The Test baselines page
This page is very similar to the branch baselines page. The difference is that this page focuses on the baselines of a single test, whereas the branch baseline page shows all the baselines of all the tests on a given branch.
You can reach this page from the apps and test page, and prepare it for work as follows:
- Navigate to the Apps & tests page.
- Find the test application in the left panel and click on it. The main panel will be updated with all the tests of the application.
- Look for the test name of the test you want and click on it (or choose Show baselines from the row menu
- The display will change to the Test Baselines page, which displays all the baselines associated with that test on the default branch (or the last branch you used on any page).
- Select the branch you want from the branch selector.
- The main panel of the page shows a list of all the baselines for the selected application, test and branch.
The main tasks you can achieve using this page are:
- Delete baselines from a branch. See Deleting baselines
- Copy baselines to another branch. See Copying baselines between branches.
- View the history of a baseline. See The Baseline history page .
- View the results of the test run that most recently used a baseline. See View the results of the latest run of a baseline .
- View the results of the test run that most recently updated the selected baseline. See View the results of the test run which updated a baseline
For a detailed description of the features on this page see The Branch baselines page, since these pages are identical the only difference being that application and test names columns are not displayed since by definition they are all the same.
TBD - this needs to be a standalone page single sourced as much as possible with tm-page-branch-baslines