Andrew Knight, Author at Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Mon, 20 Nov 2023 18:34:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Add self-healing to your Selenium tests with Applitools Execution Cloud Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:05:55 +0000 A tutorial to get you started with the Applitools Execution Cloud!

The post Add self-healing to your Selenium tests with Applitools Execution Cloud appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


Applitools just released an exciting new product: the Applitools Execution Cloud

The Applitools Execution Cloud is extraordinary. Like several other testing platforms (such as Selenium Grid), it runs web browser sessions in the cloud – rather than on your machine – to save you the hassle of scaling and maintaining your own resources. However, unlike other platforms, Execution Cloud will automatically wait for elements to be ready for interactions and then fix locators when they need to be updated, which solves two of the biggest struggles when running end-to-end tests. It’s the first test cloud that adds AI power to your tests with self-healing capabilities. It also works with open source tools like Selenium rather than proprietary “low-code-no-code” tools.

Execution Cloud can run any WebDriver-based test today, even ones that don’t use Applitools Eyes. Execution Cloud also works seamlessly with Applitools Ultrafast Grid, so tests can still cover multiple browser types, devices, and viewports. The combination of Execution Cloud with Ultrafast Grid enables functional and visual testing to work together beautifully!

I wanted to be one of the first engineers to give this new platform a try. The initial release supports Selenium WebDriver across all languages (Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, and Ruby), WebdriverIO, and any other WebDriver-based framework. Future releases will support others like Cypress and Playwright. In this article, I’m going to walk through my first experiences with Execution Cloud using Selenium WebDriver in my favorite language – Python. Let’s go!

Starting with plain-old functional tests

Recently, I’ve been working on a little full-stack Python web app named Bulldoggy, the reminders app. Bulldoggy has a login page and a reminders page. It uses HTMX to handle dynamic interactions like adding, editing, and deleting reminder lists and items. (If you want to learn how I built this app, watch my PyTexas 2023 keynote.) Here are quick screenshots of the login and reminders pages:

The Bulldoggy login page.

The Bulldoggy reminders page.

Writing a test with Selenium

My testing setup for Bulldoggy is very low-tech: I run the app locally in one terminal, and I launch my tests against it from a second terminal. I wrote a fairly basic login test with Selenium WebDriver and pytest. Here’s the test code:

import pytest

from selenium.webdriver import Chrome, ChromeOptions
from import By

def local_webdriver():
  options = ChromeOptions()
  driver = Chrome(options=options)
  yield driver

def test_login_locally(local_webdriver: Chrome):

  # Load the login page

  # Perform login
  local_webdriver.find_element(By.NAME, "username").send_keys('pythonista')
  local_webdriver.find_element(By.NAME, "password").send_keys("I<3testing")
  local_webdriver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[.='Login']").click()

  # Check the reminders page
  assert local_webdriver.find_element(By.ID, 'bulldoggy-logo')
  assert local_webdriver.find_element(By.ID, 'bulldoggy-title').text == 'Bulldoggy'
  assert local_webdriver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[.='Logout']")
  assert local_webdriver.title == 'Reminders | Bulldoggy reminders app'

If you’re familiar with Selenium WebDriver, then you’ll probably recognize the calls in this code, even if you haven’t used Python before. The local_webdriver function is a pytest fixture – it handles setup and cleanup for a local ChromeDriver instance. The test_login_locally function is a test case function that calls the fixture and receives the ChromeDriver instance via dependency injection. The test then loads the Bulldoggy web page, performs login, and checks that the reminders page loads correctly.

When I ran this test locally, it worked just fine: the browser window opened, the automation danced across the pages, and the test reported a passing result. That was all expected. It was a happy path, after all.

Hitting broken locators

Oftentimes, when making changes to a web app, we (or our developers) will change the structure of a page’s HTML or CSS without actually changing what the user sees. Unfortunately, this frequently causes test automation to break because locators fall out of sync. For example, the input elements on the Bulldoggy login page had the following HTML markup:

<input type="text" placeholder="Enter username" name="username" required />
<input type="password" placeholder="Enter password" name="password" required />

My test used the following locators to interact with them:

local_webdriver.find_element(By.NAME, "username").send_keys("pythonista")
local_webdriver.find_element(By.NAME, "password").send_keys("I<3testing")

My locators relied on the input elements’  name attributes. If I changed those names, then the locators would break and the test would crash. For example, I could shorten them like this:

<input type="text" placeholder="Enter username" name="user" required />
<input type="password" placeholder="Enter password" name="pswd" required />

What seems like an innocuous change on the front-end can be devastating for automated tests. It’s impossible to know if an HTML change will break tests without deeply investigating the test code or cautiously running the whole test suite to shake out discrepancies.

Sure enough, when I ran my test against this updated login page, it failed spectacularly with the following error message:

selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"[name="username"]"}

It was no surprise. The CSS selectors no longer found the desired elements.

A developer change like the one I showed here with the Bulldoggy app is only one source of fragility for locators. Many Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications like Salesforce and even some front-end development frameworks generate element IDs dynamically, which makes it hard to build stable locators. A/B testing can also introduce page structure variations that break locators. Web apps in development are always changing for one reason or another, making locators perpetually susceptible to failure.

Automatically healing broken locators

One of the most appealing features of Execution Cloud is that it can automatically heal broken locators. Instead of running your WebDriver session on your local machine, you run it remotely on Execution Cloud. In that sense, it’s like Selenium Grid or other popular cross-browser testing platforms. However, unlike those other platforms, it learns the interactions your tests take, and it can dynamically substitute broken locators for working ones whenever they happen. That makes your tests robust against flakiness for any reason: changes in page structure, poorly-written selectors, or dynamically-generated IDs.

Furthermore, Execution Cloud can run “non-Eyes” tests. A non-Eyes test is a traditional, plain-old functional test with no visual assertions or “visual testing.” Our basic login test is a non-Eyes test because it does not capture any checkpoints with Visual AI – it relies entirely on Selenium-based interactions and verifications.

I wanted to put these self-healing capabilities to the test with our non-Eyes test.

Setting up the project

To start, I needed my Applitools account handy (which you can register for free), and I needed to set my API key as the APPLITOOLS_API_KEY environment variable. I also installed the latest version of the Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium in Python (eyes-selenium).

In the test module, I imported the Applitools Eyes SDK:

from applitools.selenium import *

I wrote a fixture to create a batch of tests:

def batch_info():
  return BatchInfo("Bulldoggy: The Reminders App")

I also wrote another fixture to create a remote WebDriver instance that would run in Execution Cloud:

def non_eyes_driver(
  batch_info: BatchInfo,
  request: pytest.FixtureRequest):

  options = ChromeOptions()
  options.set_capability('applitools:tunnel', 'true')

  driver = Remote(

      "appName": "Bulldoggy: The Reminders App",
      "batch": {"id":}
  yield driver

  status = 'Failed' if request.node.test_result.failed else 'Passed'
  driver.execute_script("applitools:endTest", {"status": status})

Execution Cloud setup requires a few extra things. Let’s walk through them together:

  • Since I’m running the Bulldoggy app on my local machine, I need to set up a tunnel between the remote session and my machine. There are two ways to do this. One way is to set up ChromeOptions with options.set_capability('applitools:tunnel', 'true'), which I put in the code above. If you don’t want to hardcode the Applitools tunnel setting, the second way is to set the APPLITOOLS_TUNNEL environment variable to True. That way, you could toggle between local web apps and publicly-accessible ones. Tunnel configuration is documented at the bottom of the Execution Cloud setup and installation page.
  • The WebDriver session will be a remote one in Execution Cloud. Instead of creating a local ChromeDriver instance, the test creates a remote instance using the Execution Cloud URL by calling driver = Remote(command_executor=Eyes.get_execution_cloud_url(), options=options).
  • Since this is a non-Eyes test, we need to explicitly indicate when a test starts and stops. The driver.execute_script call sends a "applitools:startTest" event with inputs for the test name, app name, and batch ID.
  • At the end of the test, we need to likewise explicitly indicate the ending with the test status. That’s the second driver.execute_script call. Then, we can quit the browser.

In order to get the test result from pytest using request.node.test_result, I had to add the following hook to my file:

import pytest

@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
  outcome = yield
  setattr(item, 'test_result', outcome.get_result())

This is a pretty standard pattern for pytest.

Updating the test case

The only change I had to make to the test case function was the fixture it called. The body of the function remained the same:

def test_login_with_execution_cloud(non_eyes_driver: Remote):

  # Load the login page

  # Perform login
  non_eyes_driver.find_element(By.NAME, "username").send_keys('pythonista')
  non_eyes_driver.find_element(By.NAME, "password").send_keys("I<3testing")
  non_eyes_driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[.='Login']").click()

  # Check the reminders page
  assert non_eyes_driver.find_element(By.ID, 'bulldoggy-logo')
  assert non_eyes_driver.find_element(By.ID, 'bulldoggy-title').text == 'Bulldoggy'
  assert non_eyes_driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[.='Logout']")
  assert non_eyes_driver.title == 'Reminders | Bulldoggy reminders app'

Running the test in Execution Cloud

I reverted the login page’s markup to its original state, and then I ran the test using the standard command for running pytest: python -m pytest tests. (I also had to set my APPLITOOLS_API_KEY environment variable, as previously mentioned.) Tests ran like normal, except that the browser session did not run on my local machine; it ran in the Execution Cloud.

To view the results, I opened the Eyes Test Manager. Applitools captured a few extra goodies as part of the run. When I scrolled all the way to the right and clicked the three-dots icon for one of the tests, there was a new option called “Execution Cloud details”. Under that option, there were three more options:

  1. Download video
  2. Download WebDriver commands
  3. Download console log

Execution Cloud details for a non-Eyes test.

The option that stuck out to me the most was the video. Video recordings are invaluable for functional test analysis because they show how a test runs in real time. Screenshots along the way are great, but they aren’t always helpful when an interaction goes wrong or just takes too long to complete. When running a test locally, you can watch the automation dance in front of your eyes, but you can’t do that when running remotely or in Continuous Integration (CI).

Here’s the video recording for one of the tests:

The WebDriver log and the console log can be rather verbose, but they can be helpful traces to investigate when something fails in a test. For example, here’s a snippet from the WebDriver log showing one of the commands:

  "id": 1,
  "request": {
    "path": "execute/sync",
    "params": {
      "wdSessionId": "9c65e0c2-6742-4bc1-a2af-4672166faf21",
      "*": "execute/sync"
    "method": "POST",
    "body": {
      "script": "return (function(arg){\nvar s=function(){\"use strict\";var t=function(t){var n=(void 0===t?[]:t)[0],e=\"\",r=n.ownerDocument;if(!r)return e;for(var o=n;o!==r;){var,(function(t){return t.tagName===o.tagName})).indexOf(o);e=\"/\"+o.tagName+\"[\"+(a+1)+\"]\"+e,o=o.parentNode}return e};return function(){var n,e,r;try{||\"root-context\"===window.document[\"applitools-marker\"]}catch(t){n=!1}try{e=!window.parent.document===window.document}catch(t){e=!0}if(!e)try{r=t([window.frameElement])}catch(t){r=null}return[document.documentElement,r,n,e]}}();\nreturn s(arg)\n}).apply(null, arguments)",
      "args": [
  "time": "2023-05-01T03:52:03.917Z",
  "offsetFromCreateSession": 287,
  "duration": 47,
  "response": {
    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": "{\"value\":[{\"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf\":\"ad7cff25-c2d8-4558-9034-b1727ed289d6\"},null,true,false]}"

It’s pretty cool to see the Eyes Test Manager providing all these helpful testing artifacts.

Running the test with self-healing locators

After the first test run with Execution Cloud, I changed the names for those input fields:

<input type="text" placeholder="Enter username" name="user" required />
<input type="password" placeholder="Enter password" name="pswd" required />

The login page effectively looked the same, but its markup had changed. I also had to update these form values in the get_login_form_creds function in the app.utils.auth module.

I reran the test (python -m pytest tests), and sure enough, it passed! The Eyes Test Manager showed a little wand icon next to its name:

The wand icon in the Eyes Test Manager showing locators that were automatically healed.

The wand icon indicates that locators in the test were broken but Execution Cloud was able to heal them. I clicked the wand icon and saw this:

Automatically healed locators.

Execution Cloud changed the locators from using CSS selectors for the name attributes to using XPaths for the placeholder text. That’s awesome! With Applitools, the test overcame page changes so it could run to completion. Applitools also provided the “healed” locators it used so I could update my test code as appropriate.

Running tests with Execution Cloud and Ultrafast Grid together

Visual assertions backed by Visual AI can greatly improve the coverage of traditional functional tests, like our basic login scenario for the Bulldoggy app. If we scrutinize the steps we automated, we can see that (a) we didn’t check anything on the login page itself, and (b) we only checked the basic appearance of three elements on the reminders page plus the title. That’s honestly very shallow coverage. The test doesn’t check important facets like layout, placement, or color. We could add assertions to check more elements, but that would add more brittle locators for us to maintain as well as take more time to develop. Visual assertions could cover everything on the page implicitly with a one-line call.

We can use the Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium in Python to add visual assertions to our Bulldoggy test. That would transform it from a “non-Eyes” test to an “Eyes” test, meaning it would use Applitools Eyes to capture visual snapshots and find differences with Visual AI in addition to making standard functional interactions. Furthermore, we can perform cross-browser testing with Eyes tests using Applitools Ultrafast Grid, which will re-render the snapshots it captures during testing on any browser configurations we declare.

Thankfully Execution Cloud and Ultrafast Grid can run Eyes tests together seamlessly. I updated my login test to make it happen.

Setting up Applitools Eyes

Setting up Applitools Eyes for our test will be no different than the setup for any other visual test you may have written with Applitools. I already created a fixture for the batch info, so I needed to add fixtures for the Ultrafast Grid runner and the browsers to test on the Ultrafast Grid:

def runner():
  run = VisualGridRunner(RunnerOptions().test_concurrency(5))
  yield run

def configuration(batch_info: BatchInfo):
  config = Configuration()

  config.add_browser(800, 600, BrowserType.CHROME)
  config.add_browser(1600, 1200, BrowserType.FIREFOX)
  config.add_browser(1024, 768, BrowserType.SAFARI)
  config.add_device_emulation(DeviceName.Pixel_2, ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT)
  config.add_device_emulation(DeviceName.Nexus_10, ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE)

  return config

In this configuration, I targeted three desktop browsers and two mobile browsers.

I also wrote a simpler fixture for creating the remote WebDriver session:

def remote_webdriver():
  options = ChromeOptions()
  options.set_capability('applitools:tunnel', 'true')

  driver = Remote(

  yield driver

This fixture still uses the Execution Cloud URL and the tunnel setting, but since our login test will become an Eyes test, we won’t need to call execute_script to declare when a test begins or ends. The Eyes session will do that for us.

Speaking of which, I had to write a fixture to create that Eyes session:

def eyes(
  runner: VisualGridRunner,
  configuration: Configuration,
  remote_webdriver: Remote,
  request: pytest.FixtureRequest):

  eyes = Eyes(runner)
    app_name='Bulldoggy: The Reminders App',,
    viewport_size=RectangleSize(1024, 768))
  yield eyes

Again, all of this is boilerplate code for running tests with the Ultrafast Grid. I copied most of it from the Applitools tutorial for Selenium in Python. SDKs for other tools and languages need nearly identical setup. Note that the fixtures for the runner and configuration have session scope, meaning they run one time before all tests, whereas the fixture for the Eyes object has function scope, meaning it runs one time per test. All tests can share the same runner and config, while each test needs a unique Eyes session.

Rewriting the test with visual assertions

I had to change two main things in the login test:

  1. I had to call the new remote_webdriver and eyes fixtures.
  2. I had to add visual assertions with Applitools Eyes.

The code looked like this:

def test_login_with_eyes(remote_webdriver: Remote, eyes: Eyes):

  # Load the login page

  # Check the login page
  eyes.check(Target.window().fully().with_name("Login page"))

  # Perform login
  remote_webdriver.find_element(By.NAME, "username").send_keys('pythonista')
  remote_webdriver.find_element(By.NAME, "password").send_keys("I<3testing")
  remote_webdriver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[.='Login']").click()

  # Check the reminders page
  eyes.check(Target.window().fully().with_name("Reminders page"))
  assert non_eyes_driver.title == 'Reminders | Bulldoggy reminders app'

I actually added two visual assertions – one for the login page, and one for the reminders page. In fact, I removed all of the traditional assertions that verified elements since the visual checkpoints are simpler and add more coverage. The only traditional assertion I kept was for the page title, since that’s a data-oriented verification. Eyes tests can handle both functional and visual testing!

Fewer locators means less risk of breakage, and Execution Cloud’s self-healing capabilities should take care of any lingering locator problems. Furthermore, if I wanted to add any more tests, then I already have all the fixtures ready, so test case code should be fairly concise.

Running the Eyes test

I ran the test one more time with the same command. This time, Applitools treated it as an Eyes test, and the Eyes Test Manager showed the visual snapshots along with all the Execution Cloud artifacts:

Test results for an Eyes tests run with both Execution Cloud and Ultrafast Grid.

Execution Cloud worked together great with Ultrafast Grid!

Taking the next steps

Applitools Execution Cloud is a very cool new platform for running web UI tests. As an engineer, what I like about it most is that it provides AI-powered self-healing capabilities to locators without requiring me to change my test cases. I can make the same, standard Selenium WebDriver calls as I’ve always coded. I don’t need to rewrite my interactions, and I don’t need to use a low-code/no-code platform to get self-healing locators. Even though Execution Cloud supports only Selenium WebDriver for now, there are plans to add support for other open source test frameworks (like Cypress) in the future.

If you want to give Execution Cloud a try, all you need to do is register a free Applitools account and request access! Then, take one of our Selenium WebDriver tutorials – they’ve all been updated with Execution Cloud support.

The post Add self-healing to your Selenium tests with Applitools Execution Cloud appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress Fri, 07 Apr 2023 23:11:34 +0000 Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done web...

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Filip Hric from Cypress

Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done web UI testing has felt. The first article in our two-part series defined our terms and challenges of locating web elements using selectors, as well as recapped Christian’s WebDriverIO selectors tutorial and WebdriverIO Q&A. Be sure to read that article first to help set context.

Introducing our experts

I’m Pandy Knight, the Automation Panda. I moderated our two testing experts in our discussion of selectors:

Locating web elements with Cypress

Filip walked us through selectors in Cypress, starting with the basics and using Trello as an example app.

Note: All the following text in this section is based on Filip’s part of the webinar. Filip’s repository is available on GitHub.

When talking about selectors in web applications, we are trying to target an HTML element. Cypress has two basic commands that can help with selecting these elements: cy.get and cy.contains. In Filip’s example demo, he has VS Code on the left side of his screen and Cypress running in graphic user interface mode (open mode) on the right side.

The example test uses different kinds of selector strategies, with each approach using either the get command or the contains command.

Locating elements by class, ID, or attribute

The first first approach calls cy.get(‘h2’) using the H2 tag. In the Cypress window, if you hover over the get h2 command, it will highlight the selector that has been selected.

If you’re struggling to find the right selector in Cypress, there’s this really nice tool that basically works like the inspect element tool, but you don’t have to open the dev tools if you don’t want to.

In our other three approaches with the get command, we are using the class, the ID, and the attribute, respectively:

  cy.get('.board') // class
  cy.get('#board-1') // id
  cy.get('[data-cy=board-item]') // attribute

The syntax for the get commands is basically just CSS selectors. If you are selecting an element with a class of board, you need to prefix the class with a dot. You can even write more complex selectors, like adding an h2 tag inside the element that has the class board like cy.get(‘.board > h2’). The options are endless. If you have ever worked with CSS, you know that you can pretty much target any element you like.

Locating elements by text

Another strategy that we have in Cypress is selecting elements by text. This approach may not always work, but in cases like a login, sign up, sent, or okay button, these usually need to have specific text. To select an element using text, we use the contains command. The contains command will only select one element, and it’s actually going to look for elements within some context.

The example uses two different texts to search: cy.contains(‘My Shopping’) and cy.contains(‘My’). On the Trello board page, ‘My Shopping’ appears once and ‘My’ appears twice. The contains call using ‘My’ will return with the first element that has the text ‘My’ on the page, which is ‘My Board’ in the example. So that’s something to watch out for. If you want to be more specific with the kind of element you want to select, you can actually combine these two approaches, selecting a CSS element and specifying the text which you want to find. For example, cy.contains(‘.board’, ‘My’) would return the correct element.

  cy.contains('My Shopping') // text
  cy.contains('My') // find the first one
  cy.contains('.board', 'My') // specify element to find

Locating elements using XPath

There are other selector strategies like using XPath. Cypress has an official plugin for XPath. If you install that, you will get the ability to select elements using XPath. You can use XPaths, but they may be harder to read. For example, cy.xpath(‘(//div[contains(@class, “board”)])[1]’) does the same thing as cy.get(‘board’).eq(0).

// Filter an element by index
cy.xpath('(//div(contains(@class, "board") ]) [1]')

// Select an element containing a specific child element
cy.xpath('//div [contains(@class, "list")] [.//div[contains(@class, "card")]]')

// Select an element by text
cy.xpath('//*[text()[contains(., "My Boards")]]')

// Select an element after a specific element
cy.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "card")][preceding::div[contains(., "milk")]]')
//Filter an element by index

// Select an element containing a specific child element

// Select an element by text
cy.contains('My Boards')

// Select an element after a specific element
cy.contains('.card', 'milk').next('.card')

Filip’s recommendation is that you don’t really need XPaths. XPaths can be really powerful in traversing the DOM structure and selecting different elements, but there are other options in Cypress.

Traversing elements in Cypress

For our example, we have a Trello app and two lists with item cards. The first list has two cards, and the second has one card. We want to select each of the cards from a list. We can find the last card by doing a pair of commands cy.get(‘[data-cy=card]’).last(). First, we’re using the get command to target the cards, which will return all three cards. When you hover over your get command, you’ll see that all three cards are selected.

When you use the last command, it’s going to filter to the last card, on which you can then do some action like click or make an assertion.

You can also traverse up or down using Cypress. The next example cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, ‘Soap’).parents(‘[data-cy-list]’) tries to target a parent element using text to select the card and then looks for a parent element using a CSS selector. This example is going to select our whole list.

Alternatively, if you want to traverse between the next element or a previous element, that can be done easily with cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, Milk’).next() or cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, Milk’).prev().

it.only('Find an element on page', () => {


  // find last card

  // find parent element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Soap')

  // find next element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Milk')

  // find next element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Bread')


You may sometimes deal with tricky situations like elements loading in at different times. The DOM is going to be flaky, because DOM is pretty much always flaky, right? Things get loaded, things get re-rendered, and so on. There was a Cypress 12 update that makes sure that when we are selecting an element and we have an assertion about that element, if the assertion does not pass, we are going to re-query our DOM. So in the background, these should command this assertion and our querying is interconnected.

it('Dealing with flaky situations', () => {



    .should('contain.text', 'Soap')


Locating elements in a shadow DOM

Dealing with shadows DOM can be tricky. By default, Cypress is not going to look for shadow DOM elements, only DOM elements. If we want to include the shadow DOM elements, we have a few options in Cypress.

it('closes side panel that is in shadow DOM', () => {


  cy.get('litdev-drawer', { includeShadowDom: true })
    .find('#openCloseButton', { includeShadowDom: true })


If we don’t have too many of these shadow DOM elements on the page, we can use either of two commands that do essentially the same thing:

  • cy.get(‘litdev-drawer’, { includeShadowDom: true }). find(‘#openCloseButton’, { includeShadowDom: true })
  • cy.get(‘litdev-drawer’).shadow().find(‘#openCloseButton’)

Alternatively, if we have a lot of shadow elements in our application, we can use the approach of changing the option in the config file includeShadowDom from false to true. By default it is set to false, but if you set it to true and save your configuration, Cypress will look for shadow DOM elements automatically.

Locating elements within an iframe

Cypress does not have an iframe command. Whenever we traverse, we interact with this timeline that we have in Cypress to see the state of our application as it was during the execution of that command. In order to support the iframes, Cypress would have to do the snapshot of the iframe as well. Essentially, if you want to access an iframe using Cypress, you write a Cypress promise that will resolve the contents of the iframe.

You can add a custom command to your code base to retry the iframe. So if the iframe takes a little bit of time to appear, it’ll resolve when it appears or when the timeout eventually times out. Another way of dealing with that is installing a plugin.

it('dealing with iframes', () => {


    .should('contain.text', 'The Kitchen')


Cypress selector recommendations

Cypress works best when you have your test code along with the source code in the same repository. These are the recommendations that Cypress gives in the documentation:

Generic HTML tags, elements, or classes like:
Never recommended.
Lack content or are often paired with styling and therefore highly subject to change.
IDs, HTML name attributes, or title attributes like:
Sparingly recommended.
Still coupled to style or JS event listeners, or coupled to the name attribute, which has HTML semantics.
Text attributes like:
Recommendation depends.
This is only suggested for elements where text is not expected to change.
Custom IDs or data test attributes like:
Always recommended.
Isolated from all changes.

The best recommendation is to create custom IDs for elements. As you create your test, you will create those IDs as well. So if you need a test, create an attribute, and that will do a single job, be available for end-to-end test.

Filip recommends two blog posts about selector strategies:

Adding visual testing

We can go beyond accessibility and functional tests and we can add visual tests into our test suite. We can do this with Applitools. Create a free Applitools account to access your API key, and follow our tutorial for testing web apps in JavaScript using Cypress.

Note: Do not share your API key with others. For this demo, Filip rotated his API key, so it’s no longer valid.

The visual testing will have three basic parts:

  1. Open your “eyes”.
  2. Check the window.
  3. Close your “eyes”.

Applitools Eyes will then validate the snapshot it takes against the current baseline. But sometimes we don’t want to test certain areas of the page like dynamic data. Applitools is really intelligent about that and has options in the Test Manager to add ignore regions, but we can help it with our own ignore regions by using selectors.

it('check home screen', () => {

    appName: 'Trello',



    ignore: {
      selector: 'hide-in-applitools'



In the example, we are showing the ignore region and telling which selector it should ignore. You can create a custom hide-in-applitools class to add to all your elements you want to hide, and Applitools will automatically ignore them.

Cypress selectors Q&A

After Filip shared his Cypress demonstration, we turned it over to our Q&A, where Filip responded to questions from the audience.

Using Cypress commands

Question: I was recently working on XPaths and Cypress. I understand cypress-xpath is deprecated and I was suggested to use @cypress/xpath. Is that the case?
Filip’s response: I don’t know. I know this was the situation for the Cypress grab package, which can grab your test so you can just run a subset of your Cypress test. It was a standalone plugin and then they sort of moved it inside a Cypress repository. So now it’s @cypress/grab. I believe the situation with Xpath might be similar.

Using the React testing library

Question: What are your thoughts about using the React testing library plugin for locating elements in Cypress using their accessibility roles and names – findByRole, findByLabel?
Filip’s response: [To clarify the specific library mentioned] there’s this testing library, which is a huge project and has different subprojects. One is the React testing library and their Cypress testing library, and they basically have those commands inside this (findByRole, findByPlaceholder, etc.). So I think the Cypress testing library is just an implementation of the thing you are mentioning. So what’s my opinion on that? I’m a fan. Like I said, I’m not using it right now, but it does two things at once. You can check your functionality as well as accessibility. So if your test fails, it might be annoying, but it also might mean you need to work on the accessibility of the app. So I recommend it.

Using div.board or .board

Question: Do you have a stance/opinion on div.board versus .board for CSS selectors?
Filip’s response: Not really. As I mentioned, I prefer adding my own custom selectors, so I don’t think I would have this dilemma too often.

Tracking API call execution

Question: How can we find out if an API call has executed when we click on an element?
Filip’s response: In Cypress, it’s really easy. There’s this cy.intercept command in which you can define the URL or the method or any kind of details about the API call. And you need to make sure that you put the cy.intercept command before the click happens. So if the click triggers that API call you can then use cy.wait and basically refer through alias to that API call. I suggest you take a look into the intercept command in Cypress docs.

Working with iframes

Question: Is it possible to select elements from an iframe and work with an iframe like normal?

Filip’s response: Well, I don’t see why not. It is a little bit tricky. Iframe is just another location, so it’ll always have a source pointing to a URL. So, alternatively, if you are going to do a lot of testing within that iframe, maybe you just want to open that and test the page that is being iframed. It would be a good thing to consult with developers to see if there’s a communication between the iframe and the parent frame and if there’s anything specific that needs to be covered. But if you do like a lot of heavy testing, I would maybe suggest to open the URL that the iframe opens and test that.

Learn more

So that covers our expert’s takeaways on locating web elements using Cypress. If you want to watch the demos, you can access the on-demand webinar recording.

If you want to learn more about any of these tools, frameworks like Cypress, WebDriverIO, or specifically web element locator strategies, be sure to check out Test Automation University. All the courses and content are free.
Be sure to register for the upcoming Let the Engineers Speak webinar series installment on Test Maintainability coming in May. Engineers Maaret Pyhäjärvi from Selenium and Ed Manlove from Robot Framework will be discussing test maintenance and test maintainability with a live Q&A.

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in WebdriverIO Thu, 30 Mar 2023 15:59:26 +0000 Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done...

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in WebdriverIO appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Christian Bromann

Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done web UI testing has felt. In this two-part blog series, I will recap what our experts had to say about locating their web elements using their respective testing frameworks: WebDriverIO and Cypress.

Introducing our experts

I’m Pandy Knight, the Automation Panda. I moderated our two testing experts in our discussion of selectors:

In each article, we’re going to compare and contrast the approaches between these two frameworks. This comparison is meant to be collaborative, not competitive. This series is meant to showcase and highlight the awesomeness that we have with modern frameworks and tools available.

This first article in our two-part series will define our terms and challenges, as well as recap Christian’s WebDriverIO selectors tutorial and WebdriverIO Q&A. The upcoming second article will recap Filip’s Cypress selectors tutorial and Cypress Q&A.

Defining our terms

Let’s define the words that will be used in this series to frame the discussion and so that we have the same understanding as we discuss selectors, locators, and elements:

  • Selectors: A selector is a text-based query used for locating elements. Selectors could be things like CSS selectors, XPaths, or even things like an ID or a class name. In modern frameworks, you can even use things like text selectors to query by the text inside of a button.
  • Locators: A locator is an object in the tool or framework you use that uses the selector for finding the element on the active page.
  • Elements: The element itself is the entity on the page that exists. An element could be a button, it could be a label, an input field, or a text area. Pretty much anything in HTML that you put on a page is an element.

In one sentence, locators use selectors to find elements. We may sometimes use the terms “selector” and “locator” interchangeably, especially in more modern frameworks.

Challenges of locating web elements

We’re going to talk about selectors, locators, and the pain of trying to get elements the right way. In the simple cases, there may be a button on a page with an ID, and you can just use the ID to get it. But what happens if that element is stuck in a shadow DOM? What if it’s in an iframe? We have to do special things to be able to find these elements.

Locating web elements with WebdriverIO

Christian Bromann demonstrated effective web element locator strategies with WebDriverIO. In this series, we used Trello as the example web app to compare the frameworks. For the purposes of the demo, the app is wrapped over a component test, allowing Christian to work with web on the console to easier show you how to find certain elements on the page.

Note: All the following text in this section is based on Christian’s part of the webinar. Christian’s repository is available on GitHub.

Creating a board

First, we want to start creating a new board. We want to write a test to inspect the input element that the end user sees. From the dev tools, the input element can be found.

There are various ways to query for that input element:

  • We could fetch the element with WebdriverIO using $ or $$ commands, depending if you want to fetch one element, the first element on the page, or all elements. Using an input as a selector is not advised, as there could be more inputs and then the wrong input could be fetched.
  • We could also use a CSS class called px-2. Using CSS classes is also not advised, as oftentimes these classes are meant to style an element, not necessarily locate it.
  • We could use a property, such as the name of the input using the data attribute. This is the suggested way to locate a web element in WebdriverIO – using the accessibility properties of an element.

WebdriverIO has a more simplified way to use accessibility properties. This approach is a much better selector, because it’s actually what the user is seeing and interacting with. To make things easier, Chrome helps with finding the accessibility selector for every element under the accessibility tab.

Note: WebdriverIO doesn’t use the accessibility API of the browser and instead uses a complex XPath to compute the accessibility name.

After you’ve located the input element, press enter using the keys API.

  it('can create an initial board', async () => {
    await $('aria/Name of your first board').setValue('Let the Engineers Speak')
    await browser.keys(Key.Enter)
    await expect(browser).toHaveUrlContaining('/board/1')
    await browser.eyesCheck('Empty board')

Creating a list

Now that our board is created, we want to start a list. First, we inspect the “Add list” web element for the accessibility name, and then use that to click the element.

Set the title of the list, and then press enter using the keys API.

  it('can add a list on the board', async () => {
    await $('aria/Enter list title...').setValue('Talking Points')
    await $('aria/Add list').click()

     * Select element by JS function as it is much more perfomant this way
     * (1 roundtrip vs nth roundtrips)
    await expect($(() => (
        .find((input) => input.value === 'Talking Points')

Adding list items

To add to the list we created, the button is a different element that’s not accessible, as the accessibility name is empty. Another way to approach this is to use a WebdriverIO function that allows me to add a locator search applicator strategy.

The example applicator strategy basically queries all this on the page to find all divs that have no children and that text of a selector that you provide, and now you should be able to query that custom element. After getting the custom elements located, you can assert that three cards have been created as expected. You can inject your JavaScript script to be run in the browser if you don’t have accessibility selectors to work with.

  it('can add a card to the list', async () => {
    await $('aria/Add another card').click()
    await $('aria/Enter a title for this card...').addValue('Selectors')
    await browser.keys(Key.Enter)
    await expect($$('div[data-cy="card"]')).toBeElementsArrayOfSize(1)
    await $('aria/Enter a title for this card...').addValue('Shadow DOM')
    await browser.keys(Key.Enter)
    await $('aria/Enter a title for this card...').addValue('Visual Testing')
    await browser.keys(Key.Enter)
    await expect($$('div[data-cy="card"]')).toBeElementsArrayOfSize(3)

    await browser.eyesCheck('board with items')

Starring a board

Next, we’ll “star” our board by traversing the DOM using WebdriverIO commands. We need to first locate the element that has the name of the board title using the attribute selector and going to the parent element.

From that parent element, to get to the star button, we chain the next command and call the next element. Now we can click the star and see it change to an enabled state. So with WebdriverIO, you can chain all these element queries and then add your action at the end. WebdriverIO uses a proxy in the background to transform everything and execute the promises after each other so that they’re available. One last thing you can also do is query elements by finding links with certain text.

Summarizing Christian’s suggestions for using selectors in WebdriverIO, always try to use the accessibility name of an element. You have the dev tools that give you the name of it. If you don’t have the accessibility name available, improve the accessibility of your application if possible. And if that’s not an option, there are other tricks like finding an element using JavaScript through propertis that the DOM has.

  it('can star the board', async () => {
    const startBtn = $('aria/Let the Engineers Speak').parentElement().nextElement()
    await expect(startBtn).toHaveStyle({ color: 'rgba(253,224,71,1)' })

Accessing a shadow root

Using a basic web HTML timer component as an example, Christian discussed shadow roots. The example has multiple elements and a nested shadow root. Trying to access a button within the shadow root results in an error that you don’t have access from the main page to the shadow root. WebdriverIO has two things to deal with this challenge. The first method is the deep shadow root selector. This allows you to access all of the shadow root elements or filter by defined attributes of the elements in the shadow root.

A different way to access elements in the shadow is using the browser shadow command, which basically allows you to switch to the search within the shadow root.

    describe('using deep shadow selector (>>>)', () => {
        beforeEach(async () => {
            await browser.url('')

            const iframe = await $('>>> iframe[title="Project preview"]')
            await browser.waitUntil(async () => (
                (await iframe.getAttribute('src')) !== ''))
            await browser.switchToFrame(iframe)
            await browser.waitUntil(async () => (await $('my-timer').getText()) !== '')

        it('should check the timer components to work', async () => {
            for (const customElem of await $$('my-timer')) {
                const originalValue = await customElem.getText()
                await customElem.$('>>> footer').$('span:first-child').click()
                await sleep()
                await customElem.$('>>> footer').$('span:first-child').click()
                await expect(customElem).not.toHaveTextContaining(originalValue)

                await customElem.$('>>> footer').$('span:last-child').click()
                await expect(customElem).toHaveTextContaining(originalValue)

Integrating with Applitools

Lastly, Christian shared using Applitools with WebdriverIO. The Applitools Eyes SDK for WebdriverIO is imported to take snapshots of the app as the test suite runs and upload them to the Applitools Eyes server.

if (process.argv.find((arg) => arg.includes('applitools.e2e.ts'))) {[EyesService, {
        viewportSize: {width: 1200, height: 800},
        batch: {name: 'WebdriverIO Test'},
        useVisualGrid: true,
        browsersInfo: [
            {width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'chrome'},
            {width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'firefox'}

With this imported, our tests can be simplified to remove some of the functional assertions, because Applitools does this for you. From the Applitools Eyes Test Manager, you can see the tests have been compared against Firefox and Chrome at the same time, even though only one test was run.

WebdriverIO selectors Q&A

After Christian shared his WebdriverIO demonstration, we turned it over to our Q&A, where Christian responded to questions from the audience.

Using Chrome DevTools

Audience question: Is there documentation on how to run WebdriverIO in DevTools like this to be able to use the browser and $ and $$ commands? This would be very helpful for us for day-to-day test implementation.
Christian’s response: [The demo] is actually not using DevTools at all. It uses ChromeDriver in the background, which is automatically spun up by the test runner using the ChromeDriver service. So there’s no DevTools involved. You can also use the DevTools protocol to automate the browser. The functionality is the same. WebdriverIO executes the same XPath. There’s a compliant DevTools implementation to the WebdriverIO protocol so that the WebdriverIO APIs works on both. But you really don’t need DevTools to use all these accessibility selectors to test your application.

Integrating with Chrome Console

Question: How is WebdriverIO integrated with Chrome Console to type await browser.getHtml() etc.?
Christian’s response: With component tests, it’s similar to what other frameworks do. You actually run a website that is generated by WebdriverIO. WebdriverIO injects a couple of JavaScript scripts and it loads web within that page as well. And then it basically sends commands back to the Node.js world where it’s then executed by ChromeDriver and then the responses are being sent back to the browser. So basically WebdriverIO as a framework is being injected into the browser to give you all the access into the APIs. The actual commands are, however, run by Chrome Driver.

Testing in other local languages

Question: If we’re also testing in other languages (like English, Spanish, French, etc.), wouldn’t using the accessibility text fail? Would the ID not be faster in finding the element as well?
Christian’s response: If you have a website that has multiple languages and you have a system to inject those or to maintain the languages, you can use this tool to fetch the accessibility name of that particular language you test the website in. Otherwise, you can say I only tested one language, because I would assume it would not be different in other languages. Or you create a library or a JSON file that contains the same selectors for different languages but the same accessibility name for different languages. And then you import that JSON to your test and just reference the label to have the right language. So there are ways to go around it. It would make it more difficult in different languages, obviously, but still from the way to maintain end-to-end tests and maintain tests in general, I would always recommend accessibility names and accessibility labels.

Using div.board or .board

Question: Do you have a stance/opinion on div.board versus .board for CSS selectors?
Christian’s response: I would always prefer the first one, just more specific. You know, anyone could add another board class name to an input element or what not. And so being very specific is usually the best way to go in my recommendation.

Tracking API call execution

Question: How can we find out if an API call has executed when we click on an element?
Christian’s response: WebdriverIO has mocking capabilities, so you can look into when a certain URL pattern has been called by the browser. Unfortunately, that’s fairly based on DevTools because WebdriverIO, the first protocol, doesn’t support it. We are working with the browser vendors and the new WebdriverIO binary protocol to get mocking of URLs and stubbing and all that stuff to land in the new browsers. And so it’ll be available across not only Chrome, but also Firefox, Safari, and so on.

Working with iframes

Question: Is it possible to select elements from an iframe and work with an iframe like normal?

Christian’s response: An iframe is almost similar to a shadow DOM – just that an iframe has much more browser context than just a shadow DOM. WebdriverIO has an issue currently. To implement the deep shadow selector for iframes as well, you could do three characters and then name any CSS path and it would make finding an iframe very easy. But you can always switch to an iframe and then query it. So it’s a little bit more difficult with iframes, but it’s doable.

Learn more

So that covers our expert’s takeaways on locating web elements using WebdriverIO. In the next article in our two-part series, I’ll recap Filip’s tutorial using Cypress, as well as the Cypress Q&A with the audience.

If you want to learn more about any of these tools, frameworks like Cypress, WebDriverIO, or specifically web element locator strategies, be sure to check out Test Automation University. All the courses and content are free. You can also learn more about visual testing with Applitools in the Visual Testing learning path.
Be sure to register for the upcoming Let the Engineers Speak webinar series installment on Test Maintainability coming in May. Engineers Maaret Pyhäjärvi from Selenium and Ed Manlove from Robot Framework will be discussing test maintenance and test maintainability with a live Q&A.

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in WebdriverIO appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Announcing the Applitools Ambassadors Program! Mon, 27 Mar 2023 18:06:49 +0000 Today, I’m excited to announce that Applitools is launching an Ambassadors program! At Applitools, we want to assemble a group of industry leaders who love Applitools and want to help...

The post Announcing the Applitools Ambassadors Program! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Applitools Ambassadors logo

Today, I’m excited to announce that Applitools is launching an Ambassadors program! At Applitools, we want to assemble a group of industry leaders who love Applitools and want to help us shape its future. We’re looking for developers, testers, designers, educators, managers, and directors with expertise in building excellent apps and influence in tech communities.

Who is an “Applitools Ambassador”?

An Applitools Ambassador is essentially a “super-fan.” They just love using the Applitools platform and products for building excellent testing pipelines. Below are some traits of of our Ambassadors:

  • An ambassador has hands-on experience with Applitools, either as a practitioner themselves or as someone who has led initiatives using Applitools.
  • An ambassador has expertise in software design, development, and testing. They know what works and what doesn’t, and they carry the respect of their peers.
  • An ambassador either has or aspires to build an influential presence in their tech communities. They write blogs, speak at events, and advocate for recommended practices – especially involving Applitools.

What do Ambassadors do?

Ambassadors do lots of things! Here are some examples:

What benefits do Ambassadors receive?

Ambassadors receive quite a few benefits, including:

  • Personal Brand – Receive invitations to boost personal brands, such as speaking at events and writing articles for the Applitools blog.
  • News – Be the first to hear the latest product updates directly from Applitools, and get hands on with new features as soon as they drop.
  • Feedback – Share thoughts directly with R&D to help shape Applitools’ future.
  • Networking – Meet other like-minded folks in the community through opportunities for collaboration, including members of the Applitools team.
  • Swag – Receive special gifts reserved exclusively for Applitools Ambassadors as a way to stand out at community events.

Who are the Ambassadors?

Applitools has invited several excellent individuals to become part of our Ambassador program launch. We will announce them one-by-one in the coming days. Be sure to keep an eye on the Applitools Ambassadors page as well as Twitter and LinkedIn to see who’s joining!

How can I become an Ambassador?

If you think you’ve got what it takes to become an Applitools Ambassador, then please apply! We’d love to hear from you. In the meantime, keep an eye open as we announce our first set of Ambassadors.

Applitools Ambassadors logo

The post Announcing the Applitools Ambassadors Program! appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Upcoming Content for Test Automation University Tue, 14 Mar 2023 15:21:43 +0000 Test Automation University (TAU) is the premier platform for learning about software testing and automation. Powered by Applitools, TAU offers dozens of courses on all testing topics imaginable from the...

The post Upcoming Content for Test Automation University appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Visual testing learning path

Test Automation University (TAU) is the premier platform for learning about software testing and automation. Powered by Applitools, TAU offers dozens of courses on all testing topics imaginable from the world’s best instructors for FREE.

In my previous article, I shared a breakdown of TAU by the numbers. I covered all the stats and metrics about TAU today. Now, in this article, I’d like to share the future by publicly announcing all the new content we have scheduled in our development pipeline!

New courses

Test Automation Design Patterns by Sarah Watkins

Up first is Test Automation Design Patterns by my good friend Sarah Watkins. Anyone who’s ever worked on a test project knows that good test cases don’t just happen – they’re built intentionally. In this upcoming course, Sarah teaches everything she knows about designing and delivering test automation projects at scale, from formulating tests to follow Arrange-Act-Assert, to using dependency injection for handling test inputs and other objects, to deciding between page objects or the Screenplay Pattern. This will be an advanced course to really help you become the ultimate SDET, or “Software Development Engineer in Test.”

GitHub Actions for Testing by Matthias Zax

Next up is GitHub Actions for Testing by Matthias Zax. Automation means much more than merely scripting test case procedures. It includes automating repetitive segments of your development process, like running tests and reporting results. GitHub Actions are a marvelous, lightweight way to add helpful workflows to manage your source code repositories. In this course, Matthias teaches how to create GitHub Actions specifically for testing and quality concerns. I know GitHub Actions have transformed how I run my own GitHub projects, and I’m sure they’ll make a big difference for you, too!

Behavior-Driven Development with SpecFlow by Bas Dijkstra

Next is a course for a topic very near and dear to my own heart: Behavior-Driven Development with SpecFlow by Bas Dijkstra. Behavior-Driven Development, or “BDD” for short, is a set of pragmatic practices that help you develop high-quality, valuable behaviors. Not only will Bas walk through the phases of Discovery, Formulation, and Automation, but he will show you how to use SpecFlow – one of the best BDD test frameworks around – to automate Gherkin scenarios. He will also teach how to integrate SpecFlow with popular libraries like Selenium WebDriver and RestAssured.NET.

I hope you’re excited for those three upcoming courses. Course development takes time, so we don’t have a hard publishing date set, but be on the lookout for them this year. I know Sarah, Matthias, and Bas are all hard at work recording their chapters.

New learning paths

That’s not all our new content. We have a lot more to announce today, so let’s keep going.

Visual Testing Learning Path

We have a new learning path to announce: Visual Testing! Applitools’ very own Matt Jasaitis is developing a three-part series on visual testing. The example code uses Selenium WebDriver with Java, but the concepts he teaches are universal. The first two courses in this learning path are already available. The third course, with the tentative title Expert Visual Testing Practices, will be available by April.

Leadership Learning Path

Historically, Test Automation University has focused almost exclusively on testing and automation skills. As we grow in our career as professionals, we often find we need to develop other kinds of skills as well. That’s why I’m excited to announce that TAU will be developing a new learning path for leadership!

Managing Test Teams by Jenny Bramble

The first course in our new leadership track will be Managing Test Teams by Jenny Bramble. At some point in our careers, many of us face the question, “Should I become a manager?” Becoming a good manager requires a different skill set than becoming a good tester or a good engineer. It comes with a new set of challenges that you might not expect. In this course, Jenny will share everything she’s learned about leading teams of testers, holding crucial conversations, and deciding if a career path in management is right for you. Jenny is also one of our speakers later today, so be sure to join her session.

Building Up Quality Leaders by Laveena Ramchandani

The second course will be Building Up Quality Leaders by Laveena Ramchandani. While Jenny’s course will focus primarily on being a good manager, Laveena’s course will focus on attributes of leadership that apply to any role within software quality. Laveena will cover leadership skills like servanthood, charisma, decisiveness, and gratitude, and how they all apply to the testing world.

Creating Effective Test Strategies by Erin Crise

The third course will be Creating Effective Test Strategies by Erin Crise. The key to leading successful testing initiatives is a solid, well-grounded, well-balanced strategy. The strategy must balance automation with exploration. It must include a variety of areas such as visuals, accessibility, and performance. It must be communicated effectively across teams. And it must be agile enough to adjust to changes. With her wealth of experience from several software projects, Erin will teach how to plan and execute effective test strategies in this course.

Just like for the other upcoming courses I just announced, these leadership courses aren’t ready yet. Expect them to drop later this year. We are also planning a few more courses in this leadership path, so stay tuned for more details!

Refreshing old courses

Now, we said earlier how TAU is over four years old. In the world of tech, that’s a long time. I hate to say it, but some of our courses are becoming outdated. Tools and frameworks evolve – as they should. It’s time to refresh many of our courses.

Last year, we published our first refresh courses: Introduction to Robot Framework by Paul Merrill and UI Automation with WebdriverIO v7 by Julia Pottinger. Both refresh courses were well received by our community of students.

After auditing our whole course catalog, I decided that it’s time to refresh some more courses!

Cypress courses by Filip Hric

Our intro and advanced Cypress courses are among our most popular. In fact, Introduction to Cypress is currently ranked #8 for monthly completions. This is no surprise given Cypress’s incredible popularity with front end developers. However, our mainstay courses were published before many of Cypress’s current features, like component testing and the new directory structure introduced with Cypress 10.

Filip Hric will take up the challenge to refresh both the intro and advanced Cypress courses. He will redevelop them to flow together cohesively as parts 1 and 2. We will also create a new Cypress learning path for them once we publish them.

Playwright courses by Renata Andrade

As a Playwright Ambassador, I can’t let Cypress have all the fun. Playwright is so hot right now. The community is booming, the downloads are skyrocketing, and even within Applitools and TAU, we see its adoption growing significantly. That’s why we are not only refreshing our introduction-to-Playwright course, but we are also going to publish an all-new Advanced Playwright course!

Our instructor Renata Andrade, like Filip, will develop these courses to be parts 1 and 2. She will also develop them in TypeScript. And you’d better believe we’ll create a Playwright learning path for them as well.

Mobile Automation with Appium in Java by Moataz Nabil

Let’s not forget mobile test automation as well. Moataz Nabil is going to split his course, Mobile Automation with Appium in Java, into two parts. At six and a half hours, this course is currently the longest on TAU. By splitting it into two parts, we hope to make it easier for students to complete.

Web Element Locator Strategies by Andrew Knight

And finally, there’s one more course we plan to redevelop: my very first course, Web Element Locator Strategies. In my refresh, I intend to develop new subchapters to show how to write locators in different frameworks like Playwright and Cypress, not just in Selenium Java. I’ll include new types of locators as well.

Retired courses

We also needed to retire a few of our courses that are out of date:

  1. Automated Visual Testing with Java by Angie Jones
  2. AI for Element Selection by Jason Arbon
  3. From Scripting to Framework with Selenium and C# by Carlos Kidman

In case you missed it, we removed these courses from TAU at the beginning of March. I want to thank these instructors for making these courses.

A full curriculum

I know I’ve talked a lot about learning paths today. One of the most requested new features we receive is certificates for completing learning paths. I’m sorry to say that we are not going to add certificates for learning paths. Learning paths are somewhat dynamic. They can change over time as we publish new courses. So, giving certificates for completing them doesn’t make sense.

Instead, we are toying with a stronger idea: a curriculum. A learning path concentrates on one narrow testing topic, like leadership or visual testing. I want to create a comprehensive program of courses covering a wide breadth of testing topics, and to recognize completion of that program with something like a diploma. We have a rich catalog of courses for building a strong curriculum. Right now, this is still in the idea stage. I’m hoping to bring it into reality later this year.

One more thing…

TAU is four years old, and while I hate to admit it, the TAU platform itself is starting to show its age. With so many courses available, it’s becoming hard to find the ones you want. On the backend, it actually takes quite a bit of manual labor to publish a new course, too.

It’s time to refresh the TAU platform. It’s time for TAU version 2.

Over the coming months, Matt Jasaitis and I will redevelop the whole TAU web app. Yes, that’s the same Matt Jasaitis who is creating the Visual Testing learning path. Our goal is to build a sustainable learning platform to serve Test Automation University for years to come. We will also build a better support system into the platform. Unfortunately, this project is so new that I don’t even have mockups to show you yet, but at least I can announce that TAUv2 is coming.

So, what do y’all think about all this new content coming to TAU? We’d love to hear from you. Let us know through TAU Slack.

The post Upcoming Content for Test Automation University appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Test Automation University by the Numbers Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:25:00 +0000 Test Automation University (TAU) is the premier platform for learning about software testing and automation. Powered by Applitools, TAU offers dozens of courses on all testing topics imaginable from the...

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TAU by the numbers

Test Automation University (TAU) is the premier platform for learning about software testing and automation. Powered by Applitools, TAU offers dozens of courses on all testing topics imaginable from the world’s best instructors for FREE.

In this article, I’d like to share a breakdown of Test Automation University by the numbers: all the stats and metrics that we gather for insights into the program. I also shared this information in my keynote address for Test Automation University’s 2023 conference, What’s New With TAU? Let’s dive in!

Students, courses, and achievements

Believe it or not, it’s been four years since Applitools launched TAU! Four years is a long time. That’s as long as a typical college undergraduate degree.

I remember feeling thrilled when Applitools first launched TAU. Before then, there wasn’t any cohesive, community-oriented education platform for testing and automation. Most schools barely included testing topics in their programs. While the Web had a wealth of information, it was difficult to know which resources were both comprehensive and trustworthy. Test Automation University provided a central platform that could be trusted with literally the best and the brightest instructors in the world.

Now, I can’t imagine a world without TAU. At least once a week, someone I’ve never met before slides into my DMs and asks me, “Andy, how can I start learning about testing and automation?” I literally just tell them, “Have you heard of Test Automation University?” Boom. Done. I don’t have to check my bookshelf for titles or do a quick search for blog articles. I just say go to TAU. They’re always grateful.

And when they do go to TAU, they join our ever-growing community of students! Just last month, we crossed 150 thousand registered “TAU-dents”! That’s a huge size for any community.

Every time we’ve hit a milestone, we’ve celebrated. When we hit 50 thousand students in June 2020, we threw our first TAU Party. Then, when we hit 100 thousand students, we hosted TAU: The Homecoming, our first virtual conference. That’s when I first joined Applitools. Now, at 150 thousand students, we’re hosting our second virtual conference.

Our growth is also accelerating. Historically, we have grown by 50 thousand students about every year and a half. This most recent milestone happened a little sooner than expected.

Every week, about 800 to 1000 new students sign up for TAU. That’s sustained, consistent growth. It’s awesome to see all the new students joining every week.

Over 4 years, we have published a total of 73 courses. That’s a lot of content! A single course has at least 4 chapters with at least 30 minutes of video lessons. Most courses average about 8 chapters over an hour of content, and our longest courses stretch to 6 hours! We try to publish a new course about once a month. And the best part is that every one of our courses is completely, totally, absolutely FREE!

Our courses would be nothing without the excellent instructors who teach them. To date, we have 48 different instructors who have produced courses for TAU. These folks are the real superstars. They are bona fide software testing champions. Let me tell you, it is no small effort to develop a TAU course.

When Applitools first launched TAU back in 2019, I remember thinking to myself as a younger panda, “Man, that’s awesome. I wish I could be part of that. Maybe someday I can develop a TAU course and be like them.” A few months later, Angie Jones slid into my DMs and asked me if I’d want to develop my first course: Web Element Locator Strategies. In all honesty, TAU is one of the main reasons I work at Applitools today!

Let’s look at achievements next. In total, all students have completed 162 thousand courses! That’s 162 thousand certificates and 162 thousand badges, averaging slightly more than 1 course completion per student.

The credit total is even more impressive. Our students have earned about 116 million course credits. That’s just under 800 credits per student, which correlates to about one course’s worth of credits. 116 million credits earned is a mind-blowing number, and that total is only going to increase with time.

Course completion analysis

Those are just some raw numbers on TAU. I also did some deeper analysis on our courses to learn what topics and formats are most valuable to our community. Let’s take a look at that together.

When evaluating courses, the main metric I measure is course completion – meaning, how many students completed the course and earned a certificate. Anyone can start a course, but it takes dedication to complete the course. Completion signals the highest level of engagement with TAU: a student must dedicate hours of study and coding to earn a course badge.

My goal for any course we publish – and how I determine if a course is “successful” in most basic terms – is to consistently hit 30 completions per month, or 1 completion per day. Very popular courses hit 2 completions per day, and our most popular courses hit at least 3 completions per day.

Our top 10 courses are all in that upper echelon of completion rate. Our most popular course by far is Angie JonesSetting a Foundation for Successful Test Automation, followed by my course, Web Element Locator Strategies.

All three of our programming courses – Java, JavaScript, and Python – appear in the top 10. Rounding out the top 10 are courses on Selenium WebDriver, Cypress, API testing, and IntelliJ IDEA. If you want to see more details about the most popular TAU courses, check out the article I wrote about it a few months ago on the Applitools blog. Note that some small shifts have happened since I wrote that article, but the information is still mostly accurate.

When partitioning the full catalog of courses by the programming languages they use, we can see that Java and JavaScript dominate the landscape. This should be no surprise, since those two languages are by far the most popular languages for test automation. Applitools product data also backs this up. TAU offers a good number of Python and C# courses that are reasonably popular. I personally developed 3 of those 7 Python courses. TAU also offers a handful of courses that use Ruby and other languages. Unfortunately, however, we have discovered that those courses, especially for Ruby, have very low completion rates. Again, I surmise that this reflects broader industry trends.

I also analyzed the completion rate for a course versus its length. What I found is probably not surprising: shorter courses have higher completion rates, while longer courses have lower completion rates. The average completion rate for all courses is 57%. The breaking point appears to be at about two hours, with a sweet spot between 60-90 minutes. Since we want to encourage course completions, we are going to encourage instructors to produce courses in the hour-to-hour-and-a-half range moving forward.

So, what’s next?

These numbers describe TAU as it is today. In my next article, I’ll share all the new plans we have for TAU, including upcoming courses!

The post Test Automation University by the Numbers appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Implementing Autonomous Testing Today Mon, 06 Mar 2023 17:20:39 +0000 In our previous article, we learned what autonomous testing is all about: autonomous testing is when a tool can learn an app’s behaviors and automatically execute tests against them. It...

The post Implementing Autonomous Testing Today appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


In our previous article, we learned what autonomous testing is all about: autonomous testing is when a tool can learn an app’s behaviors and automatically execute tests against them. It then provides results to humans who can determine what’s good and what’s bad. Fully autonomous testing solutions are not yet available today, but we can get part of the way there with readily available tools. Let’s learn how to build our own semi-autonomous solution using Playwright and Applitools Eyes!

The solution sketch

Let’s say you have a website with multiple pages. It would be really nice if a test suite could visit each page and make sure it looks okay: no missing buttons, no overlapping text, and no other kinds of visual bugs. The tests wouldn’t be very sophisticated, but they’d quickly catch a lot of problems. They’d be like smoke tests.

There’s a straightforward way to do this. Most websites have a sitemap file that lists the links for all the pages. We could use a browser automation tool like Selenium, Cypress, or Playwright to visit each of those pages, and we could use a tool like Applitools Eyes to capture visual snapshots of each page. Every time we run the suite, it would automatically discover new pages and avoid removed pages. Existing pages would be checked for visual differences. We wouldn’t need to explicitly code what to check – the snapshots would implicitly check everything on the pages! With the Applitools Ultrafast Grid, we could even test these pages against different browsers, devices, and viewport sizes.

This kind of test suite is technically “autonomous” because we, as human testers, don’t need to explicitly write the tests. The sitemap provides the pages, and visual testing covers the assertions.

The website to test

Last year at Applitools, we replaced our old tutorial website with a new website that uses Docusaurus, a very popular documentation framework based on React. We also rewrote several of the guides for our most popular SDKs. Presently, the site has about 60 pages of varying length. Since many of the pages host similar content, we use components to avoid duplication in text and in code. However, that means any change could inadvertently break multiple pages.
Our tutorial site is currently hosted at

The tutorial site also has a sitemap file at

<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:news="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:image="" xmlns:video="">


It would be very helpful to test this tutorial site with the semi-autonomous testing tool we just sketched out.

Writing the autonomous testing code

To follow along with this article, you can find the GitHub repository for the project at In the package.JSON file, you’ll find all the packages needed for this project:

  • Playwright
  • Applitools Eyes SDK for Playwright
  • ts-node

Since I’ll be developing my code in TypeScript instead of raw JavaScript, the ts-node package will allow me to run TypeScript files directly.

  "name": "auto-website-testing",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "A semi-autonomous testing project that visually tests all the pages in a website's sitemap",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {},
  "repository": {
     "type": "git",
     "url": "git+"
   "keywords": [],
   "author": "",
   "license": "ISC",
   "bugs": {
      "url": ""
   "homepage": "",
   "devDependencies": {
     "@applitools/eyes-playwright": "^1.13.0",
     "@playwright/test": "^1.29.1",
     "ts-node": "^10.9.1"

The main file in our project is autonomous.ts. This isn’t a typical Playwright test that has described blocks and test functions, but rather autonomous.ts is just a plain old script. The first thing we need to do is read in some environment variables. For test inputs, we’ll need the base URL of the target website. We’ll need the site name of the website for logging purposes and reporting purposes, and we’ll also need a level of test concurrency for the Applitools Ultrafast Grid, which will handle our visual snapshots. If you’re on a free Applitools account, you’ll be limited to one, but I’ll be using a bit more in this example.

import { chromium } from '@playwright/test';
import { BatchInfo, Configuration, VisualGridRunner, BrowserType, Eyes, Target } from '@applitools/eyes-playwright';

(async () => {

     // Read environment variables
     const BASE_URL = process.env.BASE_URL;
     const SITE_NAME = process.env.SITE_NAME;
     const TEST_CONCURRENCY = Number(process.env.TEST_CONCURRENCY) || 1;

Once we read those in, we want to validate those environment variables to make sure their values are given and they’re good. Then what we’ll do is we will figure out what the sitemap URL is. Basically, the sitemap URL will be the base URL plus this standard XML file name.

 // Validate environment variables
 if (!BASE_URL) {
    throw new Error('ERROR: BASE_URL environment variable is not defined');
 if (!SITE_NAME) {
    throw new Error('ERROR: SITE_NAME environment variable is not defined');

 // Parse the base and sitemap URLs
 const baseUrl = BASE_URL.replace(/\/+$/, '');
 const sitemapUrl = baseUrl + '/sitemap.xml';

Next, we will set up Applitools to be able to do visual testing. These are all fairly standard Applitools SDK objects. If you take one of our Applitools SDK tutorials, you’ll see things just like this. Basically, we’ll need a visual grid runner to connect to the Ultrafast Grid for rendering our snapshots. We’ll create a batch which will have the name of our site so that we can see reporting, and we’ll have a configuration object to specify things like the batch, the browsers, and all these other things we want.

 // Create Applitools objects

 let runner = new VisualGridRunner({ testConcurrency: TEST_CONCURRENCY });
 let batch = new BatchInfo({name: SITE_NAME});
 let config = new Configuration();
 let widthAndHeight = {width: 1600, height: 1200};
 let snapshotPromises: Promise<any>[] = [];

With the configuration, we’re going to set the batch and we’re going to add one browser to test. I want to test Chrome with this particular viewport size. If we wanted to, we could also test other browsers in the Ultrafast Grid such as Firefox, Safari, and Edge Chromium. Even if you don’t have those browsers installed on your local machine, it’s all going to be done in the Applitools cloud. For this example, we’ll use one browser.

 // Set Applitools configuration
 config.addBrowser(1600, 1200, BrowserType.CHROME);
 // config.addBrowser(1600, 1200, BrowserType.FIREFOX);
 // config.addBrowser(1600, 1200, BrowserType.SAFARI);
 // config.addBrowser(1600, 1200, BrowserType.EDGE_CHROMIUM);

Now comes the fun part of getting that sitemap file. What we’ll need to do is launch a browser through Playwright, we’ll just use Chromium. Then we’ll need to create a new browser context from that browser and we’ll give it a standard width and height viewport. Then we’ll get a page object from that context, because with Playwright, all interactions happen through a page object.

 // Set up a browser
 const browser = await chromium.launch();

 // Set up a sitemap context and page
 const sitemapContext = await browser.newContext({viewport: widthAndHeight});
 const sitemapPage = await sitemapContext.newPage();

Once we’ve got that page, now we can visit the sitemap page and we can try to find all of the page links inside that sitemap file. Even though it’s XML, Playwright can still parse it just like it’s a regular webpage. Once we’ve got that list of page links, then we’re going to close that session and so this Playwright session will be done.

 // Get the sitemap
 await sitemapPage.goto(sitemapUrl);
 const pageLinks = await sitemapPage.locator("loc").allTextContents();

Now that we have the list of all pages from the sitemap, we can visit each one and capture a snapshot. To do that, we’re going to iterate over that list with a for loop for each page we visit. We’re going to make a promise so that we can capture those snapshots asynchronously. In the background, for each page, we are going to create a new browser context and then from that context, create a new page object, and then start an Applitools Eyes session. This is what enables us to capture those visual snapshots.

 // Capture a snapshot for each page
 for (const link of pageLinks) {
     snapshotPromises.push((async () => {

       // Open a new page
       const linkContext = await browser.newContext({viewport: widthAndHeight});
       const linkPage = await linkContext.newPage();

       // Open Eyes
       const eyes = new Eyes(runner, config);
           link.replace(baseUrl, ''),

Taking the snapshot is pretty basic. We just visit the page and we say eyes.check, and we take a picture of the whole window. Once we do that, we can close our session so that Applitools knows that’s the only snapshot we’re taking. Firing these off in different promises means that we can run them asynchronously in the background, letting Applitools Eyes crunch through all of the visual validations, and that way we’re not waiting for them one at a time. They’ll just all go. Once we fired off all of the visual snapshots, we can wait for those promises to join at the end.

       // Take the snapshot
       await linkPage.goto(link);
       await eyes.check(link, Target.window().fully());
       console.log(`Checked ${link}`);

       // Close Eyes
       await eyes.close(false);
       console.log(`Closed ${link}`);


And finally, once that’s complete, we can close the browser and be done with testing.

 // Close all Eyes
 console.log('Waiting for all snapshots to complete...');
 await Promise.all(snapshotPromises);

 // Close the browser
 await browser.close();


That’s all there is to our autonomous testing script. It’s pretty concise – only about 80 lines long. It doesn’t take a whole lot of logic to write autonomous tests.

Running the tests

Let’s run the script to test it out. The website I’m going to use in this example is the Applitools tutorial site, which has about 60 pages. You can use any site you want as long as you set your environment variables. If you want to run this, you will need an Applitools account, which you can register for free with your email or GitHub account. Once you register an account, you’ll take your Applitools API key and set that as an environment variable.

We need to run our tests in the terminal. If this is your first time, you’ll need to run npm install to install the npm packages as well as npx playwright install to install the Playwright browsers. Once you’ve run those installers and set your environment variables, you just need to run npx ts-node autonomous.ts to run the script.

The script fetches the sitemap file, parsing out all of those links, and it’s firing off promises to start capturing visual snapshots for each one that’s happening asynchronously. The messages saying “Checked” link means those have now been initiated. What we’ll start to see is as they complete one by one in the Applitools Ultrafast Grid, we’ll see how the session becomes closed. Closed images code, JavaScript, closed mobile browser, that means one by one, the visual testing has been completed.

While the test is running, we can see results in the Applitools Eyes dashboard as a batch.

If I look at all the tests they’re popping in, we can see some of them are still running while others have passed.

If I want to see what the visual comparisons look like, I can compare them side by side. If there are no visual differences, the test for this page will pass.

You can see on the page it captures everything, the title bar, the sidebar table of contents, main body and footer. It will even scroll all the way to the bottom to make sure it gets the full page worth of contents.

No matter how long the page is, everything is being compared visually. It’s pretty cool to see just how many tests our autonomous testing solution can uncover. As I said before, the tutorial site right now has about 60 pages, which means that’s 60 tests that I didn’t have to explicitly write. Playwright plus Applitools Eyes took care of it all for me.

Improving the tool

This example of a semi-autonomous testing tool is rather basic. There are plenty of ways we could improve it:

  • Decoupling our tests: We could write separate scripts for fetching sitemap links and taking the visual snapshots. That would let us provide links to visit by ways other than a sitemap file. We could also add an intermittent step to filter links from a sitemap file.
  • Expanding test coverage: We could add settings to test different browsers, devices, and viewports. This would provide autonomous cross-browser and cross-device testing coverage for multiple screen sizes.
  • Target specific regions: We could exclude parts of pages like navigation bars and sidebars. This could allow us to target specific portions of a page in our tests while ignoring content that is dynamic or that we may want to test separately.

Even with the basics before any of these suggestions are implemented, this tool still provides a lot of value for a little bit of work. You can clone it from the GitHub repository and try it yourself. Let us know @Applitools how you use it!
Read more about Applitools Eyes.

Applitools is working on a fully autonomous testing solution that will be available soon. Reach out to our team to see a demo and learn more!

The post Implementing Autonomous Testing Today appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

What is Autonomous Testing All About? Thu, 02 Mar 2023 17:00:12 +0000 Autonomous testing – where automated tools figure out what to test for us – is going to be the next great wave in software quality. In this article, we’ll dive...

The post What is Autonomous Testing All About? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Autonomous testing vs traditional testing

Autonomous testing – where automated tools figure out what to test for us – is going to be the next great wave in software quality. In this article, we’ll dive deeply into what autonomous testing is, how it will work, and what our workflow as a tester will look like with autonomous tools. Although we don’t have truly autonomous testing tools available yet, like self-driving cars, they’re coming soon. Let’s get ready for them!

What is autonomous testing?

So, what exactly is autonomous testing? It’s the next evolutionary step in efficiency.

A brief step back in time

Let’s take a step back in time. Historically, all testing was done manually. Humans needed to poke and prod software products themselves to check if they worked properly. Teams of testers would fill repositories with test case procedures and then grind through them en masse during release cycles. Testing moved at the speed of humans: it got done when it got done.

Then, as an industry, we began to automate our tests. Many of the tests we ran were rote and repetitive, so we decided to make machines run them for us. We scripted our tests in languages like Java, JavaScript, and Python. We developed a plethora of tools to interact with products, like Selenium for web browsers and Postman for APIs. Eventually, we executed tests as part of Continuous Integration systems so that we could get fast feedback perpetually.

With automation, things were great… mostly. We still needed to take time to develop the tests, but we could run them whenever we wanted. We could also run them in parallel to speed up turnaround time. Suites that took days to complete manually could be completed in hours, if not minutes, with automation.

Unfortunately, test automation is hard. Test automation is full-blown software development. Testers needed to become developers to do it right. Flakiness became a huge pain point. Sometimes, tests missed obvious problems that humans would easily catch, like missing buttons or poor styling. Many teams tried to automate their tests and simply failed because the bar was too high.

What we want is the speed and helpfulness of automation without the challenges in developing it. It would be great if a tool could look at an app, figure out its behaviors, and just go test it. That’s essentially what autonomous testing will do.

Ironically, traditional test automation isn’t fully automated. It still needs human testers to write the steps. Autonomous testing tools will truly be automated because the tool will figure out the test steps for us.

The car analogy

Cars are a great analogy for understanding the differences between manual, automated, and autonomous testing.
Manual testing is like a car with a manual transmission. As the driver, you need to mash the clutch and shift through gears to make the car move. You essentially become one with the vehicle.

Many classic cars, like this vintage Volkswagen Beetle, relied on manual transmissions. Beetle gear shifters were four-on-the-floor with a push-down lockout for reverse.

Automated testing is like a car with an automatic transmission. The car still needs to shift gears, but the transmission does it automatically for you based on how fast the car is going. As the driver, you still need to pay attention to the road, but driving is easier because you have one less concern. You could even put the car on cruise control!
Autonomous testing is like a self-driving car. Now, all you need to do is plug in the destination and let the car take you there. It’s a big step forward, and it enables you, now as a passenger, to focus on other things. Like with self-driving cars, we haven’t quite achieved full autonomous testing yet. It’s still a technology we hope to build in the very near future.

How will it work?

This probably goes without saying, but autonomous testing tools will need to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to learn an app’s context well enough to test it. For example, if we want to test a mobile app, then at the bare minimum, a tool needs to learn how phones work. It needs to know how to recognize different kinds of elements on a screen. It needs to know that buttons require tapping while input fields require text. Those kinds of things are universal for all mobile apps. At a higher level, it needs to figure out workflows for the app, like how humans would use it. Certain things like search bars and shopping carts may be the same in different apps, but domain specific workflows will be unique. Each business has its own special sauce.

This means that autonomous testing tools won’t be ready to use “out of the box.” Their learning models will come with general training on how apps typically work, but then they’ll need to do more training and learning on the apps they are targeted to test. For example, if I want my tool to test the Uber app, then the tool should already know how to check fields and navigate maps, but it will need to spend time learning how ridesharing works. Autonomous tools will, in a sense, need to learn how to learn. And there are three ways this kind of learning could happen.

Random trial and error

The first way is random trial and error. This is machine learning’s brute force approach. The tool could literally just hammer the app, trying to find all possible paths – whether or not they make sense. This approach would take the most time and yield the poorest quality of results, but it could get the job done. It’s like a Roomba, bonking around your bedroom until it vacuums the whole carpet.

Coaching from a user

The second way for the tool to learn an app is coaching from a user. Instead of attempting to be completely self-reliant, a tool could watch a user do a few basic workflows. Then, it could use what it learned to extend those workflows and find new behaviors. Another way this could work would be for the tool to provide a recommendation system. The tool could try to find behaviors worth testing, suggest those behaviors to the human tester, and the human tester could accept or reject those suggestions. The tool could then learn from that feedback: accepted tests signal good directions, while rejected tests could be avoided in the future.
Essentially, the tool would become a centaur: humans and AI working together and learning from each other. The human lends expertise to the AI to guide its learning, while the AI provides suggestions that go deeper than the human can see at a glance. Both become stronger through symbiosis.

Learning from observability data

A third way for an autonomous testing tool to learn app context acts like a centaur on steroids: learning from observability data. Observability refers to all the data gathered about an app’s real-time operations. It includes aspects like logging, system performance, and events. Essentially, if done right, observability can capture all the behaviors that users exercise in the app. An autonomous testing tool could learn all those behaviors very quickly by plunging the data – probably much faster than watching users one at a time.

What will a workflow look like?

So, let’s say we have an autonomous testing tool that has successfully learned our app. How do we, as developers and testers, use this tool as part of our jobs? What would our day-to-day workflows look like? How would things be different? Here’s what I predict.

Setting baseline behaviors

When a team adopts an autonomous testing tool for their app, the tool will go through that learning phase for the app. It will spend some time playing with the app and learning from users to figure out how it works. Then, it can report these behaviors to the team as suggestions for testing, and the team can pick which of those tests to keep and which to skip. That set then becomes a rough “baseline” for test coverage. The tool will then set itself to run those tests as appropriate, such as part of CI. If it knows what steps to take to exercise the target behaviors, then it can put together scripts for those interactions. Under the hood, it could use tools like Selenium or Appium.

Detecting changes in behaviors

Meanwhile, developers keep on developing. Whenever developers make a code change, the tool can do a few things. First, it can run the automated tests it has. Second, it can go exploring for new behaviors. If it finds any differences, it can report them to the humans, who can decide if they are good or bad. For example, if a developer intentionally added a new page, then the change is probably good, and the team would want the testing tool to figure out its behaviors and add them to the suite. However, if one of the new behaviors yields an ugly error, then that change is probably bad, and the team could flag that as a failure. The tool could then automatically add a test checking against that error, and the developers could start working on a fix.

Defining new roles

In this sense, the autonomous testing tool automates the test automation. It fundamentally changes how we think of test automation. With traditional automation, humans own the responsibility of figuring out interactions, while machines own the responsibility of making verifications. Humans need to develop the tests and code them. The machines then grind out PASS or FAIL. With autonomous testing, those roles switch. The machines figure out interactions by learning app behaviors and exercising them, while humans review those results to determine if they were desirable (PASS) or undesirable (FAIL). Automation is no longer a collection of rote procedures but a sophisticated change detection tool.

What can we do today?

Although full-blown autonomous testing is not yet possible, we can achieve semi-autonomous testing today with readily-available testing tools and a little bit of ingenuity. In the next article, we’ll learn how to build a test project using Playwright and Applitools Eyes that autonomously performs visual and some functional assertions on every page in a website’s sitemap file using Visual AI.

Applitools is working on a fully autonomous testing solution that will be available soon. Reach out to our team to see a demo and learn more!

The post What is Autonomous Testing All About? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

9 Reasons to Attend the 2023 Test Automation University Conference Tue, 14 Feb 2023 16:31:45 +0000 That’s right, Test Automation University (TAU) is holding a conference! It’ll be a two-day virtual event from March 8–9, 2023 hosted by Applitools. We will sharpen our software quality skills...

The post 9 Reasons to Attend the 2023 Test Automation University Conference appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


That’s right, Test Automation University (TAU) is holding a conference! It’ll be a two-day virtual event from March 8–9, 2023 hosted by Applitools. We will sharpen our software quality skills as we go all-in for the testing community. This article gives you nine reasons why you should attend this awesome event.

#1: Find out what’s new with TAU

TAU is alive and kicking, and we’ve got some incredible new developments in the works. In my opening keynote address, I’ll dish out all the details for upcoming courses, community engagements, and learning paths. There might even be a few surprises!

#2: Sharpen your skills with tutorials

Our first day will be stacked with six two-and-a-half-hour tutorials so you can really hone your automation skills. Want to stack up Cypress and Playwright? Filip Hric and I have you covered. Need to drop down to the API layer? Julia Pottinger’s got the session for you. Unit testing? Tariq King will help you think inside the box. Wanna crank it up with load and performance testing? Leandro will show you how to use k6. How about some modern Selenium with visual testing? Anand Bagmar’s our man. It’s the perfect time to sharpen your skills.

#3: Hear inspiring talks from our instructors

There’s no doubt that our TAU instructors are among the best in software testing. We invited many of them to share their knowledge and their wisdom on our second day. Our program is designed to inspire you to step up in your careers.

#4: Test your testing skills

Want to challenge your testing skills together with your other TAU classmates? Well, Carlos Kidman will be offering a live “testing test,” where everyone gets to submit answers in real time. The student with the highest score will win a pretty cool prize, so be sure to study up!

#5: Algorave at the halftime show

Have you ever listened to algorithmically-generated music that is coded live in front of you? It’s an experience! Dan Gorelick will kick out the algorave jams during our halftime show. (Glow sticks not included.)

#6: Cram even more content with lightning talks

Lightning talks bring bite-sized ideas to the front stage in rapid succession. They’re a welcome change of pace from full-length talks. We’ll have a full set of lightning talks from a few of our instructors along with a joint Q&A where you can ask them anything!

#7: Compete in extracurricular games

Every university needs some good extracurricular activities, right? We’ll have a mid-day game where you, as members of the audience, will get to participate! We’re keeping details under wraps for now so that nobody gets an unfair advantage.

#8: Win awards like a homecoming champion

What would a celebration be without superlative awards? We will recognize some of our best instructors and students in our closing ceremony. You might also win some prizes based on your participation in the conference!

#9: Get your conference tickets for FREE!

Applitools is hosting the 2023 TAU Conference as a free community event for everyone to attend. Just like our TAU courses, you don’t need to pay a dime to participate. You don’t even need to be a TAU student! Come join us for the biggest block party in the testing community this year. Register here to reserve your spot.

The post 9 Reasons to Attend the 2023 Test Automation University Conference appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Enhancing UI/UX Testing with AI Tue, 17 Jan 2023 23:42:06 +0000 This article is based on our recent webinar, How to Enhance UI/UX Testing by Leveraging AI, led by Chris Rolls from TTC and Andrew Knight from Applitools. Editing by Marii...

The post Enhancing UI/UX Testing with AI appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Leverage AI in UI/UX Testing webinar

This article is based on our recent webinar, How to Enhance UI/UX Testing by Leveraging AI, led by Chris Rolls from TTC and Andrew Knight from Applitools. Editing by Marii Boyken.

Last week, I hosted a webinar with Chris Rolls from TTC. In the webinar, Chris and I talked about the current state of software testing, where it’s going, and how visual AI and automation will impact the future of software testing. In this article, I’ll be recapping the insights shared from the webinar.

The current state of testing

Software testing is often seen in businesses as a necessary evil at the end of the software development lifecycle to find issues before they reach production. Chris and I strongly agree that software quality is crucial to modern businesses to help to achieve modern businesses’ goals and needs to be thought of throughout the software development lifecycle.

Digital transformation and continuous delivery

The largest and most relevant companies today have embraced digital transformation and technology to run their businesses and meet their customers’ needs. To keep up with digital transformation, you need modern software development practices like DevOps and continuous delivery. DevOps requires continuous testing to be successful, but we’re seeing that reliance on manual testing is the biggest challenge that organizations face when adopting DevOps.

Software testing and quality assurance

The software world is changing, so we need to change how we deliver technology. That requires modern software development approaches, which requires modern software testing and software quality approaches. Thankfully, testing and quality are far more top of mind now than in previous years.

Poll results showing how often audiences members deploy changes to production

From the audience poll results from our webinar, we see that continuous delivery is here to stay. When asked how often do you deploy changes to production, over 40% of people stated that they deploy either daily or multiple times per day. This wasn’t the case 10 to 20 years ago for most organizations unless technology was the product. Now, daily deployments are pretty common for most organizations.

Low rates of test automation

However, we’re seeing that getting high test automation coverage is still a huge challenge. In the survey, 55% of the respondents automate less than half of their testing.

Poll results showing how much of audience members' tests are automated

The numbers may have a bit of sample bias because Applitools users actually automate on average 1.7 times higher than other respondents. The responses align with anecdotal experience that a lot of organizations are still in lower test automation coverage around 20% to 50%.

Poll results showing audience members complexity of various text environments

Testing complexity and the amount of testing needed are going up increasingly, and this shows in our survey as well. More than 50% of the respondents test two languages or more, three browsers or more, three devices or more, and two applications or more.

Poll results showing the audience's biggest challenges in testing UIs

With two thirds of the respondents saying that one of the hardest parts of testing UIs is that they are constantly changing, traditional automation tools can’t handle testing at that speed scale and complexity.

Using AI in testing

We know that there’s a lot of excitement around AI tools, and the survey shows that.

Poll results showing where audience members are planning to use AI in their testing

When asked What parts of the testing process are you supporting or planning on supporting with AI, test offering, test prioritization, test execution, test management, and visual regression we all mentioned. The top two answers among respondents were test execution and visual regression.

It’s important to remember that continuous testing is about more than just test automation.

Poll results showing the different types of testing audience members run

While test automation is key to the process, you still need to incorporate other software testing and software quality practices like load testing, security, user experience, and accessibility.

The future of testing

What we’re trying to achieve in the future of testing is to support modern software development practices. The best way we’re seeing to do this is to have software testing and software quality more tightly integrated into the process. Let’s talk about what a modern software approach looks like.

Testing sooner and more frequently

To get tighter integration of quality into the process, testing can’t just be an activity at the end of the development lifecycle. Testing has to happen continuously for teams to be able to provide fast feedback across disciplines and ensure a quality product. When this is done, we see increased speed not just of testing, but of overall software development and deployment. We also see reduced costs and increased quality.  More defects are found before production, and we see quicker responses when finding defects in production.

Increasing how much testing is automated

Traditional testing approaches tend to be done mostly manually. Increasing test coverage doesn’t mean manual testing goes away.

Graph showing the future of testing being mostly automated

Automating your test cases frees up time to do more exploratory testing. Exploratory testing should be assisted by different tools, so AI has a good role to play here. Tools like ChatGPT are useful to brainstorm things like what to test next. Obviously we want to increase test automation coverage at all levels, including unit, API, and UI. Intelligent automated UI tests provide us more information than functional tests alone.

Knowing when to use AI in testing

What does the future of testing with AI look like? It’s a combination of people, processes, and technology. Software testers need to be thinking about what skills we need to have to support these new ways of testing and delivering quality software.

We need to uncover if a use case is better served by AI and machine learning than an algorithmic solution. To do this, we need to ask the following questions:

  • What is the pain point that we are trying to solve?
  • Are there good algorithmic or heuristic solutions available to address the pain point?
  • Are there enterprise ready AI and machine learning solutions that help?
    • If there are solutions, what happens if the AI doesn’t work?
    • If there aren’t solutions yet, how do we position ourselves to be ready for them?

“It’s quite trendy to talk about artificial intelligence, but the reason why we’re partnered with Applitools is that they apply real machine learning and artificial intelligence to a problem that is not well solved by other types of solutions on the market.”

Chris Rolls, CEO, Americas, TTC

Integrating visual AI into test automation

Let’s talk about how we can integrate AI into our testing to get some of those advantages of increased speed and coverage discussed earlier.

What is visual AI?

I like to explain visual AI visually. Do you remember those spot-the-difference pictures we had in our activity books from when we were kids?

Spot the difference game with two illustrations side by side with slight differences

As humans, we could sit around and play with this to find the differences manually. But what we want is to be able to find these differences immediately. And that is what visual AI has the power to do.

Spot the difference game with two illustrations side by side with slight differences highlighted in pink

Even when the images are a little bit skewed or off by a couple pixels here or there, visual AI can pinpoint any differences between one view and another.

Now you might be thinking, Andy, that’s cute, but how’s this technology gonna help me in the real world? Is it just gonna solve little activity book problems? Well, think about all the apps that you would develop – whether web, mobile, desktop, whatever you have – and all the possible ways that you could have visual bugs in your apps.

Here we’ve got three different views from mobile apps. One for Chipotle, one for a bank, and another one for a healthcare provider.

Example of a visual bug in the Chipotle mobile app
Example of a visual bug in a bank app
Example of a visual bug in a healthcare app

Visual AI test automation

You can see that visual bugs are pervasive and they come in all different shapes and sizes. Sometimes the formatting is off, sometimes a particular word or phrase or title is just nulled out. What’s really pesky is that sometimes you might have overlapping text.

Traditional automation struggles to find these issues because traditional automation usually hinges on text content purely or on particular attributes of elements on a page. So as long as something appears and it’s enactable, most traditional scripts will pass. Even though we as humans visually can inspect and see when something is completely broken and unuseable.

This is where visual AI can help us, because what we can do is we can take snapshots of our app over time and use visual AI to detect when we have visual regressions. Because if, let’s say, one day the title went from being your bank’s name to null, it’ll pick it up right away in your continuous testing.

Visual AI in action

In the webinar, I gave a live demo of automated visual testing using Applitools Eyes. In case you missed the demo, you can check it out here:

The future will be autonomous

So all this really cool stuff is powered by visual AI, a real world application of AI looking at images and being able to find things in them like they were humanized. Now you may think this is really cool, but what’s even cooler is this is just the beginning of what we can do with the power of AI and machine learning in the testing and automation space.

What we’re going to be seeing in the next couple years is a new thing called autonomous testing where not only are we automating our tests, but we’re automating the process of developing and maintaining our tests. The tests are kind of almost writing themselves in a sense. And visual AI is going to be a key part of that, because if testing is interaction and verification, what we want to make autonomous is both interaction and verification. And visual AI has already made verification autonomous. We’re halfway there, folks.

Be sure to check out our upcoming events page for new webinars coming soon!Learn how Applitools Eyes uses AI to catch visual differences between releases while reducing false positives. Happy testing!

The post Enhancing UI/UX Testing with AI appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak! Part 5: Audience Q&A Wed, 11 Jan 2023 14:58:00 +0000 In this final part of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series, we will cover the audience Q&A, sharing the most popular questions from the...

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 5: Audience Q&A appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak! from Applitools

In this final part of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series, we will cover the audience Q&A, sharing the most popular questions from the audience and the answers our experts gave. Be sure to read our previous post.

The experts

I’m Andrew Knight – the Automation Panda – and I moderated this panel. Here were the panelists and the frameworks they represented:

  • Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress) – Senior Director of Engineering at Mercari US
  • Carter Capocaccia (Cypress) – Senior Engineering Manager – Quality Automation at Hilton
  • Tally Barak (Playwright) – Software Architect at YOOBIC
  • Steve Hernandez (Selenium) – Software Engineer in Test at Q2
  • Jose Morales (WebdriverIO) – Automation Architect at Domino’s

The discussion

Andy Knight (moderator):

So our first question comes from Jonathan Nathan.

Can Playwright or Cypress handle multiple browser tabs? What do engineers in these tools do for Azure authentication or target new links?

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

[It’s a] very specific kind of interesting question, right? Multiple tabs and Azure authentication. You must have both. I think Playwright is [a] better tool, because it supports multiple browser tabs control right out of the box. So I would go with that.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Can I share a hack for this real quick?

Andy Knight (moderator):


Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

So I’m going to share the way that you don’t have to deal with multiple browser tabs in Cypress. And that’s just, you change the DOM from a target blank to a target self and then it just opens in the same window. So if you have to use Cypress [and] you need to get around multiple browser tabs, you can do DOM manipulation with Cypress.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Man, it sounds kind of hacky, though.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

No, I mean it’s absolutely right. Yeah, it’s hacky.

Andy Knight (moderator):

So I got a question then. Is that like a feature request anyone has lifted up for Cypress? Or is that just because of the way the Cypress app itself is designed that that’s just a non-starter?

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

It’s an open issue. Cypress team says it’s not a priority. Because you think about two tabs, right? Two tabs that present communication between one user and another of a backend. So you always want to kind of stop that and control it so you don’t have to actually have two windows. You want to control one window and communicate with API calls on the back. At least that’s the Cypress team opinion. So we might not see it any time soon.

ICYMI: Cypress ambassador Filip Hric shared What’s New in Cypress 12, which includes an update on the feature just discussed.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Yeah. I know in Playwright like, Gleb, like you said, it is really easy and nice because you have a browser instance. Then in that instance, you have multiple browser contexts and then, from each browser context, you’re going to have multiple pages. So yeah, I love it. Love it.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

And the better thing is that you can have one of them, like in a mobile size or emulating a mobile device and the other one in web. So if you want to run a test of like cutting between two different users, each one is incognito and is a complete browser context. They don’t share their local storage or anything. So basically, you can run any test that you want on the thing. And because of the browser, it also works really fast. Because it’s not really launching a whole browser. It’s just launching a browser context, which is much, much faster than launching the whole browser.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. Alright, let’s move on to our next question here. This is from Sundakar.

Many of the customers I worked with are preferring open source. And do you think Applitools will have its place in this open source market?

Can I answer this one? Because I work for Applitools.

For this one, I think absolutely yes. I mean all of Applitools Eyes SDKs are open source. What Applitools provides is not only just the mechanism for visual testing, but also the platforms. We work with all the open source tools, frameworks, you name it. So absolutely, I would say there’s a place here. Let me move on to the next question.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

Andy, before you move on, can I add? So my computer science PhD is in computer vision image processing. So it’s all about comparing new images, teaching them, and so on. I would not run my own visual testing service, right? My goal is to make sure I’m testing [the] web application. Keeping images, comparing them, showing the diffs, updating it. It’s such a hassle, it’s not worth it, my time. Just pay for a service like Applitools and move on with your life.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. Thank you. Okay. Let me pull the next question here. This is from Daniel.

I heard a lot that Playwright is still a new framework with a small community even when it was released in January of 2020 but never heard that about WebdriverIO. As far as I know, Playwright is older.

I don’t think that is true. I’d have to double check.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

No, I don’t think [so].

Andy Knight (moderator):

Is Playwright still considered new?

Tally Barak (Playwright):

It’s newer than the others. But it’s growing really fast. I mean, because I’m the [Playwright] OG, I remember the time when I would mention Playwright and no one had any idea what I’m talking about. It was very, very new. This is not the case anymore. I mean, there’s still, of course, people don’t really hear about it, but the community has grown a lot. I think [it has] over 40,000 stars on GitHub. The Slack channel has almost 5,000 participants or something. So the community is growing, Playwright is growing really, really nicely. And you’re welcome to join.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Okay, here’s another question from Ryan Barnes.

Do y’all integrate automated tests with a test case management tool? If so, which ones?

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

Yes. TestRail.

Andy Knight (moderator):

TestRail. Okay.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

Because we are not the only testing tool, right? Across organizations, where our teams, our tools, and manual testing. So we need a central testing portal.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

No, we are not perfect. And we should. Any good ideas are welcome.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

So we don’t have a formalized test manager tool. But if anybody has ever used any kind of Atlassian tooling – there’s, you know, JIRA out there has the idea of a test set ticket inside of the test set or individual test. You can define user flows inside of there. So I guess you can consider that a test management tool. It’s a little bit less featured than something like TestRail. Actually, it’s a lot less featured than something like TestRail. But you know, that’s how we stay organized. So we basically tie our tests to a ticket. That’s how we can manage, you know, well what is this ticket test? What is it supposed to be testing? Where is our source of truth?

Andy Knight (moderator):

I guess I could launch a somewhat controversial question here, but I’ll do it rhetorically not to answer. But if you have a test automation solution, do you really need to have it export results to a test case management tool? Or can you just use the reports it gives you? We’ll leave that for offline. So the next one on the list here is from Sindhuja.

We are trying to convert our test scripts from Protractor.

Okay. Wow, that’s a blast from the past.

We are doing [a] proof of concept and WebdriverIO and we have issues with running in Firefox and WebdriverIO. Is there any notes in WebdriverIO with cross browsers?

Jose, got any insights for us here?

Jose Morales (WebdriverIO):

Yeah, absolutely. So one thing that I really love about WebdriverIO is the easy configuration. So, when you create a project in WebdriverIO, you have a JSON file where you put all the configuration about capability services, what browser you want to use. And you can easily add your own configuration. It could be, for example, if you want to run in Firefox or in Edge or you want to run on Source Labs, you have several options.
So it is really easy to integrate configuration for Firefox. You only need to specify the browser in the capability section along with the version and special features like size view. If you want to know how to do that, it’s very easy. You can go to my home page. And there [are] examples where you can build something from scratch and you can see easily where to add that particular configuration. And I’m going to share with you some repositories in GitHub where you can see some examples [of] how to do it.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Thank you so much, Jose. Oh, here we go.

Which framework would be the best platform to test both Android and iOS apps?

I know most of us [are] focused on web UI, so here’s a curveball: mobile.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

I can say that at Mercari US, we picked Detox after using Appium for a long time. But for new React Native projects, we went with Detox.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yeah, Detox is the only one that I’ve ever used it for as well. And it was really, really good. I found no reason to switch. I think, Gleb, can you correct me if I’m wrong on this? I think Detox was originally made by Wix? Is it, Wix, the company?

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

That’s correct. Yes.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yes, so Wix used to make Detox. I think it’s still maintained by them, but it was like an in-house tool  they open sourced, and now it’s really good.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. Cool. I hadn’t heard. I’ll have to look it up. Alrighty, well I think that’s about all the time we have for question and answer today. I want to say thank you to everyone for attending. Thank you to all of our speakers here on the panel.


This article concludes our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series. We got to hear from engineers at Mercari, YOOBIC, Hilton, Q2, and Domino’s about how their teams build their test automation projects and why they made their framework decisions. Our panelists also shared insights into advantages and disadvantages they’ve encountered in their test automation frameworks. If you missed any previous part of the series, be sure to check them out:

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 5: Audience Q&A appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak! Part 4: Changing Frameworks Thu, 05 Jan 2023 22:51:57 +0000 In part 4 of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series, we will recap the stories our panelists have about changing their test frameworks –...

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 4: Changing Frameworks appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak! from Applitools

In part 4 of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series, we will recap the stories our panelists have about changing their test frameworks – or not! Be sure to read our previous post where our panelists talked about their favorite test integrations.

The experts

I’m Andrew Knight – the Automation Panda – and I moderated this panel. Here were the panelists and the frameworks they represented:

  • Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress) – Senior Director of Engineering at Mercari US
  • Carter Capocaccia (Cypress) – Senior Engineering Manager – Quality Automation at Hilton
  • Tally Barak (Playwright) – Software Architect at YOOBIC
  • Steve Hernandez (Selenium) – Software Engineer in Test at Q2
  • Jose Morales (WebdriverIO) – Automation Architect at Domino’s

The discussion

Andy Knight (moderator):

So I’m going to ask another popcorn question here. And this one again comes with an audience poll. So if you’re in the audience, hop over to the polls and take a look here. Have you ever considered switching your test tool or framework? And if so, why? If so, why not?

Poll results of frameworks participants wish they had in their projects

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yeah, we considered it and did it. You know, I think you have to acknowledge it at a certain point that maybe what you’re doing isn’t working or the tool doesn’t fit your application or your architecture. And it’s a really hard decision to make, right? Because typically, by the time you get to that point, you’ve invested tens, hundreds, if not thousands of hours into a framework or an architecture. And making that switch is not an easy task.

Andy Knight (moderator):

What did you switch from and to?

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yeah, so [Selenium] WebDriver to Cypress. And you can already kind of see that architecturally they’re very, very different. But yeah, it was not an easy task, not an easy undertaking, but I think we had to admit to ourselves that WebDriver did not fit our needs. It didn’t operate in the way we wanted it to operate. At least for us, it was set up in a way that did not match our development cycles, did not match our UI devs’ patterns and processes.

So when we talk about, you know, kind of making a team of test engineers have additional help, well, one way to do that is [to align] your test automation practices with your UI dev practices. And so if we can have a JavaScript test framework that runs in a web app, that acts like a web app, that feels like a web app, well, we’ve now just added an entire team of UI developers that we’ve kind of made them testers, but we haven’t told them that yet. That’s kind of how that works. You adopt these people by just aligning with their tooling and all of a sudden they realize like, hey, I can do this too.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Mm-hmm. So I want to ask another question. Since you’re saying you used Selenium WebDriver before, in what language did you automate your test? Was that in JavaScript, just like first test, or was that in Java or Python or something else?

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yep, so it’s JavaScript. But when we look [at the] architecture of the app, right? So the architecture of WebDriver is very different than Cypress. [With] Cypress, you write a JavaScript function just like you write any other function. And most of the time, it’s going to operate just like you expect it to. I think that’s where, instead of them having to learn a WebDriver framework and what the execution order of things was and how the configurations were, Cypress is just pretty apparent in how it functions. When you look at like, well, how is the Cypress test executed? It uses Mocha under the hood as the test runner. So that’s just functions that are just kind of inside of describe and context and it blocks. So I think anybody that doesn’t know anything about testing but is a JavaScript developer can hop right into Cypress, look at it, and say, yeah, I think I know what’s going on here. And probably within the first 5 to 10 minutes, write an assertion or write a selector.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. That’s really cool. And so was that something that you and your team or org did recently? Was this like a couple years ago that you made this transition?

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

You know, I think I’d be lying to you if I told you the transition ever ends, right? I think it starts and you get to a point where you’ve scaled and you’ve gotten to where you’ve written a ton of tests on it, and then that’s great. But of course, it’s kind of the bell curve of testing. Like it starts really, really slow because you’re moving off the old framework, then you start to scale really quickly. You peak, and then at that point, you have these kind of outliers on the other side of the bell that are just running legacy applications or they just don’t want to move off of it. Or for whatever reason, they can’t move off of it. Let’s say they’re running like Node 10 still. It’s like okay, well, maybe we don’t want to invest the time there to move them off of it.

Yeah. So it’s a long journey to do a task like this. So it’s never done. By the time we’re finished, you know, there’s gonna be a new testing tool or Cypress will have a new version or something else will be new in there. You know, pipelines will [be through] some AI network at this point. Who knows? But I’m sure we’ll have to start the next task.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Sure. So how about others in our group of panelist speakers here? Have y’all ever transitioned from one framework or tool to another? Or in your current project, did you establish it and you were just super happy with what you chose? And tell us the reasons why.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

Yes. So, yeah, we also switched from WebdriverIO as I said at the beginning. We switched to Playwright, obviously. It was not that painful, to be honest, maybe because we kept the Cucumber side. So we had [fewer] scenarios than what we have today. So it was less to move. I think it went over a period [of] a few months. Unlike you, Carter, we actually moved completely away from WebdriverIO. There is no WebdriverIO, everything is with Playwright. But again, probably a smaller organization, so we were able to do that. And are we happy? I mean, [we are] thankful every single day for this switch.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

I can comment. At Mercari, we did switch from WebDriver in Python and mabl. So both were because the maintenance of tests and debugging of failed tests was [a] very hard problem, and everyone agreed that there is a problem. The transition was, again, faster than we expected, just because the previous tests did not work very well. So at some point we were like, well, we have 50 failing daily tests, right? It’s not like we can keep them. It’s not a sunken cost. It’s a cost of not working. So we have to recreate the test. But it was not that bad. So for us, the cost of debugging and maintaining the previous tool just became overwhelming, and we decided, let’s just do something else.

Jose Morales (WebdriverIO):

In my experience, we were using Selenium with JavaScript as a previous framework, and then we moved to WebdriverIO with JavaScript and Applitools. Because in Domino’s, we have different kind of products. We have another product that is called Next Generation of the stores. We’re using a reactive application there. This is also a website application. And we’re evaluating other tools for automation such as UiPath. And one thing that I like about UiPath is [it’s] a low-coding solution. That means you don’t need to really be a very proficient developer in order to create the scenarios or automate with UiPath, because it only [requires] drags and drops [to] create the scenarios. And it’s very easy to automate. And in the top of that, with UiPath, it’s a very enterprise solution.

We have different kinds of components like an orchestrator, we have a test manager, we have integration with Jenkins. We have robots that execute our test cases. So it’s an enterprise solution that we implemented for that particular project. And we have the same results as WebdriverIO with Applitools. We’re happy with the two solutions – the two frameworks – and we’re considering to remove WebdriverIO and Applitools and use UiPath for the main website for Domino’s. So I think in the future, the low-coding solution for automation is a way to go in the future. So definitely UiPath is a good candidate for us for our automation in the website.

Andy Knight (moderator):

How about you, Steve? I know you’re right now on a Selenium-based test project. Have you and your team thought about either moving to something else, or do you feel pretty good about the whole Selenium-ness?

Steve Hernandez (Selenium):

I think clearly there appears to be major speed-ups that you get from the JavaScript-based solutions. And I know you’ve evangelized a little bit about Playwright and then I’m hearing good things from others. I mean, we have a mature solution. We have 98% pass rates. You know, some of the limitation is more what our application can handle when we blast it with tests. I don’t know if your developers after each local build are tests running locally using some of these JavaScripts solutions. But I think one of the things that is appealing is the speed. And with Boa Constrictor 3, the roadmap is to – well, it has been modularized. So you can bring your own Rusty API client or potentially swap in Selenium and swap in something like a module for Playwright. So we would get that speed up but keep the same API that we’re using. So we’re toying with it, but if we can pull that off in Boa Constrictor, that would take care of that for us.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Yeah, man, definitely. So, I mean, it sounds like a big trend from a lot of folks has been, you know, step away from things like Selenium WebDriver to [a] more modern framework. You know, because Selenium WebDriver is pretty much just a low-level browser automator, which is still great. It’s still fine. It’s still awesome. But I mean, one of the things I personally love about Playwright – as well as things like Cypress – is that it gives you that nice feature richness around it to not only help you run your tests, but also help develop your tests.

Audience Q&A

So we had a fantastic conversation amongst each of our panel speakers about the considerations they had as their test projects grew and changed. We found that most of our panelists have had to make changes to their test frameworks used as their projects’ needs changed. In the next article, we’ll cover the most popular questions raised by our audience during the webinar.

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 4: Changing Frameworks appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
