Automated test maintenance
Eyes' Automated test maintenance provides you with a powerful set of features that significantly reduces your test maintenance overhead when you have many tests, and tests that run across multiple operating systems, browser types, device types, and screen sizes.
By using Eyes' Automated test maintenance, you can check steps across multiple tests and environments in a fraction of the time required to achieve the same result manually. As the size and complexity of the application under test increases, the benefit that you derive from using Eyes' Automated test maintenance increases accordingly.
In practice, the Automated test maintenance features work by identifying and grouping steps that have similar differences in their checkpoint images for you to verify, as well as replicating the maintenance actions that you perform for one step in other relevant steps within a batch.
- Grouping steps by similar differences.
- Accepting and rejecting unresolved mismatches.
- Applying, modifying, and deleting baseline regions in steps.
Key Features
- Group steps by similar differences.
You can collect all the steps with similar differences into groups. Once grouped, you can view the steps in the Step editor, which gives you the opportunity to assess the steps in the group and exclude steps from the group. When you are satisfied with the collection of steps in the group, you can then accept or reject them all in one operation. - Accepting and rejecting unresolved mismatches.
When you accept or reject an unresolved step, Eyes searches for other steps with similar underlying images and unresolved steps that have the same set of differences as that step.
Eyes Test Manager compares the pink shaded mismatch areas in the selected step to the mismatch areas in all other steps in the scope. The Eyes Test Manager applies the accept/reject maintenance action to all steps with similar underlying checkpoint images in the scope and disregards any steps that contain a different set of mismatch areas. - Creating and deleting baseline variations.
When you mark a mismatched step as a new Baseline variations, Eyes will detect other steps in the same baseline variation groups and create those as new baseline variations as well. Similarly, when you delete a baseline variation from a step, Eyes will delete the baseline variation in the other steps in the variation group. - Applying, deleting, and modifying baseline regions in steps.
When you add, delete, or modify a baseline region, such as an Ignore region, Eyes notifies you of the option to apply the change to other steps that have the same underlying image. By accepting the option, Eyes applies the region change to all steps in the scope that have identical underlying checkpoint images.
- Setting the Automated test maintenance scope.
Setting the scope lets you control the extent to which Automated maintenance operates over the steps in a batch. You can set the scope to default, batch, explicitly selected tests or steps in a batch, or the current step only. You can set the scope from the toolbar in the Batch details view or Batch steps view on the Test results page, or in the Step editor and the Test editor.
The Automated test maintenance features are automatically triggered by your maintenance actions.
- Displaying system notifications.
When Eyes finishes running Automated test maintenance actions, it displays a notification about the action and lists the notification in the Notifications list. The list remains up to date for the extent of the current session. At any point in the session, you can reference the notifications in the list and examine the details of the impacted step in the Step editor, giving you the opportunity to modify or undo a change.
To learn more about how to use the different Automated test maintenance features and how they affect your workflow, see the links below.