almost available, you could potentially use the new APIs to query the network requests from Chrome Developer Protocol

With this approach, you will need to write code to query the appropriate Analytics request from the list of requests captured, and compare the actual query parameters with what is expected.

That said, I will be working on enhancing WAAT to support Chrome Developer Protocol based plugin in the near future. Keep an eye out for updates to the WAAT project in the near future.

Mobile (Android & iOS)


  • The below technique assumes you are using Appium for your System / end-2-end automation. But you could implement a similar solution based on any other tools / technologies of your choice.


  1. You already have System / end-2-end test automated using Appium
  2. For each System / end-2-end test automated, have a full list of the Analytics events that are expected to be triggered, with all the expected query parameters (name & value)

Integrating with Functional Automation

There are 2 options to accomplish the Analytics event test automation for Mobile apps (Android / iOS). They are as follows:

  1. Use WAAT

As described for the web, you can integrate WAAT – Web Analytics Automation Testing in your automation framework using the instructions in the corresponding github pages.

On the device where the test is running, you would need to do the following additional setup as described in the  Proxy setup for Android device

This approach will let you find the correct request and do the appropriate matching of parameters automatically.

  1. Instrument app 

This is a customized implementation, but can work great in some contexts. This is what you can do:

  • Taking developer help, instrument the app to add the analytics events as a log message, in a clear and easily identifiable way
  • For each System / end-2-end test you run, follow these steps
    1. Have a list of expected analytics events with query parameters (in sequence) for this test
    2. Clear the logs on the device
    3. Run the System / end-2-end test
    4. Retrieve the logs from the device
    5. Retrieve all the analytics events that would be added to the logs while running the System / end-2-end tests
    6. Compare the actual analytics events captured with the expected results

This approach will allow us to validate events as they are being sent as a result of running the System / end-2-end tests. 

Differences in Analytics for Mobile Apps Vs Web sites

As you may have noticed in the above sections for Web and Mobile, the actual testing of Analytics events is really the same in either case. The differences arise a little about how to capture the events, and maybe some proxy setup required. 

There is another aspect that is different for Analytics testing for Mobile.

The Analytics tool sdk / library that is added to the Mobile app has an optimising feature – batching! This configurable feature (in most tools) allows customizing the number of requests that should be collected together. Once the batch is full, or on trigger of some specific events (like closing the app), all the events in the batch will be sent to the Analytics tool and then cleared / reset. 

This feature is important for mobile devices, as the users may be on the move, (or using the apps in Airplane mode) and may not have internet connectivity when using the app. In such cases, if the device does not cache the analytics requests, then that data may be lost. Hence it is important for the app to store the analytics events and then send it at a later point when there is connectivity available.

Also, another reason batching of analytics events helps is to minimize the network traffic generated by the app.

So when we are doing the Mobile Analytics events automation, when the test completes, ensure the events are triggered from the app (i.e. from the batch), only then it will be seen in the logs or proxy server, and then validation can be done.

While batching can be a problem for Test Automation (since the events will not be generated / seen immediately), you could take one of these 2 approaches to make your tests deterministic:

  • Configure the batch size to be 1, or turn of batching to enable triggering the events immediately. This can be done for your apps for the non-prod environments or as part of debug builds.
  • Trigger the flushing of the batch through an action in the app (ex. Closing / minimizing the app). Talk to the developers to understand what actions will work for your app.

A Comprehensive System / end-2-end Test Automation Solution

I like to have my System Tests / end-2-end Test Automation solution to have the following capabilities built in:

  • Ability to run tests on multiple platforms (web and native mobile – android & iOS)
  • Run tests in parallel
  • Tests manage their own test data
  • Rich reporting
  • Visual Testing using Applitools Visual AI
  • Analytics Events validation

See this post on Automating Functional / End-2-End Tests Across Multiple Platforms for implementation details for building a robust, scalable and maintainable cross-platform Test Automation Framework

Answers to questions from community

  • How do you add the automated event tests on Android and iOS to the delivery pipeline?
    • If you have automated the tests for Mobile using either of the above approaches, the same would work from CI as well. Of course, the CI agent machines (where the tests will be running) would need to have the same setup as discussed here.
  • How do you make sure that new and old builds are working fine?
    • The expected analytics events are compared with every new build / app generated. Any difference found there will be highlighted as part of your System / end-2-end test execution
  • Is UI testing mandatory to do event testing?
    • There are different levels of testing for Analytics. Refer to the Test at the source section. Ask yourself the question – what is the risk to the business team IF any set of events does not work correctly or relevant details are not captured? If there is a big risk, then it is advisable to do some form of System / end-2-end test automation and integrate Analytics automation along with that.
  • Any suggestions on a shift-right approach here?
    • We should actually be shifting left. Ensure Analytics requirements are part of the requirements, and build and test this along with the actual implementation and testing to prevent surprises later.
  • How do we make sure everything is working fine in Production? Should we consider an alerting mechanism in case of sudden spike or loss of events?
    • You could have a smoke test suite that runs against Production. These tests can validate functionality and analytics events.
    • Regarding the alerts, it is always good to have these setup. The alerts would depend on the Analytics tool that you are using. That said, the nature of alerts would depend on specific functionality of the application-under-test. 
  • What happens when there are a lot of events to be automated? How do you prioritize?
    • Take help from your product team to help prioritise. While all events are important, not all are critical. Do cost / value analysis and based on that, start.
  • Testing at source means only UI testing or native testing? You mentioned about a debug app file, so is it possible to automate the events with native frameworks like espresso and XCUITest or only with Appium?
    • There are 2 aspects of testing at the source – development & testing. Based on this understanding, figure out what unit testing can be done, and what will trigger the tests in context of an integrated testing. If your automated tests using either espresso or XCUITest  can simulate the user actions, which will in-turn trigger the events from the app when the test runs, then you can do Analytics automation at that level as well.
  • Once the events are sent to the Analytics tool, the data would be stored in the database. How do you ensure that events are saved in the database? Did you have any other end to end tests to verify that? How do we make sure that? Verifying the network logs alone doesn’t guarantee that events will be dispatched to database
    • The product / app does not write the events to the database. 
      • You are testing your product, and not the Analytics tool
      • The app makes an https call to send the event with details to an independent Analytics server – which chooses to put this in some data store, in their defined schema. 
      • This aspect in most likelihood will be transparent to you. 
      • Also, in most cases, no one will have access to the Analytics tools’s data store directly. So it does not make sense to verify the data is there in the database. 
    • Another thing to consider – you / the team would be choosing the Analytics tool based on the features it offers, its reliability and stability. So you should not be needing to “test” the Analytics tool, but instead, focus on the integration to ensure everything your team is building, is tested well.
    • So my suggestion is:
      • Test at the source (unit tests + System / end-2-end tests), for each new build
      • Test the end report to ensure final integration is working well, in test and production
  • Sometimes we make use of 3rd party products like to segregate events to different endpoints. As a result sometimes only a subset of the events (basis business rules / cost optimizations) might reach the target endpoint. How to manage these in an automation environment?
    • Same answer as above.

The post A Comprehensive Guide to Testing and Automating Data Analytics Events on Web & Mobile appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

What is Mobile Testing? Thu, 15 Apr 2021 18:29:57 +0000 In this guide, you’ll learn the basics of what it means to test mobile applications. We’ll talk about why mobile testing is important, key types of mobile testing, as well as considerations and best practices to keep in mind.

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In this guide, you’ll learn the basics of what it means to test mobile applications. We’ll talk about why mobile testing is important, key types of mobile testing, as well as considerations and best practices to keep in mind.

What is Mobile Application Testing?

Mobile testing is the process by which applications for modern mobile devices are tested for functionality, usability, performance and much more. 

Note: This includes testing for native mobile apps as well as for responsive web or hybrid apps. We’ll talk more about the differences between these types of mobile applications below.

Mobile application testing can be automated or manual, and helps you ensure that the application you’re delivering to users meets all business requirements as well as user expectations.

Why is Mobile Testing Important?

Mobile internet usage continues to rise even as desktop/laptop internet usage is declining, a trend that has continued unabated for years. As more and more users spend an increasing amount of their time on mobile devices, it’s critical to provide a good experience on your mobile apps.

If you’re not testing the mobile experience your users are receiving, then you can’t know how well your application serves a large and growing portion of your users. Failing to understand this leads to dreaded one-star app reviews and negative feedback on social media.

Mobile app testing ensures your mobile experience is strong, no matter what kind of app you’re using or what platform it is developed for.

Key Considerations of Mobile Testing

As you consider your mobile testing strategy, there are a number of things that are important to keep in mind in order to plan and execute an optimal approach.

Types of Mobile Apps

There are three general categories of mobile applications that you may need to test today:

  • Native Apps are designed specifically for a particular mobile platform (today this typically means either Android or iOS) and are generally downloaded and installed via an app store like Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store. This includes both pure native apps built on Java/Kotlin for Android or Objective-C/Swift for iOS, as well as cross-platform native applications built with frameworks like ReactNative, Flutter and NativeScript.
  • Responsive Web Apps are designed to be accessed on a mobile browser. Web apps can be either a responsive version of a website or a progressive web app (PWA), which adds additional mobile-friendly features.
  • Hybrid Apps are designed as a compromise between native and web apps. Hybrid apps can be installed via app stores just like native apps and may have some native functionality, but at least partially rely on operating essentially as web apps wrapped in a native shell.

Differences between Mobile and Web Testing

There are additional complexities that you need to consider when testing mobile applications, even if you are testing a web app. Mobile users will interact with your app on a large variety of operating systems and devices (Android in particular has numerous operating system versions and devices in wide circulation), with any number of standard resolutions and device-specific functionalities. 

Even beyond the unique devices themselves, mobile users find themselves in different situations than desktop/laptop web users that need to be accounted for in testing. This includes signal strength, battery life, even contrast and brightness as the environment frequently changes.

Ensuring broad test coverage across even just the most common scenarios can be a complex challenge.

Key Types of Mobile Testing

There are a lot of different and important ways to test your mobile application. Here are some of the most common.

Functional Testing

Functional testing is necessary to ensure the basic functions are performing as expected. It provides the appropriate input and verifies the output. It focuses on things like checking standard functionalities and error conditions, along with basic usability.

Usability Testing

Usability testing, or user experience testing, goes further than functional testing in evaluating ease of use and intuitiveness. It focuses on trying to simulate the real experience of a customer using the app to find places where they might get stuck or struggle to utilize the application as intended, or just generally have a poor experience.

Compatibility, performance, accessibility and load testing are other common types of mobile tests to consider.

Manual Testing vs Automated Testing for Mobile

Manual testing is testing done solely by a human, who independently tests the app and methodically searches for issues that a user might encounter and logs them. Automated testing takes certain tasks out of the hands of humans and places them into an automation tool, freeing up human testers for other tasks.

Both types of testing have their advantages. Manual testing can take advantage of human intuitiveness to uncover unexpected errors, but can also be extremely time-consuming. Automated testing saves much of this time and is particularly effective on repetitive tests, but can miss less obvious cases that manual testing might catch.

Whether you use one method or a hybrid approach in your testing will depend on the requirements of your application.

Top Open Source Tools for Mobile Test Automation

There are a number of popular and open source tools and frameworks for testing your mobile apps. A few of the most common include:

  • Espresso – Android-specific and geared towards developers (recommended by Google).
  • XCUITest – iOS specific and geared towards developers (recommended by Apple).
  • Appium – Cross-platform and easy to use, with strong community support.
  • Calabash – Cross-platform with support for Cucumber, Xamarin-based and also easy to use.

For more, you can see a comparison of Appium vs Espresso vs XCUITest here.

Automated Visual Testing for Mobile

Another type of testing to keep in mind is automated visual testing. Traditional testing experiences rely on validating against code, but this can result in flaky tests in some situations, particularly in complex mobile environments. Visual testing works by comparing visual screenshots instead.

Visual testing can be powerful on mobile applications. While the traditional pixel-to-pixel approach can still be quite flaky and prone to false-positives, advances in visual AI – trained against billions of images – make automated visual testing today increasingly accurate.

You can read more about the benefits of visual testing for mobile apps and see a quick example here.

Wrapping Up

Mobile testing can be a complex challenge due to the wide variety of hardware and software variations in common usage today. However, as mobile internet use continues to soar, the quality of your mobile applications is more critical than ever. Understanding the types of tests you need to run, and then executing them with the tools that will make you most effective, will ensure you can deliver your mobile apps in less time and with a superior user experience.

Happy testing!

Keep Reading: Top Educational Resources about Mobile Testing

The post What is Mobile Testing? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Appium vs Espresso vs XCUITest – Understanding how Appium Compares to Espresso & XCUITest Fri, 12 Mar 2021 02:06:42 +0000 In this article we shall look at the Appium, Espresso and XCUITest test automation frameworks. We’ll learn the key differences between them, as well as when and why you should use...

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In this article we shall look at the Appium, Espresso and XCUITest test automation frameworks. We’ll learn the key differences between them, as well as when and why you should use them in your own testing environment.

What is Appium

Appium is an open source test automation framework which is completely maintained by the community. Appium can automate Native, Hybrid, mWeb, Mac Apps and Windows Apps. Appium follows the Selenium W3C protocol which enables the use of the same test code for both Android and iOS applications.

Under the hood Appium uses Espresso or UIAutomator2 as the mode of communication to Android Apps and XCUI for iOS. In a nutshell, Appium provides a stable webdriver interface on top of automation backends provided by Google and Apple.

Installing Appium was a bit of hassle for a long time, hence from Appium 2.0 architecturally we could choose to install the drivers and plugins as we wanted. You can find more details about Appium 2.0 here.

Highlights of Appium

  • When Espresso or XCUI upgrades the API contract, Appium under the hood will make necessary changes and the test will remain unchanged and work as before.
  • supports Cross platform testing, i.e., write one test that runs across many platforms.
  • allows users to write tests in WebDriver compatible languages – Java, Python, C#, Ruby, JS, etc.
  • Does not require application to be recompiled as it uses standard automation APIs across all platforms.
  • A Black box testing tool which also supports Gray box testing to some extent with Espresso’s driver backdoor capability.
  • Can switch between Espresso driver and UIAutomator2 driver for Android in a single session. (For example: Creating a session with Espresso Driver and then we can move to UIAutomator2 to perform actions outside of application under test.)
View the code on Gist.
  • The latest Webdriver W3C Actions API is designed in such a way that any complex gestures can be designed and executed on any platform, e.g., Android, iOS. Below is an example of a swipe gesture that runs on Android and iOS platforms.
View the code on Gist.
View the code on Gist.
  • Appium has a locator strategy specific to Espresso, e.g., Data Matcher strategy, and another for XCUI, e.g., NSPredicates and ClassChain
View the code on Gist.

What is Espresso

Espresso is an Android test framework developed by Google for UI testing. Espresso automatically synchronizes test actions with the user interface of the mobile app and ensures that activity is started well before the actual test run.

Highlights of Espresso

  • Feedback cycle is fast as it doesn’t require server communication. 
  • Allows users to create custom view matchers and is based on Hamcrest matchers.
  • Espresso Framework can be categorized between black box and white box testing, commonly called as gray box testing framework.
  • Accessibility testing is possible in Native Espresso.
  • Requires the entire code base to run the test.
  • Locator strategy is Id from R file.
  • Applitools Ultrafast Grid can be used to perform visual testing.
  • For testing webviews, Espresso internally uses WebDriver APIs to control the behaviour of a webview.
View the code on Gist.

What is XCUITest

The XCUITest framework from Apple helps users write UI tests straight inside the Xcode with the separate UI testing target in the app.

XCUITest uses accessibility identifiers to interact with the main iOS app. XCUITests can be written in Swift or Objective-C. 

There isn’t a reliable framework out there which easily supports testing on Apple TV devices. XCUITest is the only way to verify tvOS apps. SinceXcode 7, Apple has shipped XCTest prebuilt into its development kit. 

Highlights of XCUITest

  • Runs in a separate process from our main iOS app and it doesn’t access an application’s internal methods.
  • XCUIElement class in XCUITest provides gestures such as tap, press, swipe, pinch and rotate.
View the code on Gist.
  • Offers several inbuilt assertions e.g., XCTKVOExpectation, XCTNSNotificationExpectation, XCTDarwinNotificationExpectation, XCTNSPredicateExpectation, etc.
View the code on Gist.


Appium, Espresso and XCUI can each fill different needs for UI testing. The way to choose between them is to consider the requirements of your project. If your scope is limited just to one platform and you want comprehensive and embedded UI testing, XCUI or Espresso are great fits. For cross-platform testing across iOS, Android, and Hybrid then Appium is your best choice. 

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How Do I Test Mobile Apps At Scale With Google Firebase TestLab And Applitools? Tue, 01 Sep 2020 23:56:57 +0000 Google Firebase Test Lab is a cloud-based app-testing infrastructure. With one operation, you can test your Android or iOS app across a wide variety of devices and device configurations, and see the results—including...

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Google Firebase Test Lab is a cloud-based app-testing infrastructure. With one operation, you can test your Android or iOS app across a wide variety of devices and device configurations, and see the results—including logs, videos, and screenshots—in the Firebase console.

Firebase Test Lab runs Espresso and UI Automator 2.0  tests on Android apps, and XCTest   tests on iOS apps. Write tests using one of those frameworks, then run them through the Firebase console or the gcloud command line interface.

Firebase Test Lab lets you run the following types of tests:

  • Instrumentation test: A test you write that allows you to drive the UI of your app with the actions you specify. An instrumentation test can also make explicit assertions about the state of your app to verify correct functionality using AndroidJUnitRunner APIs. Test Lab supports Espresso and UI Automator 2.0 instrumentation test frameworks.
  • Robo test: A test that analyses your app’s interface and then explores it automatically by simulating user activities.
  • Game loop test: A test that uses a “demo mode” to simulate player actions in game apps.

How do I validate the Visual UI in Multiple Devices?

As with all web and mobile applications. Applitools offers an easy, consistent way to collect visual data from multiple device types running different viewport sizes. In the rest of this article, you will run through a demonstration for using Applitools with Google Firebase Test Lab.


In this Demo I have choose a simple “Hello World” app,  and to keep you running we already have an example Espresso Instrumentation Test you can find the Complete Project here 


I know you have looked into the GitHub repo. Let’s just get few more prerequisites installed and make sure they are ready to use and deep dive. Make sure you have installed and/or configured the following:

  • Java Installed
  • JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the Java SDK path
  • Android Studio IDE

Installing the Android Studio

Now let’s install Android Studio / SDK so that you can run the test script on an emulator or real device. You could install the Android SDK only but then you have to do additional advanced steps to properly configure the Android environment on your computer. I highly recommend installing the Android Studio as it makes your life easier.

Download the   Android Studio executable. Follow the steps below to install locally on your computer:

Run the Visual UI Test locally

1. Get the code:

  • Option 1: git clone
  • Option 2: Download it as a Zip file and unzip it.

2. Import the project into Android Studio


The Script

Let’s look at the Instrumented test ExampleInstrumentedTest under androidTest.

View the code on Gist.

Before we run the test on Firebase lets run it on local emulator.

  1. Configure a local device Emulator from the AVD Manager in your android studio
  2. Insert Your Applitools API KEY in the test
  3. Launch the SimpleTest () from the This will launch the Instrumentation test in the emulator.

That’s pretty easy isn’t it? Applitools will now capture each screen where the eyes.CheckWindow() is called and create a baseline on the first run.

Once the test completes, you can analyze the test results on the Applitools dashboard.



Now let’s run the test on Firebase devices. To do this we need first need an account so let’s get that

Step1: Navigate to and click on sign in

Step2: Click on Go to Console, Navigates to the Console Dashboard


Step3:  Create a Project, once you create a project, all good to explore the dashboard and see through all the features available here.


 Step 4: Lets Add the Configurations in android studio to run the tests

  • Click on Run and select the edit configurations.
  • Click on the + button to create a new android launch/debug configuration based on templates.
  • Select the Android Instrumentation Tests > In the Module select app >
    Test as Class >
  • Now in the Deployment Target Options select Firebase Test lab Device Matrix

Step 5: Sign in with Google Firebase account and click ok

Step 6: Re-open the edit configurations

Now you can see the configure settings for Matrix configuration and cloud project

Select your project and add one or more custom devices from list of 150. For now let’s add 2 devices, Platform Android 9.x, API Level 28 (pie), Locale, Orientation.

We will use these devices to run our Instrumentation test on Firebase.


That’s it we are all good to run our test on the Firebase

Click on Run Example Instrumented Test this will now execute you tests on the devices you have selected on Firebase.

 Let’s Go back to The Test lab on Firebase and you can see your tests running over there Parallelly with visual comparison checks done on Applitools AI Platform.



Applitools allows you to test your mobile app by running it on any device lab. Google Firebase allows a streamline platform for developers (build) and quality engineers (test) to run tests on any device configuration. The integration make it easier to use the best of platforms for best quality applications.

For More Information

The post How Do I Test Mobile Apps At Scale With Google Firebase TestLab And Applitools? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
