PDF Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools https://applitools.com/blog/tag/pdf/ Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Mon, 10 Oct 2022 20:38:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Automate PDF Testing https://applitools.com/blog/automate-pdf-testing/ Fri, 05 Mar 2021 03:57:51 +0000 https://applitools.com/?p=27435 Applitools lets users inspect the entire document, or just selected pages. The scope of comparison matches the needs of the test. Users can target specific sections of a PDF for testing and ignore sections that are not relevant to a test. And, armed with the Applitools layout algorithm, users can validate a PDF layout even if the internal text has changed.

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Automated verification of PDF’s has traditionally been a challenging task in test automation. Due to this, teams would often go for automating their applications leaving the PDF testing in manual hands which is error prone. In this article we will review the requirements of PDF testing as well as approach to automating PDF tests using Applitools.

Why PDF Testing?

As more organizations digitally transform, their operating model requires the documents to also be electronically produced and sent to their customers. Assume a customer visits an insurance company or bank to open an account. Increasingly, this work occurs exclusively with electronic records. After successful setup a digital copy of the record is provided to the customer. PDF offers the most sophisticated document layout and necessary security to serve as an electronic record. Account statements, invoices, receipts, documentation, and disclaimers all get distributed as PDFs.

When organizations produce their transactional or customer related documents as PDFs, it becomes important for the organization to be able to test the output produced. Failing to do so can cause massive loss to the organization or can have legal implications in case documents are not correctly formatted or wrong content is published. Thus testing the generated outputs is mandatory from both quality and legal perspective.

What to Automate?

In sectors like insurance, medical, banking the end user documents need to be very accurate hence we need to ensure that the PDF’s are fully tested before being published to recipients. Consider an application producing customer letters using a PDF template,  the output files would be produced using a template where various sections of the PDF are dynamically updated with the customer data. 

When testing for layout the document should be fully formed with the specific sections present in the right location and in the right order while when testing for content we need to ensure that the correct is accurate and not only the content is present on the desired page but also sometimes in the right location as it could impact the processing of the documents by downstream systems. Thus a test for PDF needs to verify that both the content and layout of the output document are correct. 

How traditionally organizations did PDF Testing?

Let us consider the following bank statement sample summarizing the transaction details and other critical information for a customer Mary Jane. In this sample the customer address, branch address, account number and account transaction summary are dynamic data while the rest of the information is static.

Usually organizations take an approach of validating the data using API testing and finally using solutions such as PDF box to test them on a page. However a fully formatted document is rarely automated and most organizations rely on manual testing to validate the output document. As more and more organizations are generating electronic documents it becomes fairly problematic to review each of them and hence PDF documents are tested based on a sample size.

Thus, traditionally organizations have not attempted end to end automation of PDF and performed manual testing to check the data that is published to the PDF without testing the entire layout of the final document.

Application of Visual AI in testing PDF

Applitools is an AI powered Visual testing platform. Using various algorithms it enables testing of any user interface with 99.99% accuracy thus only reporting real differences visible to the human eye which include any changes to color, contrast, position, size or content.

 In case of PDF we can Automate all or selected pages from the fully formatted PDF document thus highlighting any visible difference. In addition we can further refine our tests  by either targeting specific sections of the page or ignoring sections which are not relevant to our test. 

There may also be a need sometimes to validate the structure of the document without testing for content and that can also be achieved using a layout algorithm.

PDF Testing solution

Applitools PDF tester is a codeless utility that allows you to automate the PDF testing of your small or large documents using Visual AI and also allow for validation of the content in a page or a region across selected pages or all pages of the PDF. 

In the above example, let’s consider we want to validate that the customer address and branch address is correct on the PDF and also test the remaining layout of the PDF document. Below is how this can be tested using Applitools PDF Tester. Firstly, to set up a job we need to identify which pages we need to test (only for multi page PDF) for layout and then add specific content assertions we are aiming to validate, following is the job xml:

The above xml can be manually created or programmatically built using any script and then executed with the Pdftesting.jar application. Utility can be executed on the command line using any batch process.

Once executed it provides the following results:

If you notice, the utility reports on all our content assertions in the PDF document and report the result as ‘Passed’ or ‘Failed’. In addition it is testing the fully formatted output document against a baseline and reports if any differences are found by Applitools.

Logging into Applitools dashboard we can review all the differences spotted by AI

Here, AI is highlighting all the positioning differences and missing elements but it can also report any color, contrast, positional or font size changes compared with the baseline document thus ensuring the document is accurate before being published. 

A further improvement to these tests can be done by using annotations (on Applitools dashboard) to ignore specific sections like images or test transactions region as Layout. This way we can target only specific items to be tested in our published document.


While organizations have largely handled and automated the  testing of their web and mobile applications, they have still struggled to automate the PDF testing within various processes. Utilizing the capabilities of AI in testing for a completed document along with testing dynamic data will help teams include PDF testing as part of their end to end testing instead of using a manual approach.

The post Automate PDF Testing appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

3 Steps to Visual Testing for PDF Files [with Code] https://applitools.com/blog/3-steps-visual-testing-pdf/ Tue, 21 May 2019 00:18:33 +0000 https://applitools.com/blog/?p=5042 For years, the automated visual testing of PDFs was incredibly challenging, if not impossible. Because of this, teams would automate their UI tests but would skip the part where they...

The post 3 Steps to Visual Testing for PDF Files [with Code] appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


For years, the automated visual testing of PDFs was incredibly challenging, if not impossible. Because of this, teams would automate their UI tests but would skip the part where they visually test that their PDF artifacts were accurate. This then became the boring, mundane, error-prone task left for the testers to repeat release after release.

Since then, visual validation tools such as Applitools Eyes have hit the scene making the automated visual regression testing – the regression testing of the look and feel of an application – possible. A common question I receive is “does Applitools work for PDFs?”. I knew the answer was yes, but I decided to actually give it a try myself to see exactly how it works.

There’s actually two ways to invoke PDF test automation. The one described in the tool’s tutorial page shows how to execute the PDF validation via the command line. However, as an automation engineer, I wondered if it was possible to do this via my existing automation framework. Since the magic happens via a Java CLI command, I was pretty sure it should also work from my code. But I wanted to try it out just to be sure. It worked!

I’ll detail both approaches.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Applitools provides an executable, ImageTester.jar, which is a tool that visually tests stand-alone images and also PDF files.

It’s pretty straightforward to use. You put your PDF files in a directory and run a command from your terminal to have this tool visually test all files within that directly. Alternatively, you can specify an individual PDF filename and it will only visually test that particular file.

View the code on Gist.

The -k argument is your API key which you can obtain by opening a free account. And the -f  argument is the path to the directory or file that you want visually tested.

I moved the ImageTester.jar into a directory and also added another directory there called Invoice_PDFs where I stored this PDF file. I then ran the command and voila, the test was executed!

pasted image 0 25

The first time I ran this, a baseline was saved, and then every time this was run again, the PDF was compared against the baseline. If anything changed on the PDFs, we’d get an error message on the console and link to review the differences in the Applitools dashboard.

View the code on Gist.


The CLI approach is cool, but I got to thinking about how I would want to use this as an automation engineer. It would be in the midst of an automated scenario where I’ve taken action on the UI, am downloading the resulting PDF, and now want to visually test it.

So, I wrote an automated test for Invoice Simple that uses the UI to create a new invoice, then downloads a PDF of that invoice and then uses the ImageTester to visually test the PDF.

After writing all the UI code, I needed to add the following as well:

1. Code to move the PDF file from my computer’s default download directory to the directory I store the PDF files that I want visually tested.

View the code on Gist.

View the code on Gist.

2. Execute the ImageTester.jar command. I wrote a utility method so that I could reuse it from any test.

View the code on Gist.

Then from my test, I call this method and assert on the result.

View the code on Gist.

3. There is a date on the PDF file indicating when this file was generated. Well, that date will change each day that this test runs. Fortunately, Applitools has a way to ignore certain regions of the PDF file. After my initial test ran and the baseline was captured, I was able to go to the dashboard and specify to ignore the date area.pasted image 0 26I really like how flexible this tool is. There’s a host of other arguments you can use as well.

This all worked like a charm and was much simpler than I anticipated. You can find all of my code for this automated test for PDF files on my Github.

The original version of this article appeared on angiejones.tech.

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The post 3 Steps to Visual Testing for PDF Files [with Code] appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
