The Environment page

This article describes the Environments page. This page allows you to see all the different execution environmentst under which visual UI tests were run by your team. This page also provides a way to assign a name to a specific environment and to rename or delete existing names.

Once you have named an execution environment, you can use the SDK to specify that a test should run against a baseline that matches the environment of that name.

Environment names that have not been used in the last six months are archived and not displayed. They will be displayed if they are used again.

You can achieve the following tasks on the Environments page:

Page layout

You navigate to the Environments  page using the page navigator. The page consists of a summary panel, a toolbar, and a table of all the execution environments and their names.

Summary panel

The summary panel displays the total number of environments, the number of different browser types and operating systems, and the number of viewport size variations.


The toolbar provides the standard row selection, row delete, page refresh and filter controls. See Test Manager UI overview for more details.

Environment information

The main part of the window consists of a table with a row for every combination of browser type, operating system and viewport size under which a test was run. There are columns for the Browser, OS and Viewport, and a column for the Name that is assigned to that variation. The Name column will be empty if a name is not currently assigned to that environment.

You can organize the contents of the table as follows:

  • You can filter rows to search for text that appears in any of the columns, or you can select to see specific values for the Browser, OS and Viewport size.When you apply a filter Eyes searches all the relevant data that is available, even if it is not currently loaded in the browser. It will then load up to a maximum number of entries and give you pagination controls if more data is available then can fit on the page.
  • You can sort on any column by clicking on the column name, click again to sort in the opposite direction. The currently selected column is marked with a bold icon in the appropriate direction.
  • You can organize the rows into a hierarchy by Browser, OS and Viewport size

The fact that a row is displayed does not mean that the system currently includes test results or baselines with that environment. If you want to know if a test result or baseline with this environment exists, then you can use the filtering options on the Test results and Branch baselines pages respectively.