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ChromeEmulationInfo class

Objects of this class are used to configure the Ultrafast Grid to render checkpoints by emulating a device by using Chrome mobile emulation.

Import statement

from applitools.selenium import ChromeEmulationInfo

ChromeEmulationInfo method


obj = ChromeEmulationInfo(device_name, screen_orientation, baseline_env_name)

obj = ChromeEmulationInfo(device_name, screen_orientation)

obj = ChromeEmulationInfo(device_name)



Type: DeviceName

The name of the device, a value from the set of devices defined by DeviceName.


Type: ScreenOrientation [Optional : default = ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT ]

If the device should be rendered in portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) orientation.


Type: Text [Optional : default = None ]

The name of the baseline environment. If provided, then the viewport, host app (browser), and OS that define the baseline are defined by the baseline environment name and not by the execution environment. The name should already be defined in the Test Manager. If it is not defined, then it will be created based on the execution environment of the first test that uses that name. For more information see Running cross-environment tests.

Return value

Type: None


The viewport width and height used to identify the baseline, is defined implicitly by the screen characteristics of the device.

device_name property


obj.device_name  = value
value = obj.device_name

Type: DeviceName


screen_orientation property


obj.screen_orientation  = value
value = obj.screen_orientation

Type: ScreenOrientation
