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Per component configuration


These components are only supported on Storybook version 4 and later.

There are two ways to provide configuration for a specific story, or a group of stories.

  1. As an argument to the story - It's possible to pass a third argument to storybook's .add function to customize each story. An eyes property on the parameters object can be specified with configuration properties.

  2. In the global configuration file, applitools.config.js - If a function is specified for one of the properties below, it will be called for each story, and will be passed the story's metadata, of the structure {name, kind, parameters}, where name is the name of the component, kind is the string built by storybook for the category, e.g. Forms|Input/Text, and parameters are the third argument to storybook's .add function. The function should return the configuration value for the specific property+story.

Specifying a value locally in the story takes precedence over the global config value.



When provided globally, include is a function that receives the story's kind and name, storyTitle, and parameters. All these properties except storyTitle come from storybook and they represent the hierarchy of the stories:

  • kind - The story's directory and section, where applicable. Nested directory structures are allowed in storybook. These will be suffixed by /, while a section - that can hold many directories will be suffixed with a |.

    For example:

    • Story named Button in the Components directory - its kind will be Components.
    • Story named Button in the Components directory under the App section - its kind will be App|Components.
    • Story named RadioButton in the Radio sub-directory of the Components directory under the App section - its kind will be App|Components/Radio.
  • name - the story name.

    For example:

    • Story named Button in the Components directory - its name will be Button.
  • parameters - custom parameters that can specified in the story.

storyTitle is generated by the SDK and is used as the test name. Therefore it is easy to find and filter by it.

For additional information, see Naming components and hierarchy in the Storybook documentation.

You can filter by kind, name, storyTitle, parameters, a combination of them or any logic that will result in a boolean.


module.exports = {
// given the example above
// visually test only the stories in the 'Radio' subdirectory
include: ({kind}) => {
return kind === 'App|Components/Radio'

When passing a storyTitle as a string only this story will be tested.


module.exports = {
include: "Button: with text",

When passing a storyTitle as a Regex only matching stories will be tested.


module.exports = {
include: /Button: */,

You can use regular expressions or any other method, as long as you return a boolean from this function.


When false, the component will not be visually tested.


// This story will not be tested visually
storiesOf('Some kind', module)
'Some story',
() => <div>I am visually perfect!</div>,
{eyes: {include: false}}


Selector or timeout. For Additional information, see Properties


storiesOf('Components with a waitBeforeCapture', module)
'Some story',
() => <span id="container" class="loading"></span>,
{eyes: { waitBeforeCapture: '#container.ready' }}

The predicate option for waitBeforeCapture is currently not available in the per component configuration.


Adds custom properties for each test. These show up in Test Manager, and tests can be grouped by custom properties. By default, Eyes-Storybook adds 2 custom properties for each test: the Component name and State of each component. Adding more properties via this config param will not override these two properties.


storiesOf('Components with custom properties', module)
'Some story',
() => <span id="container" class="loading"></span>,
{eyes: { properties: [
{name: 'some prop #1', value: 'some value #1'},
{name: 'some prop #2', value: 'some value #2'},
] }}


Local browser configuration.


'Story with local browser configured',
() => {
return <div style={{width: 50, height: 50}}>single story</div>;
{eyes: {browser: [{name: 'chrome', width: 1024, height: 600}]}},


A single or an array of regions to ignore when checking for visual differences.


storiesOf('Components with ignored region', module)
'Some story',
() =>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
<span className="ignore-this">this should be ignored</span>
{eyes: {
ignoreRegions: [
{selector: '.ignore-this'}, // by css selector
{left: 10, top: 20, width: 200, height: 80} // by absolute coordinates


An array of regions to consider as floating when comparing the checkpoint screenshot with the baseline screenshot.


storiesOf('Components with floating region', module)
'Some story',
() =>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
<span className="floating-region">this should be floating</span>
{eyes: {
floatingRegions: [
{ // by selector
selector: '.floating-region',
maxUpOffset: 10,
maxDownOffset: 20,
maxLeftOffset: 30,
maxRightOffset: 40,
{ // by absolute coordinates
left: 10,
top: 20,
width: 200,
height: 80,
maxUpOffset: 10,
maxDownOffset: 20,
maxLeftOffset: 30,
maxRightOffset: 40,


An array of regions to consider as match level Layout when comparing the checkpoint screenshot with the baseline screenshot.


storiesOf('Components with layout region', module)
'Some story',
() =>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
<span className="layout-region">this should be compared with layout match level</span>
{eyes: {
layoutRegions: [
{selector: '.layout-region'}, // by css selector
{left: 10, top: 20, width: 200, height: 80} // by absolute coordinates


An array of regions to consider as match level Content when comparing the checkpoint screenshot with the baseline screenshot.


storiesOf('Components with content region', module)
'Some story',
() =>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
<span className="content-region">this should be compared with content match level</span>
{eyes: {
contentRegions: [
{selector: '.content-region'}, // by css selector
{left: 10, top: 20, width: 200, height: 80} // by absolute coordinates


An array of regions to consider as match level Strict when comparing the checkpoint screenshot with the baseline screenshot.


storiesOf('Components with strict region', module)
'Some story',
() =>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
<span className="strict-region">this should be compared with strict match level</span>
{eyes: {
strictRegions: [
{selector: '.strict-region'}, // by css selector
{left: 10, top: 20, width: 200, height: 80} // by absolute coordinates


A single or an array of regions for accessibility checking.


storiesOf('Components with accessibility regions', module)
'Some story',
() =>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
<span className="check-me">this should be tested for accessibility</span>
{eyes: {
accessibilityRegions: [
{accessibilityType: 'RegularText', selector: '.check-me'}, // by css selector
{accessibilityType: 'RegularText', left: 10, top: 20, width: 200, height: 80} // by absolute coordinates

Possible accessibilityType values:

  • IgnoreContrast
  • RegularText
  • LargeText
  • BoldText
  • GraphicalObject


The level and guidelines version that should be used when validation accessibility regions.


storiesOf('Components with accessibility regions', module)
'Some story',
() => <div>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
<span className="check-me">this should be tested for accessibility</span>
{eyes: {
accessibilityValidation: {
level: 'AA',
guidelinesVersion: 'WCAG_2_0'

Possible values for level:

  • AA
  • AAA

Possible values for guidelinesVersion:

  • WCAG_2_0
  • WCAG_2_1


Sets whether Test Manager should initially display mismatches for image features that have only been displaced, as opposed to real mismatches.


storiesOf('Components with ignoreDisplacements', module)
'Some story',
() => <div>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
{eyes: {
ignoreDisplacements: true



  storiesOf('Components', module)
'Some story ',
() =>
<div>Some Story</div>, {
eyes: {
sendDom: false


An object that specifies options to configure renderings on the Ultrafast Grid. Available options:

  • polyfillAdoptedStyleSheets - Creates a polyfill when the DOM contains adoptedStyleSheets (reference) for browsers that don't support it (It is currently supported only in Chrome). When true, those browsers will successfully include the css as inline style tags. When false, the css will not be included. When undefined, an error will be thrown with a message stating that this feature is not supported in the desired browser.
  • ieV2 - Use IE environment v2 in the UFG.


  storiesOf('Components', module)
'Some story ',
() =>
<div>Some Story</div>, {
eyes: {
visualGridOptions: {
polyfillAdoptedStyleSheets: true,
ieV2: true


An array of object values, which specifies which variations to add for this story. For each value, an additional visual test will be executed for the component. Each variation could contain queryParams and properties fields to specifies custom query parameters and eyes properties respectfully. Variation tests will have the same name.

This can accommodate many use cases, for example @storybook/addon-contexts. With addons like this it is possible to render components in a different way based on on query parameters in URL.

Example - storybook that handles an RTL variation

const isRTL = new URL(window.location).searchParams.get('eyes-variation') === 'RTL';

if (isRTL) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('dir', 'rtl')

// 2 visual tests will be created - one for LTR and one for RTL
storiesOf('Components that support RTL', module)
'Some story',
() => <div>
<span>I am visually perfect!</span>
<span>{isRTL ? ' and rendered right to left as well :)' : ''}</span>
{eyes: {variations: [{queryParams: {'eyes-variation': 'RTL'}, properties: {name: 'isRTL', value: 'true'}, {properties: {name: 'isRTL', value: 'false'}}]}}


A set of scripts to be run by the browser during the rendering. It is intended to be used as a means to alter the page's state and structure at the time of rendering. An object with the following properties:


A script that runs after the page is loaded but before taking the screenshot.


storiesOf('Components', module)
'Some story',
() =>
<div>Some Story</div>, {
eyes: {
scriptHooks: {
beforeCaptureScreenshot: " = 'gold'"


Allows you to set a configuration for a subset of stories based on story id, name, kind, parameters, and storyTitle. For example you could define a specific match level for all stories with a defined string in the storyTitle or with a defined kind. These settings are in addition to properties set globally in the applitools.config.js file, but override the global settings if there is a conflict.

You can set properties based on any of the following Storybook configurations:

  • id
  • name
  • kind
  • parameters

You can also set properties based on the storyTitle which is generated by the SDK.

You can set any of the following properties using storyConfiguration:

  • browser
  • ignoreCaret
  • matchLevel
  • waitBeforeCapture
  • ignoreDisplacements
  • ignoreRegions
  • floatingRegions
  • layoutRegions
  • strictRegions
  • contentRegions
  • accessibilityRegions
  • accessibilityValidation
  • layoutBreakpoints
  • sendDom
  • useDom
  • enablePatterns
  • visualGridOptions
  • scriptHooks
  • target
  • region
  • selector
  • fully
  • fakeIE


stories: ({storyTitle, id, name, kind, parameters}) => storyTitle.includes('image'),
matchLevel: 'layout',
target: 'region',
selector: {selector: '.some-selector'},
browser: [{ width: 1024, height: 600}]
stories: ({storyTitle, id, name, kind, parameters}) => id === 'button--with-text',
matchLevel: 'strict',
browser: [{name:'firefox', width: 1024, height: 600}]