Visual Regression Testing Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Thu, 30 Jun 2022 21:13:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What is Regression Testing? Definition, Tutorial & Examples Fri, 01 Jul 2022 16:08:00 +0000 Learn everything you need to know about what regression testing is, best practices, how you can apply it in your own organization and much more.

The post What is Regression Testing? Definition, Tutorial & Examples appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


In this detailed guide, learn everything you need to know about what regression testing is, along with best practices and examples. Learn how you can apply regression testing in your own organization and much more.

While regression testing is practiced in almost every organization, each team may have its own procedures and approaches. This article is a starter kit for organizations seeking a solid start to their regression testing strategy. It also assists teams in delving deeper into the missing links in their current regression testing technique in order to evolve their test strategy.

What is Regression Testing?

Regression testing is a type of software testing that verifies an application continues to work as intended after any code revisions, updates, or optimizations. As the application continues to evolve by adding new features, the team must perform regression testing to evaluate that the existing features work as expected and that there are no bugs introduced with the new feature(s). 

In this post, we will discuss various techniques for Regression Testing, and which to use depending on your team’s way of working. 

However, before we jump onto the how part, let us understand why having a regression test suite is essential.

Why Do We Need Regression Testing?

A software application gets directly modified due to new enhancements (functional, performance or even improved security), tweaks or changes to existing features, bug fixes, and updates. It is also indirectly affected by the third-party services it consumes to provide features through its interface. 

Changes in the application’s source code, both planned and unintended, demand verification. Additionally, the impact of modifications to external services used by the application should be verified.

Teams must ensure that the modified component of the application functions as expected and that the change had no adverse effect on the other sections of the application. 

A comprehensive regression testing technique aids the team in identifying regression issues, which are subsequently corrected and retested to ensure that the original faults are not present. 

Regression Testing Example

Let us quickly understand with the help of an example – Login functionality

  • A user can log into an app using either their username and password or their Gmail account via Google integration.
  • A new feature, LinkedIn integration, is added to enable users to log into the app using their LinkedIn account.
  • While it is vital to verify that LinkedIn login functions as expected, it is equally necessary to verify that other login methods continue to function (Form login and Google integration).

Smoke vs Sanity vs Regression Testing

People commonly use the terms smoke, sanity, and regression interchangeably in testing, which is misleading. These terms differ not only in terms of the application’s scope, but also in terms of when they are carried out. 

What is Smoke Testing?

Smoke testing is done at the outset of a fresh build. The main goal is to see if the build is good enough to start testing. Some examples include being able to launch the site by simply hitting in the URL, or being able to run the app after installing a new executable.

What is Sanity Testing?

Sanity testing is surface level testing on newly deployed environments. For instance, the features are broadly tested on staging environments before passing it on to User Acceptance Testing. Another example could be verifying that the fonts have correctly loaded on the web page, expected components are interactive and overall things appear to be in order without a detailed investigation.

How is Regression Testing Different from Smoke and Sanity Testing?

Regression testing has more depth where the potentially impacted areas are thoroughly tested on the environment where new changes have been introduced.

Existing stable features are rigorously tested on a regular basis to ensure their accuracy in the face of purposeful and unintended changes. 

Regression Testing Approaches

The techniques can be grouped into the following categories:

Partial Regression Testing

As the name suggests, partial regression testing is an approach where a subset of the entire regression suite is selected and executed as part of regression testing.

This subset selection results from a combination of several logical criteria as follows:

  • The cases derived from identifying the potentially affected feature(s) due to the change(s)
  • Business-critical cases
  • Most commonly used paths

Partial regression testing works excellently when the team successfully identifies the impacted areas and the corresponding test cases through proven ways like the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM henceforth) or any other form of metadata approved by the team.

The following situations are more conducive to partial regression testing:

  • The project has a solid test automation framework in place, with a large number of Unit, API, Integration tests, and Acceptance tests in proportion as per the test pyramid.
  • Changes to the source code are always being tracked and communicated within the cross-functional team.
  • Short-term projects tight on budget and time.
  • The same team members have been working on the project for a long period.

While this method is effective, it is possible to overlook issues if:

  • The impacted regions aren’t identified appropriately.
  • The changes aren’t conveyed to the entire team.
  • The team doesn’t religiously follow the process of documenting test scenarios or test cases.

Complete Regression Testing

In many cases, reasons like significant software updates, changes to the tech stack demand the team to perform comprehensive regression testing to uncover new problems or problems introduced due to the changes.

In this approach, the whole test suite is run to uncover issues every time new code is committed, or, at some agreed time intervals.

This is a significantly time-consuming approach compared to the other techniques and should ideally be adopted only when the situation demands.

To keep the feedback cycle faster, one must embrace automated testing to enable productive complete regression testing in their teams.

Which Regression Technique to Use?

Irrespective of the technique adopted, I always suggest that teams prioritize the most business-critical cases and the common use cases performed by end-users when it comes to execution. 

Remember, the main goal of regression testing is to ensure that the end-user is not impacted due to an unavailable/incorrect feature, which could affect business outcomes in many ways.

Best Practises for Regression Testing

To achieve better testing coverage of your application, plan your regression testing with a combination of technology and business scenarios. Apply the practices across the Test Pyramid. 

Leverage the Power of Visual Representation

Arranging the information in the form of a matrix enables the team to quickly identify the potentially impacted areas. 

  • The RTM shown in the diagram below, any changes made to REQ1 UC 1.3 will let us know that we have to test the test cases 1.1.2, 1.1.4 and 1.1.7.
  • Also, since test case 1.1.2 is also related to UC 1.2, we would immediately test that for any regression issues. 
  • Of course, the RTM should be up-to-date at all times for the technique to work correctly for the team.

    (Image Source)

Alternatively, many test case management tools now have started providing inbuilt support to build a regression test suite with the help of appropriate tags and modules. These tools also let you systematically track and identify patterns in the regression test execution to dig into more related areas.

I have seen teams being most effective when they have automated most of their regression suite, and the non-automatable tests organised and represented in a meaningful way that allows quick filtering and meaningful information.

Test Data

We should leverage the power of automation to create test data instantly across different test environments. We need to ascertain that the updated feature is evaluated against both old and new data. 

Ex: A new field added to a user profile, for example, should work consistently for both existing and newly formed accounts.

Production Data

Production test data plays a vital role in identifying issues that might have been missed during the initial delivery.

In cases where possible, replicate the production environment to identify edge cases and add those scenarios to the regression test suite.

Using production data isn’t always viable, and it can lead to non-compliance issues. Teams frequently conceal / mask sensitive information from production data and use the information to fulfil the requirement for on-the-ground scenario analysis.

Test Environments

If you have multiple environments, we should verify that the application works as intended in each of the environments.

Obtaining a Fresh Outlook

Every time a new person joined the team when the development was already in progress, they asked meaningful questions about the long-forgotten stable features. I also prefer young guns to be part of my regression team to get a raw and holistic testing perspective.


Automate the regression test suite! If you have the budget, great, or else, create supporting mechanisms to utilise the team’s idle time to implement automated tests.

Simply automating the business-critical scenarios or the most used workflows is a good enough start. Initiate this activity and work incrementally.

Either tag/annotate your automated scenarios as per the feature or segregate them into appropriate folders so that you’d be able to run particular automated regression scenarios.

Sequential execution won’t scale with a rising number of test environments and permutations, despite the fact that automated test execution is faster. As a result, concurrent test execution in various settings is required to meet scalability requirements. Selenium Grid and other cloud solutions like Applitools Ultrafast Test Cloud enable you to execute automated tests in parallel across different configurations.

In addition to adhering to best practises when creating the test automation framework, these tests must run at a high pace and in parallel to provide faster feedback.

Choose What Works for You

Always! One cannot ignore the business limitations and the client demands to meet the delivery. Based on your context, adopt the most suitable regression testing techniques.

Plan for Regression Testing in Sprints

I have seen it take a long time to automate a regression backlog. To keep making progress on this activity, while estimating the Sprint tasks, always account for regression testing efforts explicitly, or you might be increasing your technical debt in the form of uncovered bugs.

Communicate within the Cross-Functional Team

Changes are not always directly related to client needs, nor are they always conveyed. Internally, the development team continually optimises the code for reusability, performance, and other factors. Ensure that these source-code modifications are documented/tracked in a ticket so that the team can perform regression testing accordingly.

Regression Testing at Scale

An enterprise product results from multiple teams’ contributions across geographies. While the teams will independently conduct regression testing for their part, it mustn’t be done only in silos. The teams must also set up cadence structures/processes to test all integrational regression scenarios.

Crowdsourced Testing

Crowdsourced testing can help find brand new flaws in the programme, such as functionality, usability, and localization concerns, thereby improving the product’s quality.

Plan for Non-Functional Regression Testing

Non-functional elements like performance, security, accessibility, and usability must all be examined as part of your regression testing plan, in addition to functionality.

Benchmarking test execution results from past sessions and comparing them to test execution results after the most recent modifications is a simple but effective technique for detecting performance, accessibility, and other degradations.

Due to substantial faults in non-functional areas, applications with the best functionality have either been unable to see production through or have been shelved despite launching successfully.

In a similar vein, application security and accessibility issues have cost businesses millions of dollars in addition to a tarnished reputation.

The Need for an Automated Regression Test Suite

Regardless of your application architecture or development methodology, the importance of automating the regression tests can never fade away. Be it a small-scale application or an enterprise product, having automated tests will save you time, people’s energy and money in the longer run.

Let’s understand some reasons to automate the regression test suite:

Fast Feedback

Automated software verification is exponentially faster than humans. Automated continuous testing in the CI-CD pipeline is a powerful approach to identifying regression bugs as close to its introduction because of the increased speed and frequency at which it operates.

Equally important is to look at the test results from each automated suite execution and take meaningful steps to get the product and the test suite progressively better.

Timely identification of issues will avoid defect leakage in the most significant parts of the application and later stages of testing.

Consequently, the slight left shift always profits the organisation in many ways apart from cost.

Automated Test Data Creation

Before getting to the actual testing, the testing teams spend a significant amount of time generating test data. Automation aids not only in the execution of tests but also in the rapid generation of large amounts of test data. The functional testing team may leverage data generated by scripts (SQL, APIs), allowing them to focus on testing rather than worrying about the data.

Testing features like pagination, infinite scroll, tabular representation, performance of the app are few examples where rapid test data generation helps the team with instant test data. 

Banking and insurance are regulated sectors with several complex operations and subtleties. To exercise and address the data models and flows, a variety of test data is required. The ability to automate test data management has shown to be a critical component of successful testing.

Address Scalability

The automated test suite’s parallel execution answers the need for faster feedback and does it rapidly. Teams can generate test results across a variety of environments, browsers, devices, and operating systems with the right infrastructure and the prerequisite of having built a scalable automated test suite.

The Applitools Ultrafast Test Cloud is the next step forward in cross-browser testing. You run your functional and visual tests once locally using Ultrafast Grid (part of the Ultrafast Test Cloud), and the grid instantaneously generates all screens across whatever combination of browsers, devices, and viewports you choose. 

Use the Human Brain and Technology to Their Full Potential

Repetitive tasks are handled efficiently and consistently through automation. It does not make errors in the same way that people do.

It also allows humans to concentrate their ingenuity on exploratory testing, which machines cannot accomplish. You can deploy new features with a reduced time-to-market thanks to automation.

Maintenance of the Regression Test Suite

Now, let’s complete the cycle by ensuring that the corresponding test cases (manual and automated) are also modified immediately with every modification and change request to any existing part of the application. These modified test cases should now be part of the regression suite.

Failing to adjust the test cases would create chaos in the teams involved. The circus might result in incorrect testing of the underlying application and introduce unintended features and rollbacks. 

Maintaining the regression test suite consists of adding new tests, modifying existing tests, and deleting irrelevant tests. These changes should be reflected in the manual and automated test suites.

Regression Testing Tools

There aren’t separate testing tools categorised as “regression testing tools.” The teams use the same testing tools; however, many test automation tools are utilised to automate the regression test suite. 

Depending on the project type, the following regression testing tools may be used in a combination of the above techniques mentioned in the previous section:

API Heavy Applications

APIs are the foundation of modern software development, especially as more and more teams abandon monolithic programmes in favour of a microservices-based strategy.

  • Contract-driven testing is gaining popularity, and rightly so because it avoids regression issues being committed to the repository in the first place as opposed to identifying them later in the process during the testing phase. Understand more about pacts/contracts here
  • Specmatic is an excellent open-source solution that uses the contracts available in OpenAPI spec format, and turns them into executable specifications which can be used by the provider and consumer in parallel. It also allows you to check the contract for backward compatibility via CI.
  • Testing APIs is comparatively faster than verifying the functionality of the user interface. Hence, for faster & accurate feedback flowing across the groups, adopt automated API & API Workflow testing using open-source solutions like REST-Assured, Postman, etc.   
Logos for Postman, Specmatic, Pact and Rest-Assured

UI Heavy Applications

UI accuracy is unquestionably vital for a successful business because it directly impacts end users.

Even when utilizing the most extraordinary development processes and frontend technology, testing the UI is one of the most significant bottlenecks in a release.

Applitools is a pioneer in AI-powered automated visual regression testing. Their solution allows you to integrate Visual Testing with functional and regression UI automation and in turn get increased test coverage, quick feedback, and seamless scaling by using the Applitools Ultrafast Grid – all while writing less code. You can try out their solutions by signing up for a free account and going through the tutorials available here.

Applitools is the leader in Visual Testing

Support & Maintenance Portfolio

Teams responsible for testing legacy applications often experience the need to explore the application before blindly getting started with the regression test suite.

Utilizing the results from your exploratory testing sessions to populate and validate your impact analysis documents and RTMs proves beneficial in making necessary modifications to the regression test suite.

Exploratory testing tools are incredibly valuable and can assist you in achieving your goal for the session, whether it’s to explore a component of the app, detect flaws, or determine the relationship between features.

Non-Functional Testing

Each of the following topics is a specialised field in and of itself, and it is impossible to cover them all in one blog post. This list, on the other hand, will undoubtedly get you thinking in that direction.

Performance Testing

  • Performance issues can occur at any tier of the software stack, including the operating system, network, disc, web, application, and database layer.
  • Open source regression testing tools such as Apache JMeter, Gatling, Locust, Taurus, and others help detect performance issues such as concurrency, throughput, peak load, performance bottlenecks, and so on throughout the software stack.
  • Application performance monitoring (APM) tools are also used by development teams to link coding practises to app performance throughout development.

Security Testing

  • Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), Wfuzz, Wapiti, W3af, SQLMap, SonarQube, Nogotofail, Iron Wasp, Grabber, and Arachni are open source security testing tools that help with assessing security conditions such as Authentication, Authorization, Availability, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Non-repudiation. 
  • To reap the benefits of both methodologies, organisations combine static application security testing (SAST) with dynamic application security testing (DAST).

Accessibility Testing

  1. Use Applitools Contrast Advisor to identify contrast violations as part of your test automation execution. This solution works for native Android apps, native iOS apps, all Web Browsers including mobile-web, PDF documents and images.
  2. Screen readers – VoiceOver, NVDA, JAWS, Talkback, etc.
  3. WAT (Web accessibility toolbar) – WAVE, Colour Contrast Analyser, etc.


A well-thought-out regression testing plan will aid your team in achieving your QA and software development goals, whether the architecture is monolithic or microservices-based, and whether the application is new or old. You can learn about how Applitools can help with functional and visual regression testing here.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in January 2022, and has since been updated for completeness and accuracy.

The post What is Regression Testing? Definition, Tutorial & Examples appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

What is Visual Regression Testing? Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:24:42 +0000 Learn what visual regression testing is and why it's important. Explore a use case with an example, how to get started and how to choose the best tool.

The post What is Visual Regression Testing? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


In this guide, you’ll learn what visual regression testing is and why visual regression tests are important. We’ll go through a use case with an example and talk about how to get started and choose the best tool for your needs.

What is Visual Regression Testing?

Visual regression testing is a method of validating that changes made to an application do not negatively affect the visual appearance of the application’s user interface (UI). By verifying that the layout and visual elements align with expectations, the goal of visual regression testing is to ensure the user experience is visually perfect.

Visual regression testing is a kind of regression testing. In regression testing, an application is tested to ensure that a new change to the code doesn’t break existing functionality. Visual regression testing specifically focuses on verifying the appearance and the usability of the UI after a code change.

In other words, visual regression testing (also called just visual testing or UI testing) is focused on validating the appearance of all the visual elements a user interacts with or sees. These visual validations include the location, brightness, contrast and color of buttons, menus, components, text and much more.

Why is Visual Regression Testing Important?

Visual regression tests are important to prevent costly visual bugs from escaping into production. Failure to visually validate can severely compromise the user experience and in many cases lead directly to lost sales. This is because traditional functional testing works by simply validating data input and output. This method of testing catches many bugs, but it can’t discover visual bugs. Without visual testing these bugs are prone to slipping through even on an otherwise well tested application. 

As an example, here is a screenshot of a visual bug in production on the Southwest Airlines website:

Visual Bug on Southwest Airlines App
Visual Bug on Southwest Airlines App

This page would pass a typical suite of functional tests because all of the elements are present on the page and have loaded successfully. However, the visual bug is obvious. Not only that, but because the Terms and Conditions are inadvertently overlapping the button, the user literally cannot check out and complete their purchase. Visual regression testing would catch this kind of bug easily before it slipped into production.

Visual testing can also enhance functional testing practices and make them more efficient. Because visual tests can “see” the elements on a page they do not have to rely on individual coded assertions using unique selectors to validate each element. In a traditional functional testing suite, these assertions are often time-consuming to create and maintain as the application changes. Visual testing greatly simplifies that process.

How Do Visual Regression Tests Work?

At its core, visual regression testing works by capturing screenshots of the UI before a change is made and comparing it to a screenshot taken after. Differences are then highlighted for a test engineer to review. In practice, there are several different visual regression testing techniques available.

Types of Visual Regression Testing

  • Manual visual testing: Visual regression testing can be done manually and without any tools. Designers and developers take time during every release to scan pages, manually looking for visual defects. While it is slow and extremely cumbersome to do this for an entire application, not to mention prone to human error, manual testing in this way can allow for ad-hoc or exploratory testing of the UI, especially at early stages of development.
  • Pixel-by-Pixel comparison: This approach compares the two screenshots and analyzes each at the pixel level, alerting the test engineer of any discrepancies found. Pixel comparison, also called pixel diffs, will be certain to flag all possible issues, but will also include many irrelevant differences that are invisible to the human eye and have no effect on usability (such as rendering, anti-aliasing, or padding/margin differences). These “false-positives” must be painstakingly sifted through manually by the test engineer with every test run.
  • DOM-based comparison: A comparison based on the Document Object Model (DOM) analyzes the DOM before and after a state change and flags any differences. This will be effective in drawing attention to any alterations in the code that comprises the DOM, but is not truly a visual comparison. False negatives/positives are frequently produced when the code does not change but the UI does (e.g.: dynamic content, embedded content, etc.) or when the code changes but the UI does not. As a result, test results are often flaky and must be slowly and carefully reviewed to avoid escaped visual bugs.
  • Visual AI comparison: This type of visual regression testing leverages Visual AI, which uses computer vision to “see” the UI the same way a human would. A well-trained AI will be able to assist test engineers by only surfacing the kind of differences a human would notice, eliminating the time-consuming “false-positive” issues that plague pixel and DOM comparison tests. It can also include other capabilities, such as the ability to test dynamic content and flag issues only in the areas or regions where changes are not expected.

Automated Visual Testing Use Case and Example

Getting started with automated visual regression testing takes only a few steps. Let’s walk through the typical visual regression testing process and then consider a brief example.

  1. Define your test scenarios. What will be captured in the screenshots, and at what point in the test will they be taken? With some automated tools, a basic test can be as simple as a single line of code that will take a screenshot of an entire page at the end of a test.
  2. Use an automated testing tool to compare the new screenshots against a baseline image. The baseline is the most recent existing screenshot of the application that has already been approved by a tester.
  3. The tool will automatically generate a report highlighting the differences found between the two images. Using pixel diff this will be every pixel difference found, or with Visual AI, you will see a report showing only meaningful differences. 
  4. A test engineer reviews the report and determines what is a bug and what is an acceptable or valid change (a false positive). After all bugs are resolved, the baseline is updated with the new screenshot.

Visual Regression Testing Example

Let’s review a quick example of the four steps above with a basic use case, such as a login screen.

  1. Define your test scenario: In this case, we’ll capture the entire screen and review for any changes. Our baseline might look like this:
  2. Next, we’ll make some changes to the code, such as adding a row of social buttons. Unfortunately, doing so has pushed up the login button so that it is unusable. Our new login screen might look like this:
  3. The tool will then compare the two and generate a report. In our example, we’ll use Visual AI, which will highlight only the relevant areas of change that a user would notice. In this case, that’s the row with the new social buttons, and the area with the now unusable button. The comparison would look like this:
  4. A test engineer will then review the comparison. If any intentional changes were flagged, these are marked as accepted changes. Similarly, if there are expected changes in dynamic areas, these can be flagged for Visual AI to ignore going forward. Remaining areas flagged are marked as bugs to be addressed. In this case, every area flagged in red is problematic – the social buttons need to be shifted down, and the button needs to come down out of the password field. Once these are addressed, the test is run again, and a new baseline is created only when everything passes. The end result is free of visual defects:

How to Choose a Visual Testing Tool

Choosing the best tool for your visual regression tests will depend on your needs, as there are many options available. Here are some questions you should be asking as you consider a new tool:

  • Automated or Manual? How frequently do you want to conduct visual tests? For occasional spot checks, manual testing may suffice. If you want to run tests with every change to ensure no visual bugs escape, automated testing will be much more efficient. For automated testing, consider the learning curve of the tool and how easy it is to integrate into your existing CI/CD workflow.
  • Is your UI dynamic or static? How often does your user interface change? For completely static pages, simpler tools may serve to spot any visual bugs. Pages with dynamic content that changes regularly may be better served by tools with advanced capabilities like Visual AI.
  • How many browsers/devices/platforms? Do you have many browsers, devices or platforms to cover with your tests? A tool may be efficient for a single combination but quite inefficient when attempting to cover a wide range of configurations. If you need to cover a broad range of situations, you need to make sure you pick a tool that can quickly re-render visual snapshots on different configurations, or achieving full coverage can become a time-consuming headache.
  • Does your team have time? How much time does your QA team have to spend on UI testing? If they have capacity, sifting through potential false positives from pixel diff tools may not be an issue, or manual testing could be an option. For teams looking to be as efficient as possible, particularly with large or dynamic applications, automated visual testing with Visual AI will save time.
  • What is your build/release frequency? Are you running tests infrequently, daily, or even multiple times a day? If testing is quite infrequent, you may be able to absorb some inefficiency in test execution. Organizations running tests regularly, or seeking to increase their test velocity, should place significant value in a tool that can enable their QA team to achieve full coverage by easily executing a large quantity of tests quickly.
  • How many bugs are slipping through? For many teams, due to the increasing complexity of web and mobile development, visual bugs that can harm a company’s reputation or even sales escape more than they would like. In this case the value of automated visual testing is clear. However, if your team is catching all bugs or you can live with the level of bugs escaping, you may not need to invest in visual testing, at least for now.

Automated visual testing tools can be paid or open source. Visual testing tools are typically paired with an automated testing tool to automatically handle interactions and take screenshots. Some popular open source automated testing tools compatible with visual testing include Selenium for web testing and Appium for mobile testing.

Why Choose Automated Visual Regression Testing with Applitools

Applitools has pioneered the best Visual AI in the industry, and it’s able to automatically detect visual and functional bugs just as a human would. Our Visual AI has been trained on billions of images with 99.9999% accuracy and includes advanced features to reduce test flakiness and save time, even across the most complicated test suites.

The Applitools Ultrafast Test Cloud includes unique features like the Ultrafast Grid, which can run your functional & visual tests once locally and instantly render them across any combination of browsers, devices, and viewports. Our automated maintenance capabilities make use of Visual AI to identify and group similar differences found across your test suite, allowing you to verify multiple checkpoint images at once and to replicate maintenance actions you perform for one step in other relevant steps within a batch.

You can find out more about the power of Visual AI through our free report on the Impact of Visual AI on Test Automation. Check out the entire Applitools platform and sign up for your own free account today.

Happy Testing!

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The post What is Visual Regression Testing? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Continuous visual regression testing to enable regulatory compliance in the healthcare sector Tue, 07 Jul 2020 05:23:59 +0000 The fourth industrial revolution – the digital revolution – has strong requirements for companies operating under strict business regulations. Particularly, in the healthcare sector, companies must spend great efforts to...

The post Continuous visual regression testing to enable regulatory compliance in the healthcare sector appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


The fourth industrial revolution – the digital revolution – has strong requirements for companies operating under strict business regulations.

Particularly, in the healthcare sector, companies must spend great efforts to survive “digital Darwinism”. The healthcare market is highly competitive and strongly regulated at the same time. Healthcare, pharmaceutical, and medical device companies invent new medicines and other products in a highly volatile business landscape. On one hand, they have to act as agile as possible, considering time-to-market delivery, on the other hand, they face strict compliance regulations, like FDA, HIPAA, etc.

The question is how healthcare companies can deliver new products and services at high speed while meeting their regulatory compliance obligations?

In this article, you will find the answer based on an example of the FDA-Requirement “Back-Box-Warning”.

Picture 1

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) prescribes warnings and precautions on the package insert for certain prescription drugs. As these warnings are framed in a “Black Box” to catch the eye of the reader, they are also referred to as “Black Box Warnings” and can be found at the beginning of the package insert (see Picture 1) or in the drug description in the online store (see Picture 2).

Picture 2

If the FDA finds serious violations due to missing or unreadable Black Box Warnings, the FDA can take legal actions against a company.

Let me present an example showing how automated visual regression tests for web sites and PDF-documents can be implemented to automatically verifies regulatory requirements.  

The FDA’s General Principles of Software Validations recommends using visual regression testing for images and documents. The FDA makes this recommendation for companies using a software development lifecycle (SDLC) approach that integrates risk management strategies with validation and verification activities, including defect prevention practices.

What is visual regression testing?

Visual regression testing expands regression testing, where a program, or parts of it, repeatedly gets tested after each modification. To additionally avoid unintentional changes in design elements, positioning, and colors, QA-Teams use visual regression testing as part of their testing strategy and general quality assurance.

Visual regression testing can discover visual defects, obvious or not, due to modifications to the software. In practice, a baseline of original or reference images is stored. This “source of truth” can be compared after each program modification against a collection of “new” screenshots of a user interface. Each difference against the baseline will be highlighted and can serve as an alert.

Additionally, visual regression testing doesn’t only look at differences between the source and current status. It has the possibility to compare the source against any historical status on a UI level, independent of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript differences. It can also be used to highlight differences between documents, like PDFs, in the layout, or the content itself. For example, a missing black box warning in a package insert for a drug would be marked as a difference.

How to best use visual regression testing?

Many visual testing tools, such as Selenium, mark differences between screenshots or PDF-documents as passed or failed. With visual regression testing, you can choose which differences across multiple browsers and devices to accept or not. For example, a picture, which is displayed in a different resolution on a web-page after a program change may cause a problem in completing a user-action due to overlapping with an FDA-required text (see Picture 3). This can cause a reporting to the FDA by a competitor and a warning letter would be sent to the legal department of the healthcare company.

Picture 3

Visual regression testing tools and libraries, like Wraith, Gemini, and other Selenium-related frameworks, needs a deep knowledge by testers and high effort in installation and setup. The Applitools AI-Platform, where no installation-, setup- or coding-knowledge is required, could be a great alternative to start automated visual regression testing.

The Applitools Eyes cross-environment testing feature allows you to test your application on multiple platforms using a single, common baseline. The match level (Strict, Layout, Content, Exact) determines the way by which Eyes compares the checkpoint image with the baseline image.

Additionally, the Applitools PDF Tool allows you to easily run visual UI tests on a collection of PDF-files, by placing them inside a directory (see Picture 4). It runs as a standalone jar file and can be invoked as a process by any programming language and in your continuous delivery pipeline.


If you want to continuously deliver new products and services within a software development lifecycle, at high speed while considering regulatory compliance regulations, you should have an eye on visual regression testing. It can be used for automated testing by comparing hundreds or thousands of artifacts like images and PDF-Documents at very much speed. Therefore, it provides long term cost efficiency by avoiding extensive manual tests, especially when dealing with frequent changes on a UI or document base.

The post Continuous visual regression testing to enable regulatory compliance in the healthcare sector appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

What is Applitools? Mon, 01 Apr 2019 21:49:04 +0000 Applitools provides an end-to-end software testing platform powered by Visual AI. It can be used by people in engineering, test automation, manual QA, DevOps, and Digital Transformation teams. What does...

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Applitools provides an end-to-end software testing platform powered by Visual AI. It can be used by people in engineering, test automation, manual QA, DevOps, and Digital Transformation teams.

What does Applitools do? Find bugs that functional tests miss, like the one above.

That’s an actual visual bug from Instagram’s mobile app in March 2019. It’s a sponsored ad, meaning that one of Facebook’s customers paid good money for this placement.

How did this bug make it into their app?

Our bet is that Instagram has functional test automation for this screen. But guess what? All the expected text is on the screen. A traditional functional test wouldn’t find any issues.

Applitools finds visual bugs in your apps. It makes sure that no visual elements are overlapping, invisible, or off page. It makes sure that no new unexpected elements have appeared. All of which are things that you can’t automate with traditional functional tests.

Why use Applitools?

Let’s be clear: visual bugs aren’t some trivial issue for your business.

If you work with software — and frankly, which company doesn’t these days — you know that the rate of change is continuing to accelerate. Releases used to be once a quarter, now they’re once a day. Your customers expect constant updates to all the web and mobile apps they use — and yours are no different. Your competitors (the good ones at least) are constantly releasing upgrades.

This relentless pace of change strains QA teams worldwide, and I bet yours is no different. It’s never fun to sit in a release meeting and hear that a release can go out, “once QA has finished their testing” — and then have all eyes on the room look at you for an answer.

Problem is, integration and functional testing can only go so far. You need visual testing because your prospects and customers access your apps on a broad range of platforms and screen sizes. You know that “sloppy sites sink sales”, so your QA team still needs to manually check the visual layout of apps — which takes way too long and still misses crucial bugs.

It’s not your fault. Even the best digital companies in the world let visual bugs slip into production. Google. Amazon. And plenty more.

What you need is a test automation tool that lets you visually validate all your apps, on all the browsers and devices your customers use — super fast, super accurately.

So how does Applitools work?

At Applitools, we created the world’s first and only visual A.I. engine for automated visual UI testing and monitoring. Our product, Applitools Eyes, scans your apps’ screens and analyze them like the human eye and brain would, but with the power of a machine. That means Applitools Eyes will catch all the differences that are material — but also identify and ignore those which are not.

For example those simply due to rendering differences with different browsers and versions, operating systems, or screen sizes. With Applitools. We can say with confidence we are 99.9995% accurate, while other tools which use pixel by pixel, or dumb comparison, will show as much as an 80% false positive rate – far more harm than actual help.

So how can Applitools help you solve this problem?

A demo’s worth a thousand words, so check out this video to see how.

It’s just four minutes, but it could save you literally days.

Then setup a live demo with us, or if you’re the do-it-yourself type, sign up for a free Applitools account and follow one of our tutorials.


The post What is Applitools? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
