Conference Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Thu, 30 Nov 2023 21:31:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Should We Fear AI in Test Automation? Mon, 04 Dec 2023 13:39:00 +0000 Richard Bradshaw explores fears around the use of AI in test automation shared during his session—The Fear Factor—at Future of Testing.

The post Should We Fear AI in Test Automation? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


At the recent Future of Testing: AI in Automation event hosted by Applitools, I ran a session called ‘The Fear Factor’ where we safely and openly discussed some of our fears around the use of AI in test automation. At this event, we heard from many thought leaders and experts in this domain who shared their experiences and visions for the future. AI in test automation is already here, and its presence in test automation tooling will only increase in the very near future, but should we fear it or embrace it?

During my session, I asked the attendees three questions:

  • Do you have any fears about the use of AI in testing?
  • In one word, describe your feelings when you think about AI and testing.
  • If you do have fears about the use of AI in testing, describe them.

Do you have any fears about the use of AI in testing?

Where do you sit?

I’m in the Yes camp, and let me try to explain why.

Fear can mean many things, but one of them is the threat of harm. It’s that which concerns me in the software testing space. But that harm will only happen if teams/companies believe that AI alone can do a good enough job. If we start to see companies blindly trusting AI tools for all their testing efforts, I believe we’ll see many critical issues in production. It’s not that I don’t believe AI is capable of doing great testing—it’s more the fact that many testers struggle to explain their testing, so to have good enough data to train such a model feels distant to me. Of course, not all testing is equal, and I fully expect to see many AI-based tools doing some of the low-hanging fruit testing for us.

In one word, describe your feelings when you think about AI and testing.

It’s hard to disagree with the results from this question—if I were to pick two myself, I would have gone with ‘excited and skeptical.’ I’m excited because we seem to be seeing new developments and tools each week. On top of that, though, we are starting to see developments in tooling using AI outside of the traditional automation space, and that really pleases me. Combine that with the developments we are seeing in the automation space, such as autonomous testing, and the future tooling for testing looks rather exciting.

That said, though, I’m a tester, so I’m skeptical of most things. I’ve seen several testing tools now that are making some big promises around the use of AI, and unfortunately, several that are talking about replacing or needing fewer testers. I’m very skeptical of such claims. If we pause and look across the whole of the technology industry, the most impactful use of AI thus far is in assisting people. Various GPTs help generate all sorts of artifacts, such as code, copy, and images. Sometimes, it’s good enough, but the majority of the time is helping a human be more efficient—this use of AI and such messaging, excites me.

If you do have fears about the use of AI in testing, describe them here.

We got lots of responses to this question, but I’m going to summarise and elaborate on four of them:

  • Job security
  • Learning curve
  • Reliability & security
  • How it looks

Job Security

Several attendees shared they were concerned about AI replacing their jobs. Personally, I can’t see this happening. We had the same concern with test automation, and that never really materialized. Those automated tests don’t maintain themselves, or write themselves, or share the results themselves. The direction shared by Angie Jones in her talk Where Is My Flying Car?! Test Automation in the Space Age, and Tariq King in his talk, Automating Quality: A Vision Beyond AI for Testing, is AI that assists the human, giving them superpowers. That’s the future I hope, and believe we’ll see, where we are able to do our testing a lot more efficiently by having AI assist us. Hopefully, this means we can release even quicker, with higher quality for our customers.

Another concern shared was about skills that we’ve spent years and a lot of effort learning, suddenly being replaced by AI. Or significantly easier with AI. I think this is a valid concern but also inevitable. We’ve already seen AI have a significant benefit to developers with tools like GitHub Copilot. However, I’ve got a lot of experience with Copilot, and it only really helps when you know what to ask for—this is the same with GPTs. Therefore, I think the core skills of a tester will be crucial, and I can’t see AI replacing those.

Learning Curve

If we are going to be adding all these fantastic AI tools into our tool belts, I feel it’s going to be important we all have a basic understanding of AI. This concern was shared by the attendees. For me, if I’m going to be trusting a tool to do testing for me or generating test artefacts for me, I definitely want that basic understanding. So, that poses the question, where are we going to get this knowledge from?

On the flip side of this, what if we become over-reliant on these new AI tools? A concern shared by attendees was that the next generation of testers might not have some of the core skills we consider important today. Testers are known for being excellent thinkers and practitioners of critical thinking. If the AI tools are doing all this thinking for us, we run the risk of those skills losing their focus and no longer being taught. This could lead to us being over-reliant on such tools, but also the tools biassing the testing that we do. But given that the community is focusing on this already, I feel it’s something we can plan to mitigate and ensure this doesn’t happen.

Reliability & Security

Data, data, data. A lot of fears were shared over the use and collection of data. The majority of us work on applications where data, security, and integrity are critical. I absolutely share this concern. I’m no AI expert, but the best AI tools I’ve used thus far are ones that are contextual to my domain/application, and to do that, we need to train it on our data. These could lead to data bleeding and private data, and that is a huge challenge I think the AI space has yet to solve.

One of the huge benefits of AI tooling is that it’s always learning and, hopefully, improving. But that brings a new challenge to testing. Usually, when we create an automated test, we are codifying knowledge and behavior, to create something that is deterministic, we want it to do the same thing over and over again. This provides consistent feedback. However, with an AI-based tool it won’t always do the same thing over and over again—it will try and apply its intelligence, and here’s where the reliability issues come in. What it tested last week may not be the same this week, but it may give us the same indicator. This, for me, emphasizes the importance of basic AI knowledge but also that we use these tools as an assistant to our human skills and judgment.

How It Looks

Several attendees shared concerns about how these AI tools are going to look. Are they going to a completely black box, where we enter a URL or upload an app and just click Go? Then the tool will tell us pass or fail, or perhaps it will just go and log the bugs for us. I don’t think so. As per Angie’s and Tariq’s talk I mentioned before, I think it’s more likely these tools will focus on assistance. 

These tools will be incredibly powerful and capable of doing a lot of testing very quickly. However, what they’ll struggle to do is to put all the information they find into context. That’s why I like the idea of assistance, a bunch of AI robots going off and collecting information for me. It’s then up to me to process all that information and put it into the context of the product. The best AI tool is going to be the one that makes it as easy as possible to process the masses of information these tools are going to return.

Imagine you point an AI bot at your website, and within minutes, it’s reporting accessibility issues to you, performance issues, broken links, broken buttons, layout issues, and much more. It’s going to be imperative that we can process that information as quickly as possible to ensure these tools continue to support us and don’t drown us in information.

Visit the Future of Testing: AI in Automation archive

In summary, AI is here, and more is coming. It’s very exciting times in the software testing tooling space, and I’m really looking forward to playing with more new tools. I think we need to be curious with these new tools, try them, and see what sticks. The more tools we have in our tool belts, the more options we have to solve our ever-increasing complex testing challenges. 

The post Should We Fear AI in Test Automation? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Future of Testing: AI in Automation Recap Tue, 28 Nov 2023 13:13:00 +0000 Recap of the Future of Testing: AI in Automation conference. Watch the on-demand sessions to learn actionable steps to implement AI in your software testing strategy, key considerations around ethics and philosophical considerations, the importance of quality and security, and much more.

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The latest edition of the Future of Testing events, held on November 7, 2023, was nothing short of inspiring and thought-provoking! Focused on AI in Automation, attendees learned how to leverage AI in software testing with top industry leaders like Angie Jones, Tariq King, Simon Stewart, and many more. All of the sessions are available now on-demand, and below, we take a look back at these groundbreaking sessions to give you a sneak peek of what to expect before you watch.

Opening Remarks

Joe Colantonio from TestGuild and Dave Piacente from Applitools set the stage for a thought-provoking discussion on reimagining test automation with AI. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it’s important for software testing professionals to adapt and embrace new tools and techniques. Joe and Dave encouraged attendees to explore the potential of AI in test automation and how it can enhance their current processes. They also touch upon the challenges faced by traditional test automation methods and how AI-powered solutions can help overcome them.

Dave shared one of our latest updates – the integration of Applitools Eyes with Preflight! Learn more about Preflight.

Keynote—Reimagining Test Automation with AI by Anand Bagmar

In this opening session, Anand Bagmar explored how to reimagine your test automation strategies with AI at each stage of the test automation life cycle, including a live demo showcasing the power of AI in test automation with Applitools.

Anand first introduced the transition from Waterfall to Agile software delivery practices, and while we can’t imagine going back to a Waterfall way of working, he addressed the challenges Agile brings to the software testing life cycle. Each iteration brings more room for error across analysis, maintenance, and validation of tests. This is why testers should turn toward AI-powered test automation, with the help of tools like Applitools, to help ease the pain of Agile testing.

The session is aimed at helping testers understand the importance of leveraging AI technology for successful test automation, as well as empowering them to become more effective in their roles. Watch now.

From Technical Debt to Technical Capital by Denali Lumma

In this session, Denali Lumma from Modular dived into the concept of technical debt and proposed a new perspective on how we view it – technical capital. She walked attendees through key mathematical concepts that help calculate technical capital, as well as examples comparing Pytorch vs. TensorFlow, MySQL vs.Postgres, Frameworks vs. Code Editors, and more.

Attendees gained insights into calculating technical capital and how it can impact the valuation of a company. Watch now.

Automating Quality: A Vision Beyond AI for Testing by Tariq King

Tariq King of EPAM Systems took attendees on a journey through the evolution of software testing and how it has been impacted by generative AI. He shared his vision for the future of automated quality, one that looks beyond just AI to also prioritize creativity and experimentation. Tariq emphasized the need for quality and not just using AI to “go faster.” The more quality you have, the more productive you will be.

Tariq also dove into the ethical implications of using AI for testing and how it can be used for good or evil. Watch the full session.

Leveraging ChatGPT with Cypress for API Testing: Hands-On Techniques by Anna Patterson

In this session, Anna Patterson of EVERFI explored practical techniques and provided hands-on examples of how to harness the combined power of Cypress and ChatGPT to create robust API tests for your applications.

Anna guided us through writing descriptive and clear test prompts using HTML status codes, with a pet store website as an example. She showed in real-time how meaningful prompts in ChatGPT can help you create a solid API test suite, while also considering the security requirements of your company. Watch now.

PANEL—Testing in the AI Era: Opportunities, Hurdles, and the Evolving Role of Engineers

Joe Colantonio, Test Guild • Janna Loeffler, mParticle • Dave Piacente, Applitools • Stephen Williams, Accenture

As the use of AI in software development continues to grow, it is important for engineers and testers to stay ahead of the curve. In this panel discussion led by Joe Colantonio from Test Guild, Janna Loeffler from mParticle, Dave Piacente from Applitools, and Stephen Williams from Accenture came together to discuss the current state of AI implementation and its impact on testing.

They talked about how AI is still in its early stages of adoption and why there may always be some level of distrust in AI technology. The panel emphasized the importance of first understanding why you might implement AI in your testing strategy so that you can determine what the technology will help to solve vs. jumping in right away. Many more incredible takes and insights were shared in this interactive session! Watch now.

The Fear Factor with Richard Bradshaw

The Friendly Tester, Richard Bradshaw, addressed the common fears about AI and automation in testing. Attendees heard Richard’s open and honest discussion on the challenges and concerns surrounding AI and automation in testing. Ultimately, he calmed many fears around AI and gave attendees a better understanding of how they can begin to use it in their organization and to their own advantage. Watch now.

Tests Too Slow? Rethink CI! by Simon Stewart

Simon Stewart from the Selenium Project discussed the latest updates on how to speed up your testing process and improve the reliability of your CI runs. He shared insights into the challenges and tradeoffs involved in this process, as well as what is to come with Selenium and Bazel.
Attendees learned how to rethink their CI approach and use these tools to get faster feedback and more reliable testing results. Watch now.

Revolutionizing Testing: Empowering Manual Testers with AI-Driven Automation by Dmitry Vinnik

Dmitry Vinnik explored how AI-driven automation is revolutionizing the testing process for manual testers. He showed how Applitools’ Visual AI and Preflight help streamline test maintenance and reduce the need for coding.

Dmitry shared the importance of test maintenance, no code solutions for AI testing, and a first-hand look at Applitools Preflight. Watch this session to better understand how AI is transforming testing and empowering manual testers to become more effective in their roles. Watch the full session.

Keynote—Where Is My Flying Car?! Test Automation in the Space Age by Angie Jones

In her closing keynote, Angie Jones of Block took us on a trip into the future to see how science fiction has influenced the technology we have today. The Jetsons predicted many futuristic inventions such as robots, holograms, 3D printing, smart devices, and drones. We will explore these predictions and see how far we have come regarding automation and technology in the testing space.

As technology continues to evolve, it is important for testers to stay updated and adapt their strategies accordingly. Angie dove into the exciting world of tech innovation and imagined the future for test automation in the space age. Watch now.

Visit the full Future of Testing: AI in Automation on-demand archive to watch now and learn actionable steps to implement AI in your software testing strategy, key considerations before you start, other ideas around ethics and philosophical considerations, the importance of quality and security, and much more.

The post Future of Testing: AI in Automation Recap appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

TSQA 2020 – See You There! Mon, 24 Feb 2020 02:11:24 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in the Triangle Software Quality Association (TSQA) 2020 Conference at the Durham Convention Center in Durham, North Carolina later this week.  What is TSQA...

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TSQA 2020 - logo

We are looking forward to participating in the Triangle Software Quality Association (TSQA) 2020 Conference at the Durham Convention Center in Durham, North Carolina later this week. 

What is TSQA 2020? TSQA (@TISQA_RTP, #TSQA2020) brings together software professionals from around the country for intimate workshops, networking, discussions, and talks from internationally-known speakers. Software testers, developers, test managers, agile practitioners and more come together to share insight into the trends and technologies emerging in today’s QA landscape. This year’s conference will be held on February 27. 

We are proud to be a sponsor of TSQA 2020. Stop by our booth to meet the team, and learn more about the latest developments around Visual AI for intelligent functional and visual testing that support QA automation and continuous quality. 

Also, we just announced the winners of our Visual AI Rockstar Hackathon! Participants in the hackathon were tasked to catch and fix functional and visual bugs in a pre-built application using both their preferred code-based approach and Visual AI. They wrote automation tests for five common use cases, where they used Selenium or Cypress test runners, and programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, Python, and C#. The $42,000 prize pool recognized those who delivered the most test coverage and the highest quality test results. 

We also encourage you to grow your test automation skills by taking courses on Test Automation University. Test Automation University is a free, community-driven educational training program headed by industry leader Angie Jones, with courses by world-class instructors aimed at keeping your skills up to date. 

We hope to see you @ TSQA 2020!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at TSQA 2020, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account

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QA E-Commerce Forum London 2019 – See You There! Wed, 27 Nov 2019 15:40:52 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in the QA E-Commerce Forum London 2019 at Le Méridien Piccadilly in London’s beautiful Mayfair neighbourhood.  What is the QA E-Commerce Forum? The QA...

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London E-commerce Forum London 2019

We are looking forward to participating in the QA E-Commerce Forum London 2019 at Le Méridien Piccadilly in London’s beautiful Mayfair neighbourhood. 

What is the QA E-Commerce Forum? The QA E-Commerce Forum (@QA_financial) brings together the software quality assurance community, where leading retailing brands share with other industry top minds the return they seeing from delivering software quality assurance. Speakers will be discussing topics like continuous delivery, AI, microservices and more. This year’s conference will be held on December 4. 

With now more than ever, software quality assurance is critical to winning market share. It’s not just about more software, faster — it’s about better software that enables the release of robust apps that deliver a flawless user experience without fail. This is why the third edition of the QA E-commerce Forum is focused on the key drivers of QA, including the latest technologies for continuous testing and delivery.

Topics that will be covered in this unique one-day executive forum include:

  • Virtualisation, containerisation and other cutting edge automation technologies
  • AI and machine learning: software is writing software, but how do we test the results?
  • UX, voice and mobile: what customers want, and how leading retailers are delivering it
  • The Cloud: software testing as a service and the management of test environments
  • Value stream management and benchmarking best practice
  • The choices between open-source and off-the-shelf testing tools
  • Performance and load testing, crowd testing and network testing
  • Data-driven software: data management as the foundation for all software development and AI

We are proud to be a sponsor of the QA Financial E-Commerce Forum London 2019. Stop by our booth to learn more about the latest developments around end-to-end visual testing and monitoring techniques that support QA automation and continuous quality. 

Additionally, we recently expanded our capabilities to include functional testing. Development and QA teams can now use Applitools Eyes to catch both functional and visual bugs early in the dev cycle and fix them in a fraction of the time, driving 2.8x faster release cycles, 2.6x improvement in bug detection, and highly reliable automatic maintenance. 

We also encourage you to grow your test automation skills by taking courses on Test Automation University. Test Automation University is a free, online educational training program led by world-class instructors aimed at keeping your testing skills up to date. 

We hope to see you there!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at the QA Financial E-Commerce Forum, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.

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The QA E-commerce Forum New York 2019 – See You There! Mon, 11 Nov 2019 19:12:16 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in the QA E-commerce Forum at the Harvard Club in New York, New York later this week. What is the QA E-commerce Forum? QA...

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QA E-Commerce Forum New York 2019 - logo

We are looking forward to participating in the QA E-commerce Forum at the Harvard Club in New York, New York later this week.

What is the QA E-commerce Forum? QA E-commerce Forum (by our good friends @ QA Financial — @QA_financial, #QAFNYbrings together leaders in the retail industry to discuss the latest technologies for QA, continuous testing and delivery, and five-star UX. Attendees will hear from leaders at Walmart, Etsy, Wayfair, Disney and more. This year’s conference will be held on November 14. 

We are proud to be a sponsor of the QA E-commerce Forum New York 2019. Stop by our booth to grab your “Visually Perfect” swag, meet the team, and to learn more about the latest developments around end-to-end visual testing and monitoring techniques that support QA automation and continuous quality.

Also, make sure to check out the Applitools Visual AI Rockstar Hackathon! The hackathon will recognize and reward the top 100 functional and visual test engineers out of 500 total possible registrants. Software developers, QA professionals and test automation engineers will compete for $34,000 in cash prizes and a total of 10 tickets to 2020 SeleniumConf for $42,000 in prizes. Be among one of the 500 by signing up here

We also encourage you to grow your test automation skills by taking courses on Test Automation University. Test Automation University is a free, community-driven educational training program led by world-class instructors aimed at keeping your skills up to date. 

We hope to see you there!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at the QA Financial Forum, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.

The post The QA E-commerce Forum New York 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

QA Financial Forum (QAF) New York 2019 – See You There! Mon, 11 Nov 2019 19:08:26 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in the QA Financial Forum New York at the Harvard Club in New York, NY this week.  What is the QA Financial Forum? QAF...

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QA Financial Forum New York 2019 - logo

We are looking forward to participating in the QA Financial Forum New York at the Harvard Club in New York, NY this week. 

What is the QA Financial Forum? QAF (@QA_financial, #QAFNY) brings together software quality assurance leaders to discuss issues that banks, trading platforms and insurance companies face when implementing new software automation technologies. The forum focuses on how financial firms implement software quality. Leaders will be discussing DevSecOps, AI, machine learning, accessibility testing, and more. This year’s conference will be held on November 13. 

Speakers include distinguished industry members from leading global financial firms, such as BNY Mellon, London Stock Exchange Group, Dow Jones, Liberty Mutual, Barclay’s, Bank of America, AIG, Capital One, and more.

We are proud to be a sponsor of the QA Financial Forum New York 2019. Stop by our booth to grab your “Visually Perfect” swag, meet the team, and to learn more about the latest developments around end-to-end visual testing and monitoring techniques that support QA automation and continuous quality. 

Also, make sure to check out the Applitools Visual AI Rockstar Hackathon! The hackathon will recognize and reward the top 100 functional and visual test engineers out of 500 total possible registrants. Software developers, QA professionals and test automation engineers will compete for $34,000 in cash prizes and a total of 10 tickets to 2020 SeleniumConf for $42,000 in prizes. Be among one of the 500 by signing up here

We also encourage you to grow your test automation skills by taking courses on Test Automation University. Test Automation University is a free, community-driven educational training program led by world-class instructors aimed at keeping your skills up to date. 

We hope to see you there!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at the QA Financial Forum, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.

The post QA Financial Forum (QAF) New York 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

EuroSTAR 2019 – See You There! Sun, 10 Nov 2019 15:49:48 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in the EuroSTAR 2019 at the Prague Congress Centre in Prague, Czech Republic this week.  What is EuroSTAR? EuroSTAR Conference (@esconfs, #EuroSTARConf2019) brings together the...

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EuroSTAR 2019 - logo

We are looking forward to participating in the EuroSTAR 2019 at the Prague Congress Centre in Prague, Czech Republic this week. 

What is EuroSTAR? EuroSTAR Conference (@esconfs, #EuroSTARConf2019) brings together the European software testing community for four full days of collaboration and networking. Software testers and quality assurance professionals can expand their knowledge through more than 60 keynote sessions, workshops, tutorials, and track talks from test and software quality experts. This year’s conference will be held November 11-14. 

We are proud to be a sponsor of the EuroSTAR Conference 2019. Stop by our booth to get your “Visually Perfect” swag, and to learn more about the latest developments around end-to-end visual testing and monitoring techniques that support QA automation and continuous quality. 

Also, make sure to check out the Applitools Visual AI Rockstar Hackathon! The hackathon will recognize and reward the top 100 functional and visual test engineers out of 500 total possible registrants. Software developers, QA professionals and test automation engineers will compete for $34,000 in cash prizes and a total of 10 tickets to 2020 SeleniumConf for a total of $42,000 in prizes. Be among one of the 500 by signing up here

We also encourage you to grow your test automation skills by taking courses on Test Automation University. Test Automation University is a free, community-driven educational training program led by world-class instructors aimed at keeping your skills up to date. 

We hope to see you there!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at EuroSTAR 2019, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.


The post EuroSTAR 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Agile + DevOps East 2019 – See You There! Tue, 05 Nov 2019 11:34:51 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in the Agile + DevOps East 2019 at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Hotel in Orlando, Florida this week.  What is Agile +...

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Agile + DevOps East 2019 Conference

We are looking forward to participating in the Agile + DevOps East 2019 at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Hotel in Orlando, Florida this week. 

What is Agile + DevOps East Conference? Agile + DevOps East Conference (#AgileDevOpsCon) was created by Techwell (@TechWell) to bring together technology practitioners focused on delivering reliable, secure software applications.

The conference offers over 100 learning opportunities where attendees can learn from industry experts on how to leverage agile and DevOps during their software deployment to reduce lead time and ensure successful delivery. This year’s conference will be held from November 3-8. 

We are proud to be a sponsor of the Agile + DevOps East Conference 2019. Stop by our booth to meet the team, grab your “Visually Perfect” tee (and pen, sticker, and even baby onesie!), and learn more about the latest developments around end-to-end visual testing and monitoring techniques that support QA automation and continuous quality. 

Additionally, we recently expanded our capabilities to include functional testing. Development and QA teams can now use Applitools Eyes to catch both functional and visual bugs early in the dev cycle and fix them in a fraction of the time, driving 2.8x faster release cycles, 2.6x improvement in bug detection, and highly reliable automatic maintenance. 

We also encourage you to grow your test automation skills by taking courses on Test Automation University. Test Automation University is a free, community-driven educational training program led by world-class instructors aimed at keeping your skills up to date and fresh. 

We hope to see you there!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at Agile + DevOps East 2019, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.


The post Agile + DevOps East 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Agile Testing Days EU 2019 – See You There! Fri, 25 Oct 2019 15:41:43 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in the Agile Testing Days EU 2019 in beautiful Potsdam, Germany during the first week of November.  What is the Agile Testing Days Conference?...

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Agile Testing Days EU Conference - Logo

We are looking forward to participating in the Agile Testing Days EU 2019 in beautiful Potsdam, Germany during the first week of November. 

What is the Agile Testing Days Conference? Agile Testing Days EU (@AgileTD, #AgileTD) was created to bring together software professionals from around the globe to expand their skills in agile and testing.

Attendees will have the opportunity to expand their skillset alongside other professionals in the agile and testing space through networking, talks, workshops and other sessions. This year’s conference will be held from November 3-8. 

We are proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the 2019 Agile Testing Days Conference. On the expo days, Nov 5-8, stop by our booth at the expo hall — meet the team, grab your “Visually Perfect” t-shirt, pen, sticker, and baby onesie (!!!), and learn more about the latest developments around end-to-end visual testing and monitoring techniques that support QA automation and continuous quality. 

Additionally, we recently expanded our capabilities to include functional testing. Development and QA teams can now use Applitools Eyes to catch both functional and visual bugs early in the dev cycle and fix them in a fraction of the time, driving 2.8x faster release cycles, 2.6x improvement in bug detection, and highly reliable automatic maintenance. 

We also encourage you to grow your test automation skills (and keep them up to date!) by taking online courses on Test Automation University. Headed by Industry thought leader Angie Jones, Test Automation University is a free educational training platform, which includes testing and programming courses by world-class instructors. 

We hope to see you @ AgileTD EU 2019!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at Agile Testing Days, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.

The post Agile Testing Days EU 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

STARWEST 2019 – See You There! Mon, 23 Sep 2019 17:55:49 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in STARWEST 2019 at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California early next month (October).  What is STARWEST? STARWEST (@TechWell, #STARWEST) is an annual conference...

The post STARWEST 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

STARWEST - Conference logo

We are looking forward to participating in STARWEST 2019 at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California early next month (October). 

What is STARWEST? STARWEST (@TechWell, #STARWEST) is an annual conference hosted by TechWell that brings together the top leaders in the software testing industry. At this conference, attendees will have access to over 100 learning and networking opportunities. This year’s conference will be held from September 29 – October 4. 

We are scheduled to present throughout the conference beginning Monday, September 30 @ 8:30 a.m. PDT. Angie Jones — Senior Developer Advocate at Applitools and leader of Test Automation University — will be presenting an exclusive tutorial “Visual Validation for Test Automation.” Angie will be discussing automated UI tests using Java, Selenium WebDriver, JUnit, and Applitools, as well as evaluating visual test results and where to add visual assertions. 

On Tuesday, October 1 @ 8:30 a.m. PDT and Wednesday, October 2 @ 2:45 p.m. PDT, Angie will present “Clean Coding Practices for Test Automation” and What’s That Smell? Tidying Up Our Test Code. During both presentations, Angie will walk through a test automation code base and discuss violations as well as a cleaner approach. ​Participants will learn why certain approaches prove to be problematic and how to implement cleaner practices within test automation. 

Applitools’ co-founder and COO Moshe Milman shares Selenium IDE Is Making a Comeback—Can Codeless Testing Scale?” on Thursday, October 3 @ 11:15 a.m. PDT. Moshe dives into a hands-on demo of the new Selenium IDE, reviews some of its new capabilities, and goes over the latest open source and commercial tools and trends in the codeless test automation space. 

Angie is also scheduled to present on Friday, October 4 @ 10:00 a.m. PDT regarding “Societal Influence on the Gender Imbalance in Technology”. Angie will look at the gender imbalance in the tech field, a field once dominated by women. Participants will look back to the 1980s when a decline in women working in the tech industry took place and examine how women can shift this narrative today. 

We are proud to be a sponsor of STARWEST 2019. Stop by our booth to get your Visually Perfect swag, and to learn more about the latest developments around end-to-end visual testing and monitoring techniques that support QA automation and continuous quality. 

Additionally, make sure to check out the results from the 2019 State of Automated Visual Testing Report. Conducted as an independent survey of over 350 companies, the data outlines research findings for visual testing and quality, identifying key patterns that drive excellence in Application Visual Management. 

We also encourage you to grow your test automation skills by taking courses on Test Automation University. Test Automation University is a free, community-driven educational training program led by world-class instructors aimed at keeping your skills up to date and fresh. 

We hope to see you there!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at STARWEST, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.


The post STARWEST 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

SeleniumConf London 2019 – See You There! Sat, 14 Sep 2019 15:49:31 +0000 We are looking forward to participating in SeleniumConf London 2019, which will be held at the QEII Centre in London UK on October 7-8.  What is SeleniumConf? SeleniumConf (@seleniumconf, #SeConfLondon)...

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SeleniumConf London 2019 - logo

We are looking forward to participating in SeleniumConf London 2019, which will be held at the QEII Centre in London UK on October 7-8. 

What is SeleniumConf? SeleniumConf (@seleniumconf, #SeConfLondon) is an annual conference that brings together software leaders from around the globe.

At this conference, attendees will gain access to hands-on workshops, hear from the top leaders in test automation, and make connections through invaluable networking opportunities. 

Applitools’ very own Sr. Technical Lead, long-time Selenium committer, and project’s steering committee member, Manoj Kumar will take the stage with Diego Molina and Marcus Merrell to present a workshop on Selenium Grid, which will take place on Wednesday, Oct 9, from 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, at etc.venues on Avonmouth House, 6 Avonmouth St, London SE1 6NX.

We are proud to sponsor SeleniumConf London. Stop by our booth in the conference expo hall to get your very own “Visually Perfect” swag, and learn more about the latest visual testing and monitoring techniques that support QA automation, continuous quality, and improved visual UI testing through the Application Visual Management (AVM) approach.

One of the latest additions to the product toolkit is Applitools’ Ultrafast Grid, which helps QA teams create the fastest, easiest path to test automation success.

Additionally, make sure to check out the results from the 2019 State of Automated Visual Testing Report. Conducted as an independent survey of over 350 companies, the data outlines research findings for visual testing and quality, identifying key patterns that drive excellence in Application Visual Management. 

Want to learn more about the New Selenium IDE and its new features and capabilities? We’ve got some great educational options and recommended resources for you: 

We hope to meet you at SeleniumConf London 2019 in October!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at SeleniumConf London, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.

The post SeleniumConf London 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

DevTEST Conference North: Leeds 2019 – See You There! Tue, 10 Sep 2019 10:15:46 +0000 This month, we’ll be joining DevOps and software testing leaders at the 2019 DevTEST Conference North in Leeds, England.  What is DevTest Conference North? DevTest Conference North (@testmagazine, #DevTestNorth) provides...

The post DevTEST Conference North: Leeds 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

DevTEST Conference North - Logo

This month, we’ll be joining DevOps and software testing leaders at the 2019 DevTEST Conference North in Leeds, England. 

What is DevTest Conference North? DevTest Conference North (@testmagazine, #DevTestNorth) provides DevOps and software testing pros with the opportunity to attend discussion and content forums led by top industry leaders.

An exclusive event, DevTest Conference North is a place where attendees have access to invaluable networking opportunities and gain a better understanding of the DevOps movement and the working relationship between Development and Operations within the Software Development Lifecycle.

The speaker line-up features companies like Conde Nast International, BBC, Goldman Sachs,, and more. Speakers will be discussing everything from DevOps skills and leadership to test data management. This year, the event will be held at the Park Plaza Leeds from September 24-25. 

We are proud to be sponsors of DevTest Conference North. We’ll share the latest on AI powered end-to-end visual UI testing and monitoring techniques that support automation and continuous quality. We hope to meet you there!

At our booth, we’re looking forward to sharing more about our Ultrafast Grid, which uses Visual AI to instantly validate all application elements on all screens to eliminate brittle test code and bloated functional test scripts. It also integrates with almost any existing functional test automation framework, and all popular continuous integration environment to help setup continuous deployment to eliminate the QA bottleneck that exists today in many financial services companies.

Additionally, make sure to check out the results from the 2019 State of Automated Visual Testing Report. Conducted as an independent survey of over 350 companies, the data outlines research findings for visual testing and quality, identifying key patterns that drive excellence in Application Visual Management. 

We hope to see you there!

If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at DevTest Conference North, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.

The post DevTEST Conference North: Leeds 2019 – See You There! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
