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BatchClose class

Use an object of this class to close a batch explicitly.


The Test Manager displays test results in batches. The article Grouping tests into batches with the SDK explains how tests are associated with batches based on a batch ID, and how you can use the SDK to control which tests will be part of a particular batch.

Here, we will focus on understanding the notions of an active batch and closing a batch.

A batch is created and becomes active when a test is started with a batch ID that does not match an existing active batch. As long as a batch is active, new tests that have a matching batch ID will be added to the batch.

The Eyes server closes an active batch if it has not been used for several hours, or if it has been in continuous use for more than a few days.

When a batch is closed, the Eyes server sends a batch completion notification, if this feature is enabled. New tests that start will be added to a new batch and not to the closed batch.

You can manage batch closure by manually closing the batch. This is recommended if the user wants to get a batch completion notification as soon as the tests complete and not when the batch is closed automatically by the server.

Using statement

using Applitools;


The example below illustrates how to close a batch programmatically:

Note that the batch ID of the batch being closed needs to be passed to the BatchClose.SetBatchId method. In this example, we assume that a batch ID was set for all of the batches by assigning a unique ID to the environment variable APPLITOOLS_BATCH_ID. This is used as a default by the method Configuration.SetBatch which is set up in a suite Configuration object and assigned to each Eyes instance.

* Setup a common batch for all tests
BatchInfo batchInfo = new BatchInfo(batchName);
batchInfo.Id = MyGetUniqueBatchID(); // User defined
suiteConfig = (Configuration) new Configuration()
/* ... other configurations */;
* Assign the configuration to all newly created Eyes instances
eyes = new Eyes();
* After all the tests have completed, in all the runners
List<String> batchIds = new List<string>() { Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPLITOOLS_BATCH_ID") };
BatchClose batchClose = new BatchClose();

BatchClose method

To manually close a batch, instantiate an object of this class and then call BatchClose.SetBatchIdmethod followed by BatchClose.Close in a fluent method style - see the example below.


BatchClose obj = new BatchClose();


This method does not take any parameters.

Return value

Type: BatchClose

ApiKey property


string value; // give relevant initial value
obj.ApiKey = value;
value = obj.ApiKey

Type: string

Close method




This method does not take any parameters.

Return value

Type: void

SetApiKey method


BatchClose value = obj.SetApiKey(apiKey);
obj.ApiKey = value;
= obj.ApiKey;

Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.



Type: string

Your API key.

Return value

Type: BatchClose

The object that called this method. This allows other methods of this class to be appended in a Fluent style.

SetProxy method


BatchClose value = obj.SetProxy(proxy);
obj.Proxy = value;
= obj.Proxy;

Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.



Type: WebProxy

An object that defines how to interact with the proxy server.

Return value

Type: BatchClose

SetUrl method


BatchClose value = obj.SetUrl(url);



Type: string

The URL of the Eyes server.


Type: Uri

The URI of the Eyes server.

Return value

Type: BatchClose

The object that called this method. This allows other methods of this class to be appended in a Fluent style.